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Expectations for Monarch level?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Arrian
    Damn, PF, your Greece is a monster. Beware a large Greece: large commercial civs, once they get rolling, are pretty powerful.

    No kidding. I was hoping China-France-Russia would go after Greece as they had the highest score. Nope, picked second highest to focus on--China.

    I am no longer playing to win, just trying to survive to be 2nd or 3rd. Getting a bit frustrated with this game. Going to finish just to see what tactics the AI uses to end the game so I can anticipate better next time. Don't see much value in starting again a fourth time but before 10bc. Next game I will try to remember to not build so much early and watch out for Greece & China. I thought France would be a good match for Greece with both being commercial. Didn't happen, I don't know what Joan's problem was. Guess she couldn't find the starter button.

    -- PF


    • #47
      Hi PF, I loaded it up and continued to 1255 so far. I grab the city on your island and Calcutta & Madras on their land. They offered peace and I asked for a tech and settled. I have learned a few more techs and I am 3 techs back, but soem of them I never research till very late or trade for like Democracy and Free Artist. Made a calv army and started Epic and Mil Academy. I found out that the calv or modded any other things going to fall out on me? Techs are coming faster now, so catching up will come. Will come back to the game later to see where I am in 15xx.


      • #48

        Thanks. That's about where I was, 2 techs back and about 2 I never research. {Demo, free artist, printing press, adv flight, amphibious warfare, music theory}.

        It was especially surprising to suddenly see I was 4-5 techs behind and I didn't have anything to trade.

        BTW-- at one point something weird happened, a ton of techs were researched in one turn. I think game got confused with free Mil Tradition. I have unselected that option as it messed up the game.

        If you want a save of some inbetween year, let me know. I don't save all turns, but do about every 5 turns until I finish a game. Got burned once where computer died and without autosave on, lost 4 hrs of game time.

        -- PF


        • #49
          I stopped at 1390 for now to do some other things. It will be very rough. I have Espionage and went to plant a spy on Greece as they have been at war with me since around 1275 or so. Anyway I found embassies have not been made with all. I did that and got a spy, it was depressing. Greeks have 93 Infantry, 25 calv. I have killed about 15 and sunk al of their galley/caravels and 1 ironclad so far. I have all previous age techs and Steam Power, Nationalism and Industrialization is soon. RR are going up now. Next will get Replacement Parts to get worker boost and Inf. The problem is the wonders are out of reach and the AI's have them all. The fall behind is due to a sci civ getting 2 techs in the next age and peddling them every where. I could have avoided the fight with Greece, but I want to kick them in the shin a bit, by killing units as they send them, no assault from me is possible. Soon as upgrade to Inf I wil get out of the war and go after the rest of India, need the land. The factories and RR will really boost the production.


          • #50
            PFf, I ran out to 1570AD, researched Elec/Ind/National/Steam/Medicine/Sanitation/Replacement/Comm/Sci Method and some thing else, but man they are hard to catch. Greece is at war with China,Russia and India. India is at war with all. I missed out on two cities as the Chinese snuck in and got them from me. They have MI and Tanks, Carriers and battleships , nasty busines. I thought I could get back in by production and that may be an outside shot, but I would have been better off to go into all out troop production. The main cities now have hospitals and factories and are now cranking good. Lots of cash and all units upgraded. The best shot right now is for India to make peace with China and then I can get the rest of their cities. RR's are up on both land mass in German cities. A steady flow of INf are coming over, not my favorite unit to attack with, but no choice.
            What I was trying to show you is that the only way to be a force is with a great industry. That leads to a strong military. The land you started with was not very good, but the hole you were in was too big. I forget what level this was at, but at regent/monarch you need to get some wonders and be close to the leaders in tech by late middle ages. On manarch and lower, they should not beat you to ToE and later wonders. If you are not close at that stage, then either the start was horendous or you are doing something wrong.
            What I wanted you to compare was what the cities were doing and the tech learned. Most games at these levels the BC years need to be managed carefully. If you fail to get the number of cities and the infrastructure early, it can get out of hand.


            • #51
              It's stopped raining

              mudder, fudder, it's stopped raining, kids are playing. Kindly disregard this leddar.

              There's light at the end of the Industrial Age.

              Originally posted by vmxa1
              PFf, I ran out to 1570AD, researched Elec/Ind/National/Steam/Medicine/Sanitation/Replacement/Comm/Sci Method and some thing else, but man they are hard to catch.
              I ran out to about 1625. I don't have comm. yet, but do have flight. That finally put an end to the annoying Chinese bomber missions. Combined with continual Russian harrassment, China has finally been forced out of republic.

              Greece is at war with China,Russia and India.
              Interesting, Greece at war with Russia. What I did as soon as Russia and Greece made a MPP was to make one with both. It had been ages since I checked so I just checked and they let their MPP expire. It keep them from attacking me when I was "weak military". Soon I will stop my MPP and let them go at it, but not quite yet. Waiting for my GA.

              India is at war with all.
              In my 3rd replay, India is gone.

