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Expectations for Monarch level?

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  • #76
    Military of civs in 1792

    Summary data for last 14 turns of warfare:

    All: lost 8 units
    Army: -2 inf, -3 MI, -4 tanks
    Air: -3 bombers
    Navy: +4 BS

    All: lost 14 units
    Army: -2 MI, -5 MA
    Air: +3 fighters, -5 bombers
    Navy: -5 BS

    All: gained 20 units
    Army: +8 MI, -1 MA
    Air: +17 jets, -4 bombers
    Navy: -5 BS

    All: gained 46 units
    Army: +22 MI
    Air: +6 Jets, +6 bombers
    Navy: +6 BS, +4 carriers

    Greek:German comparison


    Inf MI Tk MA Total Fight Bmb Total BS CARR Total Total
    0 140 0 21 161 26 8 34 6 0 6 201

    Inf MI Tk MA Total Fight Bmb Total BS CARR Total Total
    89 26 30 0 145 14 29 43 18 7 25 213

    Year Advantange Germany in Unit count
    1772 -12
    1774 -14
    1776 -7
    1778 -4

    1780 -4
    1782 -3
    1784 -5
    1786 7
    1788 14

    1790 14
    1792 14
    1794 16
    1796 11
    1798 12

    Evaluation: looks like I need to clear out some Greek territory to make warfare advantageous to China and Russia, or weaken the Greek military so they can take territory.

    -- PF


    • #77
      Stupid question: how do you make screenshots?
      Haven't done it before so...


      • #78
        Originally posted by Mattaba
        Stupid question: how do you make screenshots?
        Haven't done it before so...

        Not stupid question. I will assume you are using Windows version and not Apple.

        1. Print Screen
        This gets the image in buffer.

        2. Switch to windows via Menu Key and start paint
        This part is a bit tricky. Civ3 disables the standard switching key, Alt-Tab, etc., but if you have an enhanced keyboard {may cost $15}, there is a MS windows icon key by/at the left alt key. The MS windows icon will bring up trask bar. Start|Programs|accessories|Paint

        3. Paste into paint
        Control-v, or Menu|Edit|paste, and answer yes when it asks if you want to increase the window size.

        4. From paint save as gif type file
        You could also save as jpg but gif seems to have a better quality.

        5. Edit the file to the correct size for the forum
        For the forum the file must:
        A-- not be too big. Limit is 500 000 bytes
        B-- image size must be no greater than 600x600.

        For editing, either use your favorite graphic imaging tool. My practice is to import into Freelance Graphics as the gif import filter works pretty well. I think powerpoint will also import. Make sure you embed the image in your presentation. Then instead of saving as Freelance/powerpoint file type export/save as gif file. Naturally before you do this you can add arrows and text boxes to explain your image.

        I would strongly urge you browse the web and get irfanview as it will allow you to 1) easily crop images and 2) know what size the image is in pixels. I use unix so I use xv instead of irfanview.

        6. When you post, browse your file system and select the file before your post.
        NB: if want to preview your post, don't attach file until you are finished with edits.

        7. Questions,
        post them.

        Good luck, have fun.

        -- PF


        • #79
          Re: What's with stealth bombers?

          Originally posted by planetfall
          What is going on? 2 carriers and 3 BS stacked offshore Greece. 4 Jets on AS. One lowly stealth bomber takes 2 HP off one BS. No jet reaction.

          Does this mean:

          a-- it's just a RNG thing, or
          b-- jet's can't see stealth bombers so they get free strikes?

          I have noticed the AI now only builds stealth bombers instead of regular bombers.

          Thank you in advance for the explanation.

          -- PF
          I am not sure if they can not see them at all, but they do get by most of the time against jets.


          • #80
            I would probably go with zone 2 as I can get to two cities very quickly. I would learn to any place that gave me a chance to survive the first day.


            • #81
              Re: Re: What's with stealth bombers?

              Originally posted by vmxa1

              I am not sure if they can not see them at all, but they do get by most of the time against jets.
              It's coming back. 50% chance of intercept vs bombers and 5% vs stealth bombers.


