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Iron Civer Tournament- Coliseum B

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  • 1950 BC to Flandrien


    • 1950 bc sent

      I will be out of town (and out of the country) from 3 till 11 july.
      veni vidi PWNED!


      • Are you considering a substitute of some sort? This is already the slowest of the IC games...
        Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


        • Can you substitute ?
          veni vidi PWNED!


          • I'll substitute

            "In a press release today the carthagian vice president announced the dissolvement of carthage. We will burn our cities and sow salts in the lands so nothing may grow here again. We do this because we have a firm belief that nothing good will come from so-called "civilization" and thus we will return to being a hunter-gatherer society. Good luck to the rest of you"

            Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


            • If you have someone you would trust to take your turns for you, it would be better. Time zones shouldn't be a concern since any response within 24 hours would be better than a dead stop for a week. I can substitute, but I won't take any agressive actions unless left specific instructions on how to proceed.
              Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


              • I have been gone for 3 days and didn't feel like having a sub. Played my turn and sent it earlier this evening to Conqueror. Game pace has been very good last few weeks. A break for a week is not too bad, but if we all are having one week breaks after one another we'll seriously slow down.
                don't worry about things you have no influence on...


                • We should have agreed to take our holiday at the same time.
                  veni vidi PWNED!


                  • Now, something very strange happened: i uninstalled some useless software and Sierra stuff, and somehow Civ3 gets deleted I'm 100 % sure i did not uninstall civ, but its still gone.

                    How in the **** is this possible.

                    Worst part is, that i did not plan to make any reinstalls, and my friend has my Civ3 and C3C CD's at loan. I use no-cd patches for all possible games, so dont usually need the CD's.

                    He studies 300 km away from me, and visits here at weekends only (his home town). So - it seems that only option is to wait until next weekend (2.7 or 3.7) for me to get the CD's back. As i certainly wont BUY new Civ3 cd's yet again. (had to buy a new PtW disc when mad dog ate it about half years ago.)

                    This propably means i have to get a temporary replacement until next weekend Damn i hate that, but seems there is no other way around this.


                    • Or, wasnt i allowed for some 'freeze' time according to rules. If so, i'd rather use that than call for replacements.

                      It'll just create a loong break in our game = just as i get the discs, Flandrien leaves the country for 8 days Well' i think it cant be helped..


                      • With Flandrien leaving this weekend, just when Conqueror will receive his cd's back, we'll be out for 2 weeks. I regret it, but haven't got a good alternative either. RommelD is the referee in this. Apart from the break, I think we're doing pretty well in game speed. Usually it's 1 turn a day.

                        Any other holidays planned for this summer? I haven't yet. Might do so last minute.
                        don't worry about things you have no influence on...


                        • I think Rommel2d can play my turns during my holidays.

                          At least until the Mongol hordes reach the Carthaginian borders.
                          veni vidi PWNED!


                          • Could someone pull the scores out of their last turn so I can post it in an update? Vielen danke.

                            BTW, this game was averaging closer to 1 turn per 2 days than 1 per day last I checked, and these last couple weeks aren't helping any. Anything we can do to get it rolling again would be appreciated.
                            Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


                            • How about sending me a copy of the last turn, I'll check the scores myself. Anyone, please?
                              Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


                              • Flandrien has left instructions for me to eliminate all other civs...

                                The last turn post has 1950 being sent to LzPrst. Has it made it back to Conqueror yet? How's the reinstall going?
                                Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!

