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  • Originally posted by Modo44
    Save sent to Snoopy.

    Gosh, there was a zillion Immortals in the north. Good thing I waited until most Archers in Ta-Tu were upgraded to Berserks, or it would be a bloody mess.

    Some Bersekrs were lost to counter-attacks. They need defenders badly.

    Remember to use those Galleys to move troops - they are incredible.
    Even though it aint my turn..I will pay close advice to your wise cousel..
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    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


    • Ok, looks good when I walk in, but a few cosmetic changes:
      * Sell the worthless contact with Aztecs to the Greeks for 3gpt; much less than it's worth, but it's all they have - trying to limit their ability to research.
      * Sell Gunpowder to the Hittites for 9gp. Obviously worth far more, but they're the nearest thing to competetion the Greeks have - and I'm gunning for the Greeks next. Still can take out the Chinese pathetically easily if we want a foothold on the continent, and it'll help to have a strong ally.

      Turn -> AD 1010: Crud! End of the GA means high, high taxes are needed to support this monstrous army

      Well, ok, just 30% instead of 20% and making +20gpt still. However, I decided in the light of this to go high taxes for a few turns to help the invasion (rushing buildings) and making 167gpt and 12 turns to chemistry for a few turns.

      AD 1010: Attacked a few 'standing' immortals, somehow managed to lose a hp on each one (2 on 1!) ... in fact swordsman had as good of luck as most of my berserks. Go figure. Started getting ready an attack for the west coast by boat. Also began an assault on the central cities, as that may prove costly in the short term but will allow the further out cities to require less defense in the long run (and thus more quickly capture cities).

      AD 1020: Only lost 1 berserk during the persian offensive (a 2/5 elite, sadly). Got enough gold to upgrade 2 of the archers at ta-tu. Found Persopolis, in the middle of the continent. Woot! Defended by 4/4 Vet Spearmen ... woooooo scary. Size 7, so no walls to destroy, so not going to bother waiting for trebs - just reinforcing from the surrounding areas. Hopefully not too many immortals left to make this painful - will find out one way or the other this turn. 10 berserks with 4 or more HP are within 2 turns of the city, 4 next to it, with 4-6 more on the way depending on how much i need.

      (in-between) Persians ONLY MOVE: moving an archer and spearman stack next to Arbela. (As in one of each.) No attacks from Persopolis ... ?? English send a galley into our waters, for which they will be asked to leave.

      AD 1030: Sold contact to Egypt + Japan for 45 gold + 3gpt from Greece. Again, keeping them as poor as possible. Looks like I may have caused them to change their sci rate down some ... (Still selling contact with civs with no other contacts and not great tech rates.)
      The Sack of Persopolis begins, with our first (Elite) 5/5 Berserk beating its opponent with No HP Loss!! Our second (4/4) Berserk procedes to match the feat, and in addition get a promotion to Elite!! And guess what folks ... the third Berserk (4/4) Does exactly the same thing!!! And the fourth berserk (4/4)? Against a 3/3 spearman this time? Exactly the same result - Elite 5/5 Berserk!! Guess I'm making up for the bad RNG rolls earlier on ... Next turn, as if I needed them, there are *NINE* Berserks ready for action... a tenth got sidetracked slaughtering a wandering spearman.
      Three more Archers at Ta-Tu upgraded. Two seperate small fleets (4 berserks each) launch from opposite sides (N and S) of the continent; annoyingly all the persian coastal cities are about as far as you can be from both fleets simultaneously, but that's ok.
      (Between turns) Persians do nothing but pillage a road (ooh, scary); Kahlua goes into riots, no marketplace; corrective action taken to build a marketplace.

      AD 1040: Final 2 archers upgraded (Yeah!) ... cash cut down a good bit to +74 and chemistry in 6. Greece still have nothing of value techwise.
      The Sack of Persopolis, take 2 continues, with the first Elite Berserk actually losing 3 hp before killing a 4/4 spearman. Ooh... Next one finishes off the last 3/3 spearman, taking 2 workers and Sacking Persopolis!
      (Well, I kept the city, just to keep you from jumping in your seat too high ... ) 6pop city left, WITH barracks and marketplace - nice there. Connected to our road system, so it's full of lux!
      In between ... a stack of a spearman an immortal and a SETTLER walked up to Persopolis. Hmm, how ... fun. The better to train my veterans on ...

