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it's here: 1.21F PATCH DETAILS

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  • Re: Reinstall Check

    Originally posted by TheEmerged
    Okay, the possibility exists that I'm missing something, but as I run it through the "issues I care about" checker... I'm just not impressed.

    1> Incomplete information about prospect of creating specific starting locations in editor

    2> No mention of mini-map in editor

    3> No mention of flat map creation

    4> No mention of ability to increase/decrease availability of resources

    5> Insufficient corruption fixes -- fixing on the back end instead of the front end

    6> No mention of correction for corruption problems on huge maps

    7> No mention of ability to put starting units on the map in editor

    Bottom Line: Chance that this patch will result in Civ3 being reinstalled in my computer is negligible.

    Email me when they get around to fixing the game
    and we care why?
    "All I ask is simple blind obedience!" - Dr. Doom


    • When??

      are you folks going to accept that the software community uses your retail dollars to produce beta - and sometimes alpha - products, knowing full well that the buying public has absolutely no self-control, patience, or the will power to demand otherwise?

      I work in that community. I know. If you just come to terms with this - whether you do or do not exhibit real discretionary purchasing power, but as long as you know and accept it - you will feel much better about your hard-earned (well, most of you work hard) $$$'s and how they are spent.

      You leave the barn door open for these companies constantly and then blame them when they utilize the inherent greed built into capitalism to give you less for more.


      • I think anyone who has taken five minutes to look at the civ3mod.bic file has found out that numerous things like pollution and corruption could be worked around on the various tabs with the menu item - Edit Rules.

        I think a lot of things can be changed, except maybe starting positions, but still there is something in the readme file included with version 1.21f that mentions even that.
        The civ3mod.bic file is 2kb larger than previous versions.


        • Alrighty,

          You are dead on. People buy the product willingly...knowing it won't be perfect. If you want perfect software, you will have to either pay more or have less diversity of products.


          • maybe the inability to fix starting locations IS DELIBERATE. Like having MP disabled in Civ2. It's saved for the expansion.


            • I think there is no maybe about it. Of course they are doing it deliberately. Why give it to us when they can charge us twice for the same feature?
              Try for discussion and debate.


              • Originally posted by Oerdin
                I think there is no maybe about it. Of course they are doing it deliberately. Why give it to us when they can charge us twice for the same feature?

                Same with scenario-building, and so many features we want.

                We've already spent $50 to spend months beta testing Civ 3 for Firaxis.

                Pigs will be flying over hell before I give them any more money for a Civ 3 product. They owe ME a rebate.


                • Originally posted by Coracle


                  Same with scenario-building, and so many features we want.

                  We've already spent $50 to spend months beta testing Civ 3 for Firaxis.

                  Pigs will be flying over hell before I give them any more money for a Civ 3 product. They owe ME a rebate.

                  Why is it a suprise that they would release an XP?

                  They did it with Civ1, Civ2, and SMAC

                  So why be so uptight about Civ3. Its clear that this is the MO of Firaxis and predecessors.


                  • Cultural Expansion Says the Fair Young Maiden? (Not C.B, of course)

                    Barnacle Bill (Great name) I agree with you that it's very positive that Firaxis is working on these patches. Even if they're working on an XP that's better than the treatment we got from Activision when they abandoned their product. 2 other pts.:
                    1. " Borders move around due to culture & cities being founded. This is unrealistic - the US can't grab a chunk of Canada by building a city just this side of the border." Depends on when this happens... Nowadays maybe not, but I'm trying to start the Oregon Liberation Front to get Oregon and Washington back. We lost them to heavy U.S. settlement - and bad decisions by the Hudson's Bay Company IIRC. (GWizz has a great RRT2 "Oregon and Empire" scenario). Not to mention Texas...
                    2. Proposed - "Your land units of any type (even non-combat units like settlers/workers) cannot enter a land tile which is in the territory of another civ with which you are not at war...." Mightn't it be easier to have a command - "autorefuse trespass" ("forgive them their trespasses?" = No). I do like to trespass to cross over and explore the other side.
                    Last edited by Changmai Beagle; April 23, 2002, 22:00.
                    Many are cold, but few are frozen.No more durrian, please. On On!


                    • XP's are normally a sign that a game is selling well, not that it is a bad product.
                      I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow. As surely as night follows day.


                      • Originally posted by AJ Corp. The FAIR
                        Having read all news related to newest patch, I kind of regret that most changes seem to apply to the editor (hardly use it myself, very good for many of others though).
                        For those of us who do use it, the last patch had us feeling the same way you are now. There was virtually no changes made then. So we're getting ours this time.

                        I'd still like to see more though. For instance, I noticed that there isn't any unit Anti-Air attribute to go along with the new lethal bombard abilty. They added a flag for a city improvement, but nothing for a unit.


                        • Originally posted by Coracle


                          Same with scenario-building, and so many features we want.

                          We've already spent $50 to spend months beta testing Civ 3 for Firaxis.

                          Pigs will be flying over hell before I give them any more money for a Civ 3 product. They owe ME a rebate.
                          This is getting to be such a feeble argument. As I've put it someplace before, you've probably spent more than $50 for a night on the town, and had nothing to show for it the next day except for a hangover. Aside from getting thrilled by the sight of a sunset, you probably aren't going to find a cheaper source of entertainment. A few months you say. Even at $60 for the game, that's less than a dollar a day to keep yourself amused and occupied. Or do you expect Firaxis to spend a few years working on it just to give it away for nothing.


                          • Well said, Willem
                            I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                            • Exactly,

                              I just spent $6K on property taxes and insurance for my house. $50 is nothing. Although the cheapskate in me is still pissed that I bought it four days after it came out and then say it advertised for $35 three days later....I could have waited that long!

                              We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                              • I bought it and returned it. when the first patch came out, I downloaded it and tried the patch, then removed it. Did the same for this patch. If combat and corruption gets fixed, I'll buy it. although, judging from the current patchtrend, it might already be abandonware by the time these issues are fixed...

                                Back to playing a good game instead... Hmm, how about MOM?
                                Gnu Ex Machina - the Gnu in the Machine

