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PBEM: A Simple Normal Game
I guess that the cram session simply will not work out this week then.Perhaps next weekend?
The small dialog icon is useless in PBEM. During online play it is used to select which opponent can hear your chat.
Round 21-
3000BC to KoreaI keep a record of all my civ games here.
aÅ¡tassi kammu naklu Å¡a Å¡umeri ṣullulu akkadû ana Å¡utēÅ¡uri aÅ¡ṭu
"I am able to read texts so sophisticated that the Sumerian is obscure and the Akkadian hard to explain" (King Assurbanipal of Assyria 7th century BC)
Round 22-
2950 BC to KoreaI keep a record of all my civ games here.
aÅ¡tassi kammu naklu Å¡a Å¡umeri ṣullulu akkadû ana Å¡utēÅ¡uri aÅ¡ṭu
"I am able to read texts so sophisticated that the Sumerian is obscure and the Akkadian hard to explain" (King Assurbanipal of Assyria 7th century BC)
Round 23-
2900 BC to KoreaI keep a record of all my civ games here.
aÅ¡tassi kammu naklu Å¡a Å¡umeri ṣullulu akkadû ana Å¡utēÅ¡uri aÅ¡ṭu
"I am able to read texts so sophisticated that the Sumerian is obscure and the Akkadian hard to explain" (King Assurbanipal of Assyria 7th century BC)
2900 BC to Carths.
...and a dead, rotten skunk to the Greek armed forces that killed my Mongol scouting party in neutral territory.
(Conqueror, I sent you e-mail, but it went to the old techmail address. Forgot to copy myself, so let me know if you don't get it and I will re-create the message to the new address).Last edited by Clegg; December 10, 2002, 20:49.
Clegg, the techemail is totally bugged - no mails come trough there, please always use the conqueror123@suomi24.fi address.
Your scouts were stealing chiken and pestering farmers in my territoryI had to act