      AD 1050: One of the two veterans near Persopolis gets a promotion destroying the stack.
      Hmm, noticed greek and hittite galleys south of Ergili. Are they joining in on the assault? There is a greek city nearby, but these were closer to Ergili ... Took 20gpt from Greece for contact with Celts. Established embassy in Athens; they're currently 60% tax/40% science in a republic. 3 turns to the Sistine Chapel; should see an interesting wonder collapse there. Not much else of note; moved a bunch of berserks towards the unnamed new capital of Persia (can't see it yet).
      In between, Celts threaten me (ooh, scared!) for Ivory; I say to go screw themselves, they say something about a death chant but back off. Hmm, after Greece ... and some actual persian offense! Well, an archer attacks a horseman I was using to scout; loses, leaving 3/5 horseman.

      Aside: At this point I think I'm mostly gearing towards the next offensive: Greece, which will hopefully keep the one power that might threaten us down. (Or slow down the overall tech rate anyway, but you win some, you lose some.) We might have to 'fight' the celts, but since they can't get to us, i'm not too worried.

      Next post: AD 1060 and on! (Turns 6-10.) Here is a screenie of the Persian Front, while you wait.
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      <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
      I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


      • AD 1060: The siege of Pasargardae will begin next turn (Well, the sack anyhow, not going to be much of a siege i suspect).
        But the good news - Snoopy Has Arisen! As in the great leader by that name. During the short attack on Zohak, the elite Berserk that began that raid (and ended it) rose to the forefront and became a Great Leader. (Fortunately only one defender - I'm not sure how Civ would have dealt with the dual leader issue.) Decided to make an army with him, since that will allow us to get Heroic Epic and ultimately get more MLs - armies being mostly worthless in AU mod (my main objection, even if I do understand *why*) but the extra MLs mean more SW's rushed.
        The Sack of Ergili lasts not much longer than Zohak, with 2 elite berserks being needed to finish it off (but sadly no great leader arising from their midst). Persia now has only 3 cities left ...
        (in between) Slight rant here ... please, please don't ROP rape, especially in a shared game like this. Some of us like using the ROP to our advantage - and I couldn't even get a ROP with the Egyptians (hurting my invasion a bit) because of a certain sneak-attack on the Mongols. IE, don't attack people you have a ROP with - and don't MAKE a ROP with someone you feel you're likely to war with. At least not in a shared game like this. Thanks. Fortunately, apparently only the Egyptians and the Persians knew about it, so it doesn't hurt us in the long run.

        AD 1070: My luck seems to have run out, with Pasargardae defenders actually killing an elite Berserk (an archer bombard+ a 4/4 spearman). Sigh... oh well. Bound to happen some time. Anyway, the result is still a captured Pasargardae, just took a couple more units.
        Dolphin Runner discovers a new civ ... the Ottomans! Still 1 civ undiscovered. Probably on the same continent, but who knows - the Ottomans are VERY Backward, so they might not have any friends.
        Could have taken Tyre from the sea this turn, but decided to allow the Army to take it, so we can build Heroic Epic later on at peace (rather than having to wait for another war). Really moving people towards Ergili now - that's where the Greek offensive would push off from. We'd probably ignore their one city on the continent until after the war began (it's a cruddy worthless city basically only a concern because of its usefulness as a dock for ships), and do a similar type of assault as Modo so nicely did on the Persians - have about 15 ships loaded up with Berserks, 3 ships per city for 5 major cities, and go after them. 6 berserks should be enough to take out most of them in 1 turn, 2 turns at max.
        (In between) As expected the Greeks finish Sistine. Also, we get a bonus - they stick a galley in our water. We get to tell them off!! (Told off ... they say sure, we'll leave ... hate AIs)

        AD 1080: The Demise Of The Persians
        Well then, that would be the end of Persia. The Army takes Tyre easily, our 2 5/5 berserks take Ghulaman easily, and we have ourselves a winner! At least against the Persians, anyway. One war over, another ready to begin? Soon enough, soon enough. Consolidation of troops in Ergili continues apace.
        (Interim) Greeks begin building Copernicus; we are glad to find out Astronomy was their build 1 turn before we build Chemistry (so not to lose time double building things). We'll trade for that next turn. We have Ivory, if it's an emergency, which they apparently want very much. We have 7 galleys in or near Ergili already; we may be able to begin the attack on my turn, or close to it. We'll have Caravels by that point, increasing the amount we can carry, which is nice.

