Since you don't like the idea of necessary resources early on, how would you like if they became necessary later. Like in ceasure pharoh and other games you could make luxuries necessary or at least increase the growth population levels. For instance every city above size 10 would need one luxury a turn be it, spice, potery, or skins.
Also in later ages, you would need a certain quatity of oil for every so many people. And in the event of a lack of oil you would have a oil crises(as in the 70's) that would lower hapiness and production. Also the powerplants that creat resources would require a resource a turn, 1 coal for every coal power plant, 1 oil for every oil plant, and the nuclear plant wouldn't require any but has a chance of meltdown.
Also in later ages, you would need a certain quatity of oil for every so many people. And in the event of a lack of oil you would have a oil crises(as in the 70's) that would lower hapiness and production. Also the powerplants that creat resources would require a resource a turn, 1 coal for every coal power plant, 1 oil for every oil plant, and the nuclear plant wouldn't require any but has a chance of meltdown.