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v1.16f: Issues? Bugs? This is the thread

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  • Oh my goodness people! reading your posts makes me sad for being born a human. geez.......

    People want a quality game...I say i want a quality people who can give quality posts.



    • Originally posted by woody
      Oh, you want to automate for only the local city. Then RTFM, also page 197. Since you seem illiterate, the keystroke is -I.
      Well that was the problem.. I dont remeber if I used it but I think I tried them both. And it still did...
      SMAC rules...


      • Very minor bug

        A new but harmless bug I found on the weekend with 1.16f:

        When you have a worker selected, and you hover the mouse over the worker actions (mine, irrigate etc.) the estimates of how long the worker will take to perform the task are sometimes incorrect. For example, under Democracy, a task that actually takes 6 turns to complete might be estimated to take 12 turns. This is usually only evident when it's the first worker performing the task on that square. If you have several workers performing the same task, only the estimate for the first worker will be incorrect.

        Another observation:

        When you have the Lighthouse, Caravels can sink on Oceans. Is this intentional?
        None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?


        • Re: Very minor bug

          Originally posted by star mouse
          When you have the Lighthouse, Caravels can sink on Oceans. Is this intentional?
          Read the update/change list again!
          it's in it
          Lighthouse doesn't cover Oceans.


          • Re: Very minor bug

            Originally posted by star mouse
            When you have the Lighthouse, Caravels can sink on Oceans. Is this intentional?
            That is how it was supposed to be from the beginning. It was in the Civilopedia at least.
            Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


            • Here are my problems (as a Civ 1 and Civ 2 player) with Civ 3 in no particular order:

              1) Corruption.

              I know it's been said before but seriously, it's rediculous. I'm still on my first game, started from the tutorial so it's in the easiest difficulty in a tiny map and yet MOST of my commerce is waster (I'd say 80%) and in all but the closest cities to my capitop I get at most 2 or three shields that aren't wasted.

              2) Armies.

              I've only had one army, I put in an elite legionary and two elite knights. I then had difficulty killing a spearman in the Japanese capitol (I absolutle could not kill it with my army one turn but could the next, I like this as it stops cheating via re-loads but it's a bit silly if it's entirely determined not by unit strength but by some randomiser). Also you should DEFINATELY be able to upgrade units inside an army and also units like the legionary that are specific to you civ.

              3) Pollution

              I'm nearly in the 1900's and have recently got hospitals. My city sizes are reaching there twenties and pollution is rediculous. I built the hoover dam thinking this would help but then realised that it was nothing to do with production but population size. It's gonna be ages before I get mass transit and already grassland is turning into plains despite the fact that pollution is cleared up as soon as it appears. In civ 2 it took ages for global warming to have any effect (which was much better)

              4) Bombardment

              I've only tried with catapaults so far but it seemed ok only if you were just attacking a unit. If you attack a city it either misses or on rare ocaisons gets an improvement. I've never got any defenders.

              5) Sound

              Just want to add myself to the list of people who have had the sound.dll crash on me (I have a sound blaster live 1024). Also on the music in the first age or two I got static 'pop's' intermitanlty in the music.

              6) Resources

              I love the idea of resources only one problem - running out. It would work much better if it didn't run out. I just got refining and two oil deposites were used up before I even started making any units that use oil. This is bizare and very frustrating. Resources shouldn't in my opinion run out - it would make much better gameplay. (they should at least 'respawn' elsewhere)

              I know these are more gameplay issues than bugs but for me they are all (so far) that I have found wrong with the game - everything else it fine. Culture is an excellent idea.


              • Originally posted by eyes
                6) Resources

                I love the idea of resources only one problem - running out. It would work much better if it didn't run out. I just got refining and two oil deposites were used up before I even started making any units that use oil. This is bizare and very frustrating. Resources shouldn't in my opinion run out - it would make much better gameplay. (they should at least 'respawn' elsewhere)

                I know these are more gameplay issues than bugs but for me they are all (so far) that I have found wrong with the game - everything else it fine. Culture is an excellent idea.
                I must say that I like it that resource dissapear but they respawn somewhere else on the map. They keep the right amount on the map. If you check the editor and read about it then you'll notice it. You can fill in the rate how fast it dissapear and reappear somewhere else.


