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v1.16f: Issues? Bugs? This is the thread

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  • Goto City (CTRL+SHFT+G) SUCKS!

    Ever play a huge game and try to use ctrl+shift+g? DONT!. If you have too many citys they dont all get displayed and you HAVE to choose a city to leave the dialog box. Can we PAPAPA PLEASE!! have a drop-down menu!

    Also a find city (maybe integrated in the same dialog) function would be much appreciated.

    Another stickler, in any dialog involving giving/taking/choosing citys it would be nice to be able at least to show the citys location of the city. If not "known" info about the city.
    "What can you say about a society that says that God is dead and Elvis is alive?" Irv Kupcinet

    "It's easy to stop making mistakes. Just stop having ideas." Unknown


    • haven't had time to see if anyone else posted this, but in the Military Advisor, when I point to a unit to check it's location in the mini-map it works for the first few turns after I load Civ for a playing session, but the crosshairs disappear after a few turns of play. If I reboot the computer, it's works again for only a few turns.

      I have a 733mhz with 128 ram and Win98. I am running some Norton stuff and ZoneAlarm in the background. This probably has something to do with it but it's a real pain to have to unload them each time I want to start a new Civ session. I am wondering if going to 256 ram will solve the problem.

      Hmm, I'm wondering if a virtual memory tweak would work.


      • Civs at War not showing in Foreign Advisor Screen

        I've read through this thread and I think this may have been addressed. I'm writing because I'm not sure.

        I've noticed the computer attacking each other but there is no declaration of war. So there is no line showing which civs are at war. Only when I am at war does it show up only for the civ I am at war with.

        I'm pleased with everything else in the patch, especially now that galleys cannot cross the ocean without the large possibility of sinking. In my current game I didn't encounter another civ until around 1200 since I was isolated on an island. Lots of fun to play.


        • Re: Civs at War not showing in Foreign Advisor Screen

          Originally posted by SirOsis
          I've read through this thread and I think this may have been addressed. I'm writing because I'm not sure.

          I've noticed the computer attacking each other but there is no declaration of war. So there is no line showing which civs are at war. Only when I am at war does it show up only for the civ I am at war with.

          I'm pleased with everything else in the patch, especially now that galleys cannot cross the ocean without the large possibility of sinking. In my current game I didn't encounter another civ until around 1200 since I was isolated on an island. Lots of fun to play.
          Do you have an embassy?


          • Scientific advance bonus broken??

            This may be a bug; it's definitely wierd.

            I'm playing on a huge random map as the Greeks. Regent difficulty level. I'm leading in techs and just reached the industrial age. However, instead of getting two free advances like I'm supposed to, this funky thing happened.

            The first box popped up saying that I now know Nationalism, but instead of the second one telling me I got Steam Power or Medicine or something, it tells me that I've learned WRITING. Writing?! Umm... yeah. Thanks.

            So anyway, I only got one advancement at the start of the Industrial era. Unfortunately, I don't have a saved game to prove it. Anyone else seen this?


            • Old Units and Power Plants

              I'm sorry if someone has already wrote about this but the post has become pretty too long to read it all.

              I've noticed that late in the game old units like Galleys, Privateers, Swordsmen and so on, don't disappear when extremely modern units are available. I mean, if I can build Modern Armors I shouldn't be able to build Swordsmen anymore.

              I know some units have peculiars abilities, but the units/improvements list during modern ages is huge and chaotic and removing old units is necessary.

              The other problem is similar. The first kind of power plant is the one which works with coal. When other kind of power plants become available, one can choose wether to build a coal, a nuclear, a hydro or a solar power plant. Well, if I choose to build a Solar Plant, the other kind of plants remain in the improvements list. Actually they should disappear. If someone want to build a different power plant it should sell the plant in the city and then re-select a plant in the list.

              The last thing I'd like to write about is the bombardment aspect. I believe that units capable of bombarding should be able to kill stacked units and not only wound them. Maybe the chance must be low, but there must be a chance. People did die for bombadment. Even armors use big explosive shells that are similar to artillery bombs.

              This is all for now.


              • Suggestion for bug list

                I have read through this thread, and I must say that many of the people posting bugs are completely clueless. There are simply too many errors, caused by careless people who feel they have to announce every thing they disagree with as a bug. Instead, they should RTFM before posting bug reports.

                Can a moderator start a top-locked thread for posting bug reports, but moderate the thread so that a useful bug list is created? Eliminate posts from people just complaining. Bugs should be verified by someone who knows the game and knows what they are doing. Only after a bug is verified, it should be posted to the master list.

                If we want Firaxis to fix the bugs, we have to provide them a useful list of verified bugs. Currently, this list is ridiculous. If I was working for Firaxis, I'd quickly stop reading here.