        AD 1090: Dolphin Runner makes contact with the final Civ, which is Russia. Only 20 left now other than us; down 11 since the beginning!! Interesting that the Greeks won't trade for Ivory (at all!); implies they want to war with us. Anyhow, Chemistry for Astro + 10gp. I want those caravels!! Metallurgy in 9 turns at +63gpt. With the short prebuild of Heroic Epic, Trondheim is 12 turns to Copernicus, with -2 food (it has 28 food in the "box" so it'll be fine). Stockholm changed to Heroic, possibly also as a prebuild if Greeks do Navigation next; likely it will just finish the thing. Somehow managing to not take a peek at Athens; i should save the money and do it the turn before we attack (to see the Copernicus finish date).

        AD 1100-1110: Nothing significant happened; kept building up to the attack on Greece. I attach here the pic of the end of the Persians.
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        <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
        I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


        • AD 1110: One thing did happen - the English stuck a settler on our island near Ta-Tu. Hmm. Must consider this later. Greece awaits! Finished the Harbor in Ergili too, so I can Caravelize my crew.
          AD 1120: Upgrade the galleys to Caravels - 10 of them in the first shot. That 10 will work the same as the 15 were going to before - 2 each to 5 cities, if I can find 5 good cities; more likely 3 on 4 cities (there's a couple more just behind that can go to closer cities). Full already, of course, of berserks.
          Interim 1120 - Corinth completes Knights Templar. Oooh. Scary. Remember to attack Corinth in first wave if it's coastal.

          AD 1130-1140: Start to get in position. Set up ROP for Iroquois so they don't interfere with ship movement.

          AD 1150: Greeks tell us off, but not as much as i'd think they would (No "Move or declare war", just "Move"). I move.

          The end of my reign has come, and it is time for another to take up the throne of power ...

          I haven't declared war on the Greeks yet, being about 2 turns out from readiness, so if you decide not to, you may choose not to. I believe it is the right thing to do, mostly because they're stealing our wonders, and will begin to steal *useful* wonders soon (like Copernicus'). But it's your call.

          I attach a pic of the potential greek invasion below. It's useless to try giving pics of our nation now, so I won't bother.
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          <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
          I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


          • And the demographics ... Lots of #1s! And who exactly has a higher approval rating???
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            <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
            I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


            • Finally, the score.

              And then it's off to Trolldom ... where hopefully the fabled ruler Grandpa Troll III will lead us to greatness ... or even better!! Good luck!
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              <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
              I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


              • *clap clap clap*
                Nice burning there.

                Just a hint on the army, you so dispise, Snoopy. It's our best 2-move unit, if given to a Berserk, and the additional HP dtill makes it useful. Perfect for inland continuation after coastal cities are taken, if you get some Knights along. I know it' less of a super-power, but at least the AI uses it (saw a couple playing AU 505; still not done btw ).
                Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                • I am fixing to go do me duty of 15 turns..
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                  Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                  • Let me catch me breath and don the "Intermediate-outgoing -King's Crown..
                    Then ladies and gents

                    boys and girls

                    Have "EYE" got a story to tell ya

                    and pictures too

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                    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                    • I just sent Makahula save and here it is also..
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                      Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                      • Ok..where does one start when one has to make some "ceruius "D"secuhns...


                        I started by Showing Greece why ya dont mess with Texas..


                        I know why ya dont mess with old Grandpa Troll and a handful of weapons

                        1160 we attacked Greece at Marathon as I felt that would be as good a place as any for a toehold..spacious landing area..

                        I did try to barter with them..apparently not convincing I had me an "ACE" up me sleeve though

                        I also demanded the city of Marathon
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                        Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                        • well..she didnt like that idea so i thinks to meself..

                          SELF what ya think of Greecian Formula..


                          I mean..a Greek bath house..

                          so sorry....wrong track of me mind wandering again..

                          So we took what we shouldnt have...

                          I know i know..NO means No..but I just couldnt help meself
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                          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                          • I forgot to mention I kicked off on the Hittities as well ..why?

                            because i wanted to send a message..and they did receive it..

                            Prior to Marathon we took the Greeks and evicted them and we occupied Pergemon
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                            Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                            • Then the Greeks told us to go to H@ll..and waite..i couldnt hear I thought they said go take Helen of TROY and wait
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                              Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                              • Then I figured what the heck..role for a tri-fector and came up with with that we now have 3 port cities to deal a dealthnell with a wedge..and seperate the greek farces..I mean forces..
                                Attached Files
                                Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

