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Huge AU Mod Successors

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  • Huge AU Mod Successors

    This is the opening thread for the Huge Succession Game: AU mod version. Check here for the initial discussion, etc.

    Basically it's a succession game, where you play several turns (20 to start with, probably) and then pass it to somebody else, who plays them. Like a demo game, but without the whole "voting" thing - you could call it a "monarch game" or even "dictator game". You're in total control for 20 turns (or whatever). But, when you get it back 80 turns later (or whatever), you will have to live with what everyone else does to the civ - meaning you should probably play nicely.

    This is the second Huge Successors game, with the AU mod being used (hopefully, assuming it mods happily to 32 civs and a huge huge map). In the first (linked above) we played a normal unmodded game with 32 civs and England on a Huge Archipelago 70% water. In this, we'll tell you the settings when we get there.

    So far, who's in:


    We want 4 or possibly 5 players (no more). I will step aside if more players than 2 join - I'm in the other Huge game, and am not very good at AU mod anyway. But I'm willing to try
    Last edited by snoopy369; December 1, 2004, 23:44.
    <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
    I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.

  • #2
    We will be using the AU Mod with the difference, that Curraghs get a transport capacity of 1 (The "Naval Transport" flag for Curraghs is already set by the AU Mod).

    A setup proposal:
    Huge map,
    70% Water,
    24 civs, (stil crowded, but not 32 )
    Random climate,
    Random barbs.

    I'd like to play a different civ. Never did Portugal. So how about that?

    I'd like to start the game today, so that Imtoops can have his turn this evening.
    Last edited by Modo44; November 20, 2004, 04:36.
    Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


    • #3
      lol ... never played Portugal either, but that's because i like neither their UU nor their combo of traits. But, seafaring is nice here, so who knows.

      Or could do the Vikings? Love Berserk raids from the seashore ...
      <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
      I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


      • #4
        I just wanted to have a different civ for the game, so that they are different from each other. Any civ will do, methinks.

        Originally posted by snoopy369
        Or could do the Vikings? Love Berserk raids from the seashore ...
        I like the way you're thinking.
        Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


        • #5
          Alright, not many people around, but I hope it's only because of Thanksgiving.

          Well, the game will be here, started, waiting for everyone to come back.

          Final setup (after a few tries with other settings):

          Huge map,
          70% Water,
          Random climate,
          Random barbarians,
          31 civs (including us - this seems to be the available maximum, not 32),
          Monarch difficulty,
          AU Mod with a Curragh able to transport 1 unit,
          standard victory conditions,
          Preserve Random Seed on,
          Scientific Leaders on,
          Cultural Conversions on.

          Following snoopy's suggestion, we play the mighty Vikings.

          I started the game by playing the first 20 turns. I'll write the report in the next post and give you a screenie there. Here is the save after the first 20 turns, at the beginning of turn 21 (nothing moved). If you would like the 4000BC save, PM me with your e-mail.
          Attached Files
          Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


          • #6
            lmtoops said he could play this one this evening - would you rather me wait until tomorrow to play, or should I play now? Also, any progress getting a fourth?
            <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
            I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


            • #7
              And that looks excellent btw. Never played the vikings before, but always wanted to use that berserk.
              <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
              I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


              • #8
                In the year 4000BC a band of Viking people, a small tribe at most, decided to settle down. Each year they would spend the winter in a safe river valley and they considered building their new homes there. But they were nomads in their hearts and needed a free view into far countries. So, after a council was held, the city was built on a hill. The new settlement was called Trondheim. (Settler moved from Bonus Grassland to Hill, before creating the city.)

                As population grew, Warriors were sent out to secure the rich surrounding lands for the Viking people. After all, the tribe would grow and new places would be settled.

                The villagers began putting Roads and Mines around Trondheim, to exploit the readily available riches of the land.

                Anticipating future needs, the knowledge of Pottery was pursued, to ensure thet food could be stored through the winter time. Thus, the Vikings learned how to build and use Granaries.

                One of the Viking Warrior bands met other people in their journeys. They call themselves "Spanish". Our Warriors told them what land belonged to the Vikings - hopefully they will keep out of it.

                In the year 2950BC a group of townspeople decided they would go out and settle down in a more fertile place, down the river and closer to the sea. The question was, where exactly? Well, the first Viking leader called Modo, died before he could direct them. Hopefully others can make a wise choice.
                Attached Files
                Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by snoopy369
                  lmtoops said he could play this one this evening - would you rather me wait until tomorrow to play, or should I play now? Also, any progress getting a fourth?
                  For you guys, it seems to be morning now (so tells me the forum). So I guess Imtoops won't be here for a couple hours. Go ahead, give the Settler some directions. [edit] But if you do, change the turn order permanently, otherwise it will become too messy [/edit]

                  Two notes on the game.

                  I researched Pottery but didn't build the Granary yet (I usually would have), to move a quick Settler to more fertile areas. Some truly powerful city sites there.

                  A weird thing happened and we didn't start on the coast, while being a seafaring civ. Something very unusual to see.
                  Last edited by Modo44; November 20, 2004, 13:06.
                  Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                  • #10
                    Hmm - isn't that an AU mod thing? I thought I read that somewhere. (Although I don't know anything about it obviously

                    I'll play in a bit.
                    <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                    I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                    • #11
                      No, coastal starts for seafaring civs are hard-coded. But there's a very small chance that there are not enough coastal starts on a map for each seafaring civ. Looks like there wasn't enough for us.
                      Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                      • #12
                        On an Archipelago map? Unlikely ... who knows.

                        Anyhow, i know the "seafaring start on sea" is messed up when a map is previewed (as is used in some PBEM games to ensure fair starts). Did you set the map up in the editor (ie, is the "modify map" or "edit map" or whatever flag checked in the editor)? That will do it.

                        Anyhow, we can find sea soon enough.
                        <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                        I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                        • #13
                          Yes, we can, that's for sure.

                          I changed the Curragh and the number of civs, so it became a scenario. But I didn't preview or edit the map - it's random.
                          Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                          • #14
                            Okay, I'm playing it now.

                            Clan Leader Snoopy I spent his first ten turns exploring the southern reaches of the Viking continent. Surprisingly, other than a few barbarian tribes, no other peoples were found there. The northern reaches seem to hold nothing other than cold snow and Spanish cities. The first ten turns also saw the founding of the second Viking city, Bergen, in an amazingly fertile part of the island to the east of Trondheim. Finally, a native tribe taught us the wonders of Bronze Working.
                            <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                            I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                            • #15
                              And the game rolls on ...

                              Following the death of King Snoopy I, chroniclers consider the events of the past 20 turns. The discovery of Bronze Working from the natives; the founding of Bergen; the planning of a new settlement to the south of Bergen, by the lake; the development of the land; the discovery of land to the north. They debate the existence of other civilizations, beyond the Spanish, who have not amounted to very much - not even a second city.

                              In the end, the debate peters out, and the wheel turns on to another great leader ...
                              Attached Files
                              <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                              I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.