                • Heres a saved game of mine that crashes every time. You jsut have to press Enter to finish the turn and then i get an error message...
                  Attached Files
                  "What a Stupid Concept"


                  • in 1.16f these units have THE_WHEEL flag:
                    War Chariot

                    So you NEED to UPGRADE civilopedia
                    (is it intentional to have TANKs without the_wheel flag?)

                    in 1.16f these units do not have ZOC flag anymore:
                    M. Warrior

                    So you NEED to UPGRADE civilopedia

                    Communism has in editor 2 units draft rate, while in civilopedia 3 unit draft

                    So you NEED to UPGRADE civilopedia (or give communism 3 units draft)


                    So you NEED to UPGRADE civilopedia


                    These land units can't be airlifted:

                    Settler (I can understand, a lot of people)
                    Worker (I can understand, a lot of people)
                    Scout (why, it is just ordinary unit)
                    Explorer (why?)
                    Catapult (Why? You can airlift tank)
                    Cannon (why?)
                    Artillery (why?)
                    Radar Artillery (why?)
                    Leader (Why, presidents today do not use planes?)
                    Army (ok by me, it is more units anyway)


                    • I think Microsoft has reports about DX8 vs. DX8.1.

                      Here I think, not sure, just downloaded new drivers for ATI video graphic card:

                      Experience the new generation of games and entertainment with Xbox. Play Xbox games and stream video on all your devices.

                      Now, if I remember and understand right, DX8.1 is included with XP, and it was written for XP and Windows 2000. If you are trying to play a game with ME or Windows 98SE or just Windows 98FE, actually DX version 8.0a is better for those computer.
                      This is what Microsoft says about that, if I remember right.

                      Check it out!

                      I have got DX8.0a version on since it was included with CIVIII, and except for the sound problem, which does work with DX8.0a and video -- all tests are successful -- the game probably just needs a patch for that also.

                      But I still can play it, except for getting out of the game, which in my case may be a CD-Disk problem -- it had a few marks on it, but I failed to take it back to the store.
                      Now, I am waiting for Infogames support to hear back from --- to see.

                      Other than that, it plays differently and maybe it will take some getting use to, so if play balance is not quite right, then that can always be changed.

                      I never won at CivII when I first played it, so I expect that with CIVIII, since it is different.


                      • Oops! Guess I was wrong. It is just not for Windows 95, but all the answers are there at Microsoft.



                        • Just trying to help, if your monitor goes into sleep mode, that would be the power management setting maybe in Windows, that is set and that can be turned off, just like the hard drives can be left on all the time also.

                          Anymore, I turn off all little startup program before starting any game, all you need running is Explorer and Systray, all other little programs that wiggle themselves into starting on your system can be set to not start in the System Configuration file.

                          Take for instance in my system, I have Direct CD starting and a File Management CD thing, also Microsoft Word -- Osa starting, and many others that the manufacturer's software put in when installing, and on the Startup tab in the System Info - System Configuration (I am running Windows 98SE so on your system it may be something different), they can be unchecked so they do not start everytime. I hardly use my CD-Writer so I do not need little startup programs loaded up and starting to make the entire real program start faster by these little startup program.

                          All you need is Explorer and Systray, and anymore it is not even mentioned anymore, since most gamers should know that all games only need those two items in Windows.
                          If not one can end task those programs everytime when using Ctrl-Alt-Delete and the End Task for every little program except the real ones you need --- Explorer and Systray.


                          • Max cities infinite loop

                            Im playing a tweaked huge map on deity level (256x256) with 16 civs using the updated patch, and the game has already reached the max number of cities

                            Now i ended by turn and the computer tried to make a city, so his settler makes a citiy, it gets cancelled. He tries making the city again, it gets cancelled. And so on, it went for minutes and didnt stop

                            This is using the updated patch


                            • Re: Re: Very minor bug

                              Originally posted by Peets

                              Read the update/change list again!
                              it's in it
                              Lighthouse doesn't cover Oceans.
                              Hey dude if your going to be the JOE BLOW of advice why not pay attention to what is being asked. The Lighthouse should allow ocean travel. I read the read me and I think that removing the ability too explore the world with the lighthouse is essential just like civ 2 and the junk CTP series even.

                              Desert Dog
                              Thanks ~ Desert Fox (Real Nickname)
                              Fleet Admiral - NeoTech Games Network - Game News & Game Modding Community


                              • Re: Re: Missing Resource

                                Originally posted by Pyrodrew

                                Coal hides better than any other resource due to it's graphic. This probably explains those posts of people saying, "there is no coal anywhere on my huge map."

                                Next time, move your mouse over the coal image (or missing resource) when you're in the Trade Advisor Screen. It will say, "Near SomeCityName". Then look there.
                                Oh goodness, you're right. it said it was near some city, and I scoured the land near the city and still couldn't find it. in desperation, I right clicked on EVERY TILE in the vicinity, trying to locate the missing resource, even going into other cities areas.
                                Finally found it on a mountain. the rightclick info box says it's there, but I still can't see it. maybe it's an "invisible resource", not a missing one.
                                Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

                                I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
                                ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn

