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  • #46
    Error Error bep bep bep

    As I was jumping through the CS Units I noted that some of them were upgrading wrong or not at all. And this is even with the updated editor that I got off the main page.

    1. Legions are upgrading to Immortals.
    2. Immortals have no upgrade.
    3. Rider upgrading to Samurai.
    4. Samurai upgrading to War Elephants.
    5. Swordman are upgrading to Legionaries.
    6. Horseman to mounted warriors.
    7. Musketman to Musketeer
    8. Knight to Rider
    9. Cavalry to Cossak

    Just FYI....


    • #47
      You never could upgrade immortals, right?

      1, 3, and 4 - I can't explain, unless they expect to implement unit trading.(?)
      5,6,7,8,9 - This may be necessary for the new upgrade-to-a-UU feature. I'm still downloading patch, but if so I would expect to also see jet fighter -> F-15 upgrade, for example.

      Bad deal for the Germans, who will still have to build every single Panzer, which now has a lower chance of successfully retreating. Here come's another round of strategy threads!
      " is possible, however unlikely, that they might find a weakness and exploit it." Commander Togge, SW:ANH


      • #48
        Originally posted by Libertarian

        The UU was the "Freedom Fighter" (equivalent to French Muskateer). Some of the Great Leaders were Ludwig von Mises, Bastiat, F. A. von Hayek, and Thomas Jefferson. The name of the civ was Libertaria, and its capital was Liberty. Cities included Independence, Commerce, and Freedom, among others.

        I also had a Libertarian government, wherein workers were extremely productive but cost quite a bit. It took me a while to tweak everything (a few days, actually). So [shrug...]

        Well I guess you could use th Joan Arc Animation as Ayn Rand and she could be the leader. It could be her...well, no.


        • #49
          Yes Lib, you and the rest of the repetitive criticizers were the sole reason for stack movement being implemented in this patch. Oh yeah, not to mention all of the effort Yin put into this patch becoming what it is.

          I should note that I have nothing against Yin. No comment about Lib.
          However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


          • #50
            Can the early downloaders please confirm the patch works?

            Also, does it work in saved games?
            Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

            Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


            • #51
              Re: Error Error bep bep bep

              Originally posted by Avahz_D
              As I was jumping through the CS Units I noted that some of them were upgrading wrong or not at all. And this is even with the updated editor that I got off the main page.

              1. Legions are upgrading to Immortals.
              2. Immortals have no upgrade.
              3. Rider upgrading to Samurai.
              4. Samurai upgrading to War Elephants.
              5. Swordman are upgrading to Legionaries.
              6. Horseman to mounted warriors.
              7. Musketman to Musketeer
              8. Knight to Rider
              9. Cavalry to Cossak

              Just FYI....
              Each unit can only be upgraded to 1 other unit. Therefore the upgrade path is probably now presented as, eg:

              chariot, war chariot, horseman, mounted warrior, knight, rider, samurai, war elephant, calvary, cossack.

              This would permit full upgrading to and from UU's, and then the program utilizes the civ can build option to limit what can actually be built by whom.
              sum dum guy


              • #52
                Originally posted by Alexander's Horse
                Can the early downloaders please confirm the patch works?

                Also, does it work in saved games?
                As far as I can see it at this point, all works as described. Also, I had no trouble with 1.16f savegames (only that my Panzers are now losing much more often ).


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Dienstag
                  Bad deal for the Germans, who will still have to build every single Panzer, which now has a lower chance of successfully retreating. Here come's another round of strategy threads!
                  I never had a problem with that. After upcoming of Infantry, Cavalry is nearly obsolete anyway. When building Panzers, my cities are already high-productive. Unless I am short of units, I like to disband as many old Cavalries in the Panzer building city as is needed to complete the Panzer in 1 turn.

                  Usually I have 1 Cavalry army at this time, which I keep as something like "police" against foreign pillagers, when I fight a war.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Alexander's Horse
                    Can the early downloaders please confirm the patch works?

                    Yes, I've used it and I have no desire to smoke cigarettes anymore.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Adam Wallock

                      I am astounded that you are taking credit for this. Loud, incessant whining does not count as actual effort toward programming new features. Geez.

                      Nicely said!
                      -Never argue with an idiot; He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.


                      • #56

                        Looks like Firaxis have finally delivered, and how great it is to see they actually listen. Maybe all that whining and yelling in the forums DOES serve a purpose (besides giving me a headache). Anyhows, the patch seems to work fine. No crashes, but I have yet to notice a performance improvement. Anyone else disagree?


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by soufie77
                          Looks like Firaxis have finally delivered, and how great it is to see they actually listen. Maybe all that whining and yelling in the forums DOES serve a purpose
                          or maybe the whining was unnecessary since they heard it the first time?
                          Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                          Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
                 my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                          • #58
                            Maybe they heard. Maybe they didn't. If only there were some way we could have known. But alas, how?
                            "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Eli
                              Vikings rule.


                              • #60
                                Comments on patch 1.17f

                                I see the patch has been removed from the website. Probably due to several bugs. Here's the good and the bad that I found last night:

                                1) Bug: You can now unload units from an Army.

                                Of course, this is quite unintentional, and will I'm sure be fixed
                                in the next patch. But if you use the new stack command for
                                movement, you can unload units from an Army.

                                The stack command works like goto but with a 'j'. It moves all units of the same type *including* those in an army, if an army is on the same square, leaving the rest of the army in the original location.

                                A word of caution: this puts the game in a funny state. The units
                                that were in the army only move one square, and if you try then to select the army it may highlight another unit, although the if you hit an arrow key the army moves. Eventually, the game may crash. The solution is to remove the units, save the game and reload it. This clears the memory.

                                2) Not mentioned in readme: Science advance happens at begin of turn. Good change, as while going through the begin-of-turn sequence you can now order your cities to build improvements made possible by the science advancement.

                                3) Ability to prevent a city from reverting works great ... maybe
                                even better than they intended. I'm playing emperor in the early
                                space age and took out a large Chinese civ with NO reverts. And I did not have to put one unit per resistor, but usually just a 1:3
                                ratio of units:resisters.

                                4) The change to have a dice roll for "fast" units to decide whether they retreat really increases attrition. The vast majority of my attacks were modern armor against infantry ... I lost a lot more units than would have previously. Also, the tendency for absurd combat results may have increased slightly. In my first two battles veteran modern armor lost while attacking veteran calvary on no-defense-bonus squares and on their first move. 24 attack, 2 defense. Sure, I understand.

                                5) Didn't see any benefit from the claimed performance improvements (sigh).

                                6) Also undocumented: Workers are now automatically sent to clean pollution until last pollution is gone. Before, only two workers per polluted square were automatically sent to clean pollution. I like this change, but others might not.

                                7) There is a change so that when new units are built you get a
                                banner over the city instead of a pop-up requiring a response. I
                                expect this is now a preference, but I didn't explore as I like this
                                feature. FWIW, I previously set the preference to have the city
                                always build the same unit again.

                                8) There are a few funny bugs being reported. In my game new workers are identified as "Worker (Iroquois)", which is my tribe, rather than just a "Worker". However, newly captured workers are identified as only "Worker." Workers I captured or built before I installed the patch still are identified as before.

