Rejoice all peoples of the world, for peace has returned to our time.
It is with great satisfaction that I can announce here today that an agreement has been reached.
Terms of the ceasefire as follows.
England will keep all hostages/refugees gained whilst prosecuting this war, and Senor MF Camillus will donate 1 gold coin to the English treasury. This transfer of moneys is to be conducted at an agreed time by both combatants and without the overseeing of America.
Prirme minister Paddy of Her Majestys Government has added a sweetener to the deal as sign of friendship and good faith in that England will donate a newly built colony to the Spanish people. This will serve as compensation for Spains losses during the recent hostilities.
It is now for the Spanish Government to decide a suitable site for this new colony and this will hopefully be announced soon.
We must ask in the strongest terms our friends Germany to cease their overexpansion!! We do not say your actions are carried out in bad deed but we would advise that it may be seen as greedy! by lesser nations.
Your growth is to be congratulated and we wish your people well, however your colonies are getting very close to the hearts of other nations and could become the future bone of contention that might trigger further hostilities. You have publicly stated that you dislike petty squabbles and war, well Sir might I ask you in the interests of world peace that you cease your colonisation, allowing some time for our English and Spanish friends to recover from the economic effects of their misguided war.
America will happily sign an agreement for equal land rights and will agree here and now not to settle on any new isalnds other than those already settled or within her existing borders. I pas this document to our esteemed German friends in the hope that they can see its importance at this juncture.
All that remains for me is to congratulate my friends the English and the Spanish, on behalf of all Americans on there splendid decision to settle their dispute. The path of peace is a difficult road, and not many can find strength enough to walk its length, we salute you both
It is with great satisfaction that I can announce here today that an agreement has been reached.
Terms of the ceasefire as follows.
England will keep all hostages/refugees gained whilst prosecuting this war, and Senor MF Camillus will donate 1 gold coin to the English treasury. This transfer of moneys is to be conducted at an agreed time by both combatants and without the overseeing of America.
Prirme minister Paddy of Her Majestys Government has added a sweetener to the deal as sign of friendship and good faith in that England will donate a newly built colony to the Spanish people. This will serve as compensation for Spains losses during the recent hostilities.
It is now for the Spanish Government to decide a suitable site for this new colony and this will hopefully be announced soon.
We must ask in the strongest terms our friends Germany to cease their overexpansion!! We do not say your actions are carried out in bad deed but we would advise that it may be seen as greedy! by lesser nations.
Your growth is to be congratulated and we wish your people well, however your colonies are getting very close to the hearts of other nations and could become the future bone of contention that might trigger further hostilities. You have publicly stated that you dislike petty squabbles and war, well Sir might I ask you in the interests of world peace that you cease your colonisation, allowing some time for our English and Spanish friends to recover from the economic effects of their misguided war.
America will happily sign an agreement for equal land rights and will agree here and now not to settle on any new isalnds other than those already settled or within her existing borders. I pas this document to our esteemed German friends in the hope that they can see its importance at this juncture.
All that remains for me is to congratulate my friends the English and the Spanish, on behalf of all Americans on there splendid decision to settle their dispute. The path of peace is a difficult road, and not many can find strength enough to walk its length, we salute you both
