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Iron Civer Tournament- Coliseum B

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  • sent to F
    Illegitimi Non Carborundum


    • 1650 bc sent
      veni vidi PWNED!


      • 1625 sent
        Don't eat the yellow snow.


        • sent an hour ago
          don't worry about things you have no influence on...


          • 3-2 Last player in turn sequence shall not use the GoTo command's double movement to gain strategic advantage over an opponent.

            3-2.1 Using GoTo to get extra movement
            I'll have to track it down in the main thread, but I was told by a demogamer (Trip I believe) that this could only be exploited by the last player in the sequence. I figured it would be able to be used against anyone who moved before you in the turn order, so I'll go back for a quote just to be sure when I get the chance.
            Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


            • I've just read through the exploit/etiquette list.

              Basically it was just me getting jumpy when I saw some other guys unit move on *my* turn. As I am last in turn order I am immune to this exploit. No harm done, no harm intended

              I also pretty sure this exploit works *backwards* in the turn order. Player 1 can't use it at all, player 2 can use it against player 1 only, player 3 can use it against player 1 &2 etc.

              I believe it would be best if we didn't use the goto-command at all, except for 1-turn moves. (I am immune, but it still made me jump, I had to make several reloads to see what happened. I am blessed with a new and fast comp so everything moved too fast for me to see until I found the 'animation speed slow' setting.)
              Don't eat the yellow snow.


              • haha... it really freaked you out didn't it?
                Mate, I'm going full attack with that worker on your scout.
                don't worry about things you have no influence on...


                • You're going to use the 'bury other unit'-command I suppose
                  Don't eat the yellow snow.


                  • that much for a suprise attack... Might have to triple the movement now...
                    don't worry about things you have no influence on...


                    • bongo

                      only the last person has this exploit, which I hope you are not going to use

                      Illegitimi Non Carborundum


                      • 1600bc to McMeadows
                        Don't eat the yellow snow.


                        • 1600 BC to jshelr
                          don't worry about things you have no influence on...


                          • ------>F
                            Illegitimi Non Carborundum


                            • 920 AD sent
                              veni vidi PWNED!


                              • Originally posted by Flandrien
                                920 AD sent
                                If you guys are doing intensive sessions, I'd appreciate if you updated the thread more than once every few hundred turns...
                                Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!