              I missed out on two cities as the Chinese snuck in and got them from me.
              They tried that on my also, but a stack of catpaults knocked them to red and riflemen finished the job. I was lucky. China had 2BS and 1 trans 1 tile from landing. Put 2 units on shore, used my 2 art's to weaken them. Just so happens 2 Russian BS and 1 carrier where just coming around the bend when China made its move. Big mistake. Russia jumped the BS and a weak transport ran for shelter. Whew, talk about luck.

              They have MI and Tanks, Carriers and battleships , nasty busines. I thought I could get back in by production and that may be an outside shot, but I would have been better off to go into all out troop production.
              Definitely a confused game. But with your help I am learning. Can't run the early game on autopilot yet at this level. Need to expand faster. They already have MI and carriers. Interesting. In my game, no MI. Just to have 5 tanks, but now down to 2. I don't see any Russian brown spots on the pink continent yet, so must have used them for defense.

              The main cities now have hospitals and factories and are now cranking good.
              I have a bunch of factories also. Production is not yet as high as I like. Only hospitals in cities that can benefit from them. Many cities are too tightly packed to benefit from hospital or are on coast and adding more pop only working sea won't help much.

              Lots of cash and all units upgraded.
              How the h. did you do that? I can't afford to upgrade units. I finally got rid of my archers and warriors. My cash is about 1500g. 1000 for 50gpt interest and 500 reserves for urgent trade/upgrade needs. Going to spend some of that 500 next turn to rush either a 40T harbor or 80T airport. Depending on my cost figures.

              The best shot right now is for India to make peace with China and then I can get the rest of their cities. RR's are up on both land mass in German cities. A steady flow of INf are coming over, not my favorite unit to attack with, but no choice.
              Agreed I hate fighting with infantry, but no offense. Not going to waste cavs. You get way way too far behind if wait for panzers. Need to do something with infantry. I have 3 full infantry armies. 2 are on Roman continent. It is kind of fun to watch Roman infantry attack my invading infantry. Since their closest land is mountains, I only lost one infantry to their 5.

              What I was trying to show you is that the only way to be a force is with a great industry. That leads to a strong military. The land you started with was not very good, but the hole you were in was too big. I forget what level this was at, but at regent/monarch you need to get some wonders and be close to the leaders in tech by late middle ages. On manarch and lower, they should not beat you to ToE and later wonders. If you are not close at that stage, then either the start was horendous or you are doing something wrong.
              Monarch. Great-- a milestone. I missed ToE, etc. I think I was too passive pre 10bc.

              What I wanted you to compare was what the cities were doing and the tech learned. Most games at these levels the BC years need to be managed carefully. If you fail to get the number of cities and the infrastructure early, it can get out of hand.
              So I am finding out. I really, really appreciate your wisdom and hints. Post a later save so I can see how your adjusted your cities and military.

              -- PF


              • #52
                data update

                Originally posted by vmxa1
                Just to seee what the differences were, if any, I have some stats from the 8xxAD sav you posted and the 850AD I have.

                -------- 8xx------ 850
                Pop---- 3523K--- 4465K
                GNP---- 291----- 341
                Goods- 122M tons 133M
                Prod--- 399------ 448
                Don't have tech list, but here are the numbers from my 3rd and current play of this game. I did learn from your advice:

                Game: c860 {c=3rd play of game, 860=year}
                pop 486.2 K
                Mfg 164
                GNP 359
                Prod 494
                Land 36.2
                score 783

                10 pop == 1
                7 pop == 1
                6 pop ==13

                -- PF


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Mattaba
                  And could you post a SAV?
                  Did you get any play time? Any wisdom to share?

                  -- PF


                  • #54
                    I fired up a Moo2 on impossible game last night, so I did not get back. The game was reminding me of some of my deity games as every time I turned around they were cranking out a wonder. China and Russia have been polite the whole time because of the lux trades. Greece could not afford to attack, since they got hurt doing it earlier and now have a bunch of new foes. Give us an update on your progress


                    • #55
                      Busy night ahead, but at least plan to take care of Rome. The idiots decided to join China and declare war on me. One bomber mission was all I needed. Their western point city was keeping me from reaching fish bonus tile, they wouldn't sell me gems, they only had 18 inf, they had no MPP and China was already at war with me, and they only had one iron in the point city. Come on, you can only dangle the candy so often before it is gone. Worse case: I will have to wait for panzers, but I think my 3 full inf armies and a couple cavs can handle them well. China is too far away to help.

                      -- PF


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by planetfall

                        Did you get any play time? Any wisdom to share?

                        -- PF
                        Sorry man forgot about this, but I'll have a look at them and see what I can do.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Mattaba

                          Sorry man forgot about this, but I'll have a look at them and see what I can do.
                          No problem, you don't have to play it unless you are in the mood. But if going to play start with 10bc sav. You are way too far behind in later savs.

                          -- PF


                          • #58
                            I'll start from your c860 sav.


                            • #59
                              that's an even better idea.


                              • #60
                                Opps, hit enter too soon.

                                It will be interesting to see how you play Greece and Russia. vmxa1 decided to take on Greece now and has Greece and Russia at war. I decided to ignore Greece and Russia until Rome and China go.

                                What will you decide to do and how does it work?

                                We will be interesting in hearing your experiences. Maybe you have the best strategy.

                                -- PF

