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two months have passed, and we have no idea when next patch will be released

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  • Originally posted by MOHonor
    My question...where the hell is libertarian?! It's like somebody turned the volume of general from 11 to 3!
    Originally posted by N. Machiavelli
    Perhaps, just perhaps. He is in the mystic place some of us refer to as "The Real World". The magic zone *outside* of the board where people go to work, or eat, or spend time with their significant others. Scary place.
    I'm only responding to this because it made me laugh pretty hard.

    Lib was banned for a week ... that is why the volume seems lower. Don't worry, he is due to return very soon.

    Really, he is the last person you want to pull out the tired old "Stop Posting and Get a Real Life" argument for, N. Machiavelli. Last time I checked he had like 11 posts per day.

    Just found this ironic.
    Good = Love, Love = Good
    Evil = Hate, Hate = Evil


    • Originally posted by Argos65987
      Very mature. My saying about telling the cop to get you coffee was a joke. If you don't get the joke, oh well. Whether your story about you and the cop are true or not, I don't care. Why don't you hire your high priced lawyers to force Firaxis to answer you?
      I guess you're probably like that in person too, making light of someone else's problems. You're like that guy who walks into a funeral parlor and starts making 'death jokes'. First, you're not funny. Second instead of 'hijacking' threads with nonsense -- why don't you try helping our situation here -- we already know about the NDA crap and the fact that the company is within certain rights to ignore it's consumers when it comes to development details. Did you think that you might be some kind of saint or scholar by reminding us? Or perhaps it's a superiority complex. Either way, you're not helping the situation, and you're definately not looking any smarter than you did 3 posts ago.

      Last edited by CharlesUFarley; January 31, 2002, 23:11.
      - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


      • Re: Keep the objective in mind - what furthers it?

        Originally posted by Kiltdown
        I applaud all calls on Firaxis to release a new patch containing valuable updates. IMHO, unceasing complaining and attacks are not going to further that goal. I think that constructive suggestions, statements of relative priority, or attempts at developing a consensus of customer input on a particular topic would be much better. I fear that intense complaining will quite possibly induce a smaller rushed patch, reducing the chance that game-enhancing additions will be included. No company can afford an endless stream of free enhancements, so the more that are included in this next patch the better. I'd rather wait a little longer for great patch, then see a lesser patch more quickly. The next patch may be the last patch afterall. Just my two scents. ("Eeeeew", and "light a match" )
        I agree -- my posts are more meaningless then they are productive, but I'm not doing it for popularity or attention I'm doing it because I'm pissed off. In the least -- I can influence the people who share my grief on the matter. Sadly, I'm still in my 'venting' stage, it usually takes me a while to calm down -- and the greater the disapointment the longer it takes. I too would rather have them spend 'more time' on the patch or expansion than rush it and ruin it. However I would still like to know what features they plan on incorporating. But I don't anticipate that they'll spare me of that misery. Argos made me see the light.

        - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


        • Originally posted by Dan Magaha FIRAXIS
          Actually, I just thought Charles' comment was really funny.

          I'm glad I could entertain. I'll be making appearences at all the major nightclubs, only $50 a ticket.

          - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


          • Originally posted by nato
            Lib was banned for a week ... that is why the volume seems lower. Don't worry, he is due to return very soon.
            Just found this ironic.
            Lib was banned?? That's sh_tty -- I look forward to his return, and I feel sorry for the votees and one's responsible for his dismissal.

            - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


            • Originally posted by nato

              Really, he is the last person you want to pull out the tired old "Stop Posting and Get a Real Life" argument for, N. Machiavelli. Last time I checked he had like 11 posts per day.

              Just found this ironic.
              Fear not sir NATO, I was merely pointing out that sometimes the outside world can interfere with our 'quality time' on the board, regardless of how frequent we otherwise would post. It wasn't meant to be a barb or anything.
              Making the Civ-world a better place (and working up to King) one post at a time....


              • Originally posted by CharlesUFarley
                I look forward to his return
                Me too.
                MOHonor - PJP

                "Better ingredients make a better pizza" - Papa John


                • Actually I didn't mean it as a barb either, I just found it funny.

                  Real world ... gonna go check it out now ...
                  Good = Love, Love = Good
                  Evil = Hate, Hate = Evil


                  • Originally posted by nato
                    Actually I didn't mean it as a barb either, I just found it funny.

                    Real world ... gonna go check it out now ...
                    I hear good things about it; reviews are high. The PR sucks it's unlikely those in charge are likely to release a patch any time soon. Though I hear it from a reasonible source that they will be charging us with a DEATH expansion pack that may or may not give us what we expected in the original for extra cost....

                    Money-grubbing capitalist pigs.
                    Making the Civ-world a better place (and working up to King) one post at a time....


                    • Am I the only person on this board that known the difference between a publisher and a developer?

                      Infogrames owns Civ III. Not Firaxis. Firaxis does not decide how their code gets into our hands. Infogrames does.
                      Last edited by FrantzX; February 1, 2002, 09:13.


                      • Originally posted by nato

                        Lib was banned for a week ... that is why the volume seems lower. Don't worry, he is due to return very soon.
                        How do you know he was banned?
                        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                        • Originally posted by CharlesUFarley
                          Either way, you're not helping the situation, and you're definately not looking any smarter than you did 3 posts ago.
                          Thanks. I nearly clawed my eyes out after I read this post - the only way I could stop myself was by hacking my arms off at the elbow. Now I'm typing with the stumps and will probably pass out from the loss of blood at any moment.

                          Someone who's been filling this board with the amount of diarrhea you have probably shouldn't go around telling others what giant asses they've made of themselves. After all, the only reason YOU don't look any stupider than you did 3 posts ago is because you hit absolute zero after the third page.


                          • It's been a long reading, mostly a waste of time reading this...

                            Does anyone knows who the BETA testers are? Maybe we could get some information out of them!

                            Mark, how about asking FIRAXIS for a chat? It's been awhile and there is a need for info from certain people.

                            It's really easy to find posts from firaxis, just do a search for post where name contains FIRAXIS.


                            • Originally posted by Master2000
                              It's been a long reading, mostly a waste of time reading this...
                              How can you say that when there have been comments like this...
                              Originally posted by Kilroy_Alpha
                              Thanks. I nearly clawed my eyes out after I read this post - the only way I could stop myself was by hacking my arms off at the elbow. Now I'm typing with the stumps and will probably pass out from the loss of blood at any moment.
                              Absolute Class
                              tis better to be thought stupid, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

                              6 years lurking, 5 minutes posting


                              • Originally posted by Kilroy_Alpha

                                Thanks. I nearly clawed my eyes out after I read this post - the only way I could stop myself was by hacking my arms off at the elbow. Now I'm typing with the stumps and will probably pass out from the loss of blood at any moment.

                                Someone who's been filling this board with the amount of diarrhea you have probably shouldn't go around telling others what giant asses they've made of themselves. After all, the only reason YOU don't look any stupider than you did 3 posts ago is because you hit absolute zero after the third page.

                                *LOL* This would be in the running for post of the month!!
                                Top stuff
                                I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).