              -- PF


              • #82
                Originally posted by vmxa1
                I would probably go with zone 2 as I can get to two cities very quickly. I would learn to any place that gave me a chance to survive the first day.
                Don't I have to survive at least 6 days:
                {ugh, that number is familar}

                Day 1-- landing
                Day 2-- plant city & rush airport
                Day 3-- rush library and airlift reinforcements
                Day 4-- rush barracks
                Day 5-- pick off weak attackers
                Day 6-- survive 1st second attack wave
                Day 7+ Finally have at least some culture for a minimal resistance vs culture flipping.

                Best military position is Zone 2, but best defense against culture flipping is Zone 1. I have not played enough games yet to know which is more important at this stage: military defense or not losing big military stack to city flip.

                -- PF


                • #83
                  Well, if I don't survive the first day, I do not need to worry about the 7th day. I do not have many flips, so I would not be too concerned. It can happen of course, but I have grab metros and held on. If you can bombard them down and then garrison large numbers, starve and put all on entertainers. I do not recall, but the cities in zone 2 were not huge (over 20) were they? If you are really worried about flips, raze the city and use the settlers to make a new one, may be the best play as you can now buy the upgrades, otherwise you have to wait for the resistance to end.


                  • #84

                    Ok, thanks. I guess it will depend then on Gk military buildup rates. If start pumping up, will have to go with zone1. But if continue as have been, will go with zone2.

                    No I haven't had much problem with flipping either, just trying to guess at problems and avoid them.

                    Let you know next week. Big techs missing are: robotics, synthetics and nuclear power.

                    -- PF


                    • #85
                      Well you already have one of the key traits for the win, persistance. I know you can do it.


                      • #86

                        The win/lose was longer a question for me. Now it is how long will it take and how to do it. I'll now leaning towards zone1 to test effectiveness of AI when has a strong military advantage.

                        The point is to keep on learning and having fun.


                        -- PF


                        • #87


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by planetfall

                            Not stupid question. I will assume you are using Windows version and not Apple.

                            1. Print Screen
                            This gets the image in buffer.

                            2. Switch to windows via Menu Key and start paint
                            This part is a bit tricky. Civ3 disables the standard switching key, Alt-Tab, etc., but if you have an enhanced keyboard {may cost $15}, there is a MS windows icon key by/at the left alt key. The MS windows icon will bring up trask bar. Start|Programs|accessories|Paint

                            3. Paste into paint
                            Control-v, or Menu|Edit|paste, and answer yes when it asks if you want to increase the window size.

                            4. From paint save as gif type file
                            You could also save as jpg but gif seems to have a better quality.

                            5. Edit the file to the correct size for the forum
                            For the forum the file must:
                            A-- not be too big. Limit is 500 000 bytes
                            B-- image size must be no greater than 600x600.

                            For editing, either use your favorite graphic imaging tool. My practice is to import into Freelance Graphics as the gif import filter works pretty well. I think powerpoint will also import. Make sure you embed the image in your presentation. Then instead of saving as Freelance/powerpoint file type export/save as gif file. Naturally before you do this you can add arrows and text boxes to explain your image.

                            I would strongly urge you browse the web and get irfanview as it will allow you to 1) easily crop images and 2) know what size the image is in pixels. I use unix so I use xv instead of irfanview.

                            6. When you post, browse your file system and select the file before your post.
                            NB: if want to preview your post, don't attach file until you are finished with edits.

                            7. Questions,
                            post them.

                            Good luck, have fun.

                            -- PF

                            I can finally build the FP.
                            I'm gonna invade Rome and hope to get a great leader.
                            I have discovered the other 3 civs and they are ahead 2 or 3 techs, so I don't know if I can get ToE.
                            With a well timed prebuild, I should be able to get the UN and win.


                            • #89
                              I entered the industrial age at 920 AD, I mean that's really early for Monarch.
                              This is of course also caused because you gave scientific civs 2 extra techs free instead of one.
                              I think this proves the power when commercial civs get big, both Greece and France must be research monsters.
                              I'm no tech behind and I will soon invade Rome.
                              My problem is that I haven't got much buildings in my cities and I only have 2 or 3 cities above size 6.
                              I'll post a screenshot and a SAV after the fall of Rome.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Mattaba


                                I can finally build the FP.
                                I'm gonna invade Rome and hope to get a great leader.
                                I have discovered the other 3 civs and they are ahead 2 or 3 techs, so I don't know if I can get ToE.
                                With a well timed prebuild, I should be able to get the UN and win.

                                UN win is disabled like culture win as it comes too soon.

                                == PF