                Let's help Firaxis get the bugs fixed.


                • Sorry if already posted; thread too long to read thru.

                  The trading system had a few anomalies before the patch and the patch has noticeably increased them. It just makes no sens at all and detracts from game play if other nations are willing to make a trade and then become less likely or refuse outright to make the trade if I improve my side (if I offer money or a map for instance). Sometimes you'll be pretty close to making a trade and you add a sweetener of another category and all of a sudden he won't trade. Sometimes you ask "what will you give me for X?" and they offer, for example 5 gole/turn and 40 gold. You try to increase it to 41 gold (they have 100 in treasury) and now he would "never" agree. so you change it back to 40 -- the original terms! -- and he would still "never agree." This kind of stuff is just crazy and must be fixed.


                  • To follow up my previous post. I do not have an embassy in all the civs. Would this result in not seeing the war lines? I see the peace, trade embargo, right of passage, etc. without an embassy. Does it matter only to observe who is at war with who that I need an embassy?


                    • Problem with loadbox

                      The bottom line doesn't show post-patch.

                      Note: I have 100+ savefiles, but I had the same amount of files before the patch, and never had this problem.

                      If I go to another directory, and back again I can scroll down more. Then are the lines broken up earlier as well. (If the Filename excluding .SAV is bigger the the area instead of something else)
                      Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                      • Forgot to attach the image
                        Attached Files
                        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                        • I dont know if Iam the only one having theese bugs but anyway
                          Big bug:
                          1. If you running large map with lot of civs only a few will show up on foreign adivsor screen.
                          2. Increase attack/defense ratio for better units. A pikeman against a tank wouldnt win
                          3. Auto workers make strange improvments... should they not try to improve land that acutally being used by the cities(exepct connecting them by roads) and not starting irrogating land in totaly nowere.

                          Small bugs:
                          1. If you run without animantions after you have walked with the unit it might be turned the wrong way. If I looking south on a railway and go north out on a plain it will still look south.
                          2. If you load a game there has to be a total stop after the name/year sign since maybe you would like an automated/goingto unit to do something other.

                          1. Takeback lighthouse wonder to what it was. Now its lousy again.
                          2. If you have moving a unit a long way and you have an barbarian spoted in its next-next square dont let it automatically move in there(since it will be killed)
                          3. The sentry command would be nice to have back

                          I wonder if the starting positions can be made better. It seems that there is always one or two very lucky civs that always have unlimited expansion area and a lot of resources.
                          And a good sugestion
                          Wouldn't it be nice that you could select a certain unittype in a certain mode(fortifyd-none-a.s.o) at the visible screen( or on the holecontinent or the hole planet) by using ctrl+click and then send a command to all selected units do certain stuff like walk to a certain square. In other words another type of unit grouping.
                          Last edited by electro; December 15, 2001, 21:45.
                          SMAC rules...


                          • Minor crash bug that ive encountered twice since the patch. Both times I had an activated warrior in a city, and double clicked on it by accident in an attempt to skip to the city. Both times it brought up the illegal operation box and closed the game

                            I am using the newer patch. Windows ME on an athlon 1200 system using a voodoo5 card.


                            • My quick list

                              This thread is really unwieldy. to try and read through and find out if the bugs you are reporting have been reported is absurd.
                              That's a bug in this thread, not in civ3


                              the missing resource
                              someone else reported this with Iron. I discovered steam power and my trade advisor says I have 1 coal somewhere. I used ctrl-shft-m and could not find the coal supposedly in my borders anywhere! but I still have it in my city boxes and can build railroads and stuff.

                              non working harbors?
                              I was at the bottom of the continent, and sent a settler to colonize the north end to take advantage of some spices. founded a city, built a harbor, built roads to the spices, already had a harbor in a connected city in the south. all my cities start enjoying the benefits of spice. all is well. EXCEPT one turn the spices disappear from my cities. my trade advisor says the northern city is unconnected and that I need an OVERLAND TRADE ROUTE??? they're still connected by harbor, so what gives? I saved and quit, then reloaded and it was working fine.

                              in the readme, not in the game
                              borders over jungles and forests are still invisible

                              that's all for now. if I find more, I'll post it.
                              Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

                              I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
                              ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn


                              • Re: Missing Resource

                                the missing resource
                                someone else reported this with Iron. I discovered steam power and my trade advisor says I have 1 coal somewhere. I used ctrl-shft-m and could not find the coal supposedly in my borders anywhere! but I still have it in my city boxes and can build railroads and stuff.
                                Coal hides better than any other resource due to it's graphic. This probably explains those posts of people saying, "there is no coal anywhere on my huge map."

                                Next time, move your mouse over the coal image (or missing resource) when you're in the Trade Advisor Screen. It will say, "Near SomeCityName". Then look there.

