PF, the whole deal is as you go up in levels you must rely on your ability to get more out of your empire than the AI. You will start out in a bigger and bigger hole as you get to Deity. If you do not get top production, you will be dead. Your other means of getting in the lead is to either fight or trade. The map you have, does not allow for trading much, no lux, no tech. You need more land to have more cities for research and trade. By the way, I would have next looked hard at the posibility of trade for saltpetter. First does anyone want it badly and can I afford to give it to them. The game is really not going to be a problem to at least survive and likely win. I had not check the advisor, but I am sure the AI is not going to be willing to attack you anytime soon. If they do, it would be their mistake. I would go for a few cannons and make them suffer. You can not land that many units with galleys. Only India has a city on your land. I would not be surprised to see it flipdown the line a bit, now that culture improvements are in place.
No announcement yet.
Expectations for Monarch level?
I was crusing by when you posted the last question. In answer I would recall childhood fights on the playground. You hold the guy down and hit him in the face. Give up, you ask? If he says no, hit him again and ask again, give? When you've hit him enough, he says give. Then, you get what you want. Very civilized, don't you think?Illegitimi Non Carborundum
Originally posted by planetfall
One question left: how get AI to give techs on peace negotations.
-- PF
You have to really beat the crap out of them to get tech. I normally do this in the ancient age.
Example: Emperor, as Egypt -
War #1 - I attack an American settler team (settler/warrior) and capture 2 workers. American counterattack vs. my #2 city fails (barely) and I make peace in exchange for 4 techs and gold.
War #2 - I attack America with swordsmen, capturing 2 cities, including Washington and razing 3 others. I once again receive all tech and gold for peace.
War #3 - I attack the Aztecs with swordsmen, capturing Tenochticlan and razing 2 other cities. I receive all tech/gold for peace.
War #4 - I attack the Germans with war chariots and swords, capturing or razing all but 1 city. Same pattern.
War #5 - A slugfest with the Iroquois, the first of three. I capture two cities and inflict heavy casualties, but halt there. Peace got me a little gold, but as I now had the tech lead, dunno about tech. All future wars were fought with a tech lead.
[note: the razing mentioned was autorazing, not by choice]
So like I said, you really gotta go for the jugular to get them to cough up tech (the 1st American war really surprised me, though. Perhaps hitting that settler team was the key). If they fear you, you get what you want.
-Arriangrog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!
The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.
Originally posted by Arrian
You have to really beat the crap out of them to get tech. I normally do this in the ancient age.
Example: Emperor, as Egypt -
War #1 - I attack an American settler team (settler/warrior) and capture 2 workers. American counterattack vs. my #2 city fails (barely) and I make peace in exchange for 4 techs and gold.
Anyway, I have beat them like a stepchild, but sometime they will not even make peace when down to their last cities. So to me, 2 things are needed. 1- they have to have something to give you 2- you have to whack them hard and be sitting on their door for the next city.
jshelr: "I was crusing by when you posted the last question. In answer I would recall childhood fights on the playground. You hold the guy down and hit him in the face. Give up, you ask? If he says no, hit him again and ask again, give? When you've hit him enough, he says give. Then, you get what you want. Very civilized, don't you think?"
PF: "Thanks. "Civilization" is a misnomer more and more as you try harder difficulty levels."
More converts. MWUAHAHAHA!!The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
No, no, no. I got 4 techs from THEM.I was behind in tech until I crushed Germany. Golden Age -> Great Library. From that point on, I led.
-Arriangrog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!
The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.
One More Monarch Strat
Don't forget the late-game science route.
Last week playing England I started on a modest island with Persia. The good news was there was no iron. The bad news was that, after Persia was eliminated, there was still no iron. There were also no horses, salt peter, aluminum, oil, or coal. I got uranium!!
Needless to say, there was a huge gold outflow to pay for needed stuff all game long. And the small land mass kept me down the food chain. How to win?
Well, on Monarch the combination of rapid population growth in indvidual cities yielded by graneries and an early sanitation discovery, a well-built economy, and and early research of computers in the modern era to give you research labs and seti, will give you an edge in the modern era over the AI research pace. In this game, Cathy stole tech on me and almost beat me in the end. But I was crusing away from the pack doing "honest" research on my own.
Try this strat as a small civ on Emperor and the AI will often laugh at you!! It's a complete joke by Deity. However, even after the SS launch in this game I was still only third on the score table.Illegitimi Non Carborundum
Originally posted by vmxa1
Just to seee what the differences were, if any, I have some stats from the 8xxAD sav you posted and the 850AD I have.
-------- 8xx------ 850
Pop---- 3523K--- 4465K
GNP---- 291----- 341
Goods- 122M tons 133M
Prod--- 399------ 448
Attached is third try of playing game. 860ad. I thought I had the stat summary but couldn't find quickly this am.
These are the differences I remember:
Your play
1. you reduced workers to 5|6.
2. you have 2 size 12 cities and 1 size 11, but the extra population is entertainers.
3. you have a slightly stronger military.
my third replay
1. continent is all mine
2. foothold on Indian continent
It was very interesting to see your save. Would be interesting to see one of your saves with "optimal city placement". I used to space them 5 tiles apart, now I mix 4-5 tiles apart.
-- PFAttached Files
Falling off the treadmill
More Questions -- slipping & sliding on treadmill
Attached is 3rd game, year 1565, minimap.
Problems I am not able to solve:
1. China keeps getting further and further ahead in techs & military
2. Greece-Russia "war" vs China is ineffective
3. Production is average. Mostly in 33's, only one 55 shield.
4. Using luxuries for luxury trades nothing left for techs
5. Other than self-research, can't think of any way to get techs.
Military still too weak and last offer was 1500g/tech.
6. If could take care of China, how get Greece and Russia to duke it out?
Map key:
Greece__ Green, 32 cities. They took out France who was on same continent.
Russia__ Brown, 15 cities. Idaho continent.
Rome__ Rust, 6 cities.
India__ Purple, 3 cities
China__ Cyan, 18 cities, 3 natural luxuries, Hoover.
Germany__ Blue, 28 cities, few bonus tiles.
Game overview:
Russia used to have BS working on Chinese ironclads but no action recently. Never seen any Greek military. China keeps on bombarding coast lines.
Finally pulled my military up to "average", hah, hah. I have 2 DS and 34 infantry. China has:
85 infantry
15 fighters
10 bombers
8 BS
3 transports
5 marines
Guessed tech leads:
amphibious warfare
mass production
atomic theory
Finally decided to take out India. Only tech is communism. Only because they tend to give ROP and can't afford to allow staging of invasion force in India. Just declared war. Weird, India "remembers what you did to France..". I had no relations with France except to establish embassy.
Originally posted by planetfall
These are the differences I remember:
Your play
1. you reduced workers to 5|6.
2. you have 2 size 12 cities and 1 size 11, but the extra population is entertainers.
3. you have a slightly stronger military.
my third replay
1. continent is all mine
2. foothold on Indian continent
-- PF
Damn, PF, your Greece is a monster. Beware a large Greece: large commercial civs, once they get rolling, are pretty powerful.
-Arriangrog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!
The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.