I brought up the issues, let me explain how I meant it:
Alliances shall be visible in the diplo screen. They need an embassy. You can not make an alliance against a civ, if you aren't at war with it. Like in the game, alliances are limited to 2 civs.
You can say: Dear X, I'm attacked by the evil Y, will you help me?
You can not say: Dear X, let's be friends for the whole game, never attack each other and withdraw all forces from the common border.
You can also not say: I will attack Z in about 50 turns, when I have Cavalry, If you want to join me, prepare now for it.
Tech trading:
Tech trading shall be as close as possible to the trading with the AI.
It is not allowed to coordinate the tech research ("research treaty"). It is not allowed to "anounce" an advance, like "I will have Theology in 2 turns", or "I'm researching Polytheism, you should go for another tech".
Tech trades shall be done in 1 step. Like in trades with the AI, differences don't create a debt. If you gave somebody The Wheel for Pottery, it's been your choice and you can not later demand Literature for Mathematics and say "you still owe me 2 points from the previous deal".
It is not allowed to say "I gift you Feudalism now if you gift me Engineering in 5 turns". In this case, both have to wait 5 turns and trade directly. It is, however, allowed to help somebody out by gifting a tech or two. But this creates no debt or another kind of dependence, and it is not allowed later to say "You owe me this or that, because I helped you".
Research treaties are not allowed, you can not agree with a partner to gift him all techs you research, if he gifts you all his researched techs.
No tech whoring:
Just an idea, to be discussed: You have only the right to trade a tech, if you researched it. If you bought a tech, you can not sell it to others. It is, however, allowed to transfer the monopoly over a tech. For instance, A has Polytheism and wants The Republic from B. B answers, that is not a fair trade, I would, however, agree, if you give me the trade license for Polytheism and haven't traded it to nobody else yet and could trade it to at least 2 other civs. If A agrees, the deal is perfect, and from now on A has lost the right to trade both techs, while B can trade both.
Alliances shall be visible in the diplo screen. They need an embassy. You can not make an alliance against a civ, if you aren't at war with it. Like in the game, alliances are limited to 2 civs.
You can say: Dear X, I'm attacked by the evil Y, will you help me?
You can not say: Dear X, let's be friends for the whole game, never attack each other and withdraw all forces from the common border.
You can also not say: I will attack Z in about 50 turns, when I have Cavalry, If you want to join me, prepare now for it.
Tech trading:
Tech trading shall be as close as possible to the trading with the AI.
It is not allowed to coordinate the tech research ("research treaty"). It is not allowed to "anounce" an advance, like "I will have Theology in 2 turns", or "I'm researching Polytheism, you should go for another tech".
Tech trades shall be done in 1 step. Like in trades with the AI, differences don't create a debt. If you gave somebody The Wheel for Pottery, it's been your choice and you can not later demand Literature for Mathematics and say "you still owe me 2 points from the previous deal".
It is not allowed to say "I gift you Feudalism now if you gift me Engineering in 5 turns". In this case, both have to wait 5 turns and trade directly. It is, however, allowed to help somebody out by gifting a tech or two. But this creates no debt or another kind of dependence, and it is not allowed later to say "You owe me this or that, because I helped you".
Research treaties are not allowed, you can not agree with a partner to gift him all techs you research, if he gifts you all his researched techs.
No tech whoring:
Just an idea, to be discussed: You have only the right to trade a tech, if you researched it. If you bought a tech, you can not sell it to others. It is, however, allowed to transfer the monopoly over a tech. For instance, A has Polytheism and wants The Republic from B. B answers, that is not a fair trade, I would, however, agree, if you give me the trade license for Polytheism and haven't traded it to nobody else yet and could trade it to at least 2 other civs. If A agrees, the deal is perfect, and from now on A has lost the right to trade both techs, while B can trade both.