It seems that a lot of people (including high-and-almighty Yin) may not have read the FAQ answer closely. Here are a couple of points:
They're working on new concepts, possibly ideas from their fans?
The reason why they don't give any details is because they can't give any details because they're not completely sure themselves!
Note that this is a promise to release information when available. Also note the "once we have more details to report" clause, which indicates that they don't have all of the details yet.
The Apolyton board may itself be to blame . . . you guys came up with good ideas, and now the programmers at Firaxis may be working on implementation. You're complaining about something you may well have started
However, we're working on some cool multiplayer concepts that will take a fresh approach to the challenge of making multiplayer for a turn-based game fun.
Once we have more details to report, they'll be posted on this FAQ.
Note that this is a promise to release information when available. Also note the "once we have more details to report" clause, which indicates that they don't have all of the details yet.
The Apolyton board may itself be to blame . . . you guys came up with good ideas, and now the programmers at Firaxis may be working on implementation. You're complaining about something you may well have started
