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GoW FA thread 1

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  • #91
    Correspondence with GF today.

    RE: Re: Explanation needed

    They have a map of all of Bob and any city on Bob is immediately visible to everyone who has the map.

    OK. But my question is, how did they know about it??

    And yes - that story line will work.

    The story line which we will be spinning with GS, and which we will need to act out in the public forum, is that we did not go over in sufficient force originally, and had to extricate ourselves both diplomatically and militarily. We will be heading back to Bob with another settler and a much large army - and that will lead to gruesome conflict. We get pasted by the combined forces of NeuD and GoW and run back to Estonia with our tails between our legs. Another stupid move my Vox.

    And - we have an alternate plan for you to help us. It only requires one galley, but 6 horsemen. We have a tile you can land on an form troops on that is not visible to GS. Four- or more horsemen gather there, while two go south on the galley looking for the iron source - or at least key roads to disconnect. We do the same thing down the east coast.

    Your horseman force, plus our Immortal army moves south. There are roads you will be able to take advantage of to get there quicker. It may not have the same impact as 6 horsemen landing in the back field, but it will clearly split the defence further. Thoughts?


    GhengisFarb wrote on 27-03-2003 09:54:
    Tell them we bought it from you in order to resolve the issue (which we sort of did we bought it by agreeing to commit troops to take out GS), I have already told them we are flat strapped for cash, if they put 2 and 2 together to come up with 9 that's their problem not ours.

    BetaHound wrote on 26-03-2003 21:09:
    Received tonight from RP. Please explain. No RP units in sight.

    "We noticed that GoW now owns your city. It wasn't razed. You guys agree to peace with them?"
    Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


    • #92
      I don't like GS knowing that we will have a large army

      Jon Miller
      Jon Miller-
      GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


      • #93
        they think opur army is for NeuD and GOW
        "Do not honour the worthy, And the people will not compete. Do not value rare treasures, And people will not steal. Do not display what people want, And the people will not have their hearts confused. A sage governs this way: He empties peoples minds and fills their bellies. He weakens their wills and strengthens their bone. Keep the people always without knowledge and without desires, For then the clever will not dare act. Engage in no action and order will prevail."-Loazi "The Classic of The Way and Its Powers"


        • #94
          Originally posted by Jon Miller
          I don't like GS knowing that we will have a large army

          Jon Miller
          No way around this. It is available from the Military Advisor screen. I think Macy is right on - we need to keep the story line going that we are gearing up for a foray back to the continent. That is an extremely plausible rationale, and having lost the city makes it even more believable.
          Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


          • #95
            To Ghengis this evening:

            Greetings Ghengis.

            Monotheism has been forwarded to you as accepted. This will save a turn at your end. Please return the payment of 225 gold (got it right this time ) as accepted on your turn.

            Great doing business with you.

            We now have other 'business' to attend to. Please let me know when you would like to discuss further.

            Regards... and peace... Beta.
            Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


            • #96
              OK - a quick run down of tonight's chat with GOW. Harry, Kon and myself from Vox. GF, P32, UnOrthO and Hot Enamel and MasterZen for part of it from GoW.

              They are still on side.

              One galley will be available in the short term (4 turns to Elipolis), a second in 10 turns or so, and eventually a 3rd and 4th.

              For now - it looks like two galleys and 4 horsemen.

              We are still going with a ruse - albeit scaled down. We will land on Vox (edit - er BoB) in 3 turns. Tonights chat was a diplomatic effort to reach agreement. It failed. We land against opposition. GoW declares war on us.

              There was a very tense moment. We agreed trading maps was best - especially for GoW to know ehere they are going - and later for us to see the land they have revealed. But GoW did not think that it was fair trade and asked for Engineering when we are finished. I said engineering for waht. Thay said 30 gold when we are done. They know the length of time.

              I asked for 80 now and 80 when we are done. They were ready to walk out of the alliance - we tried 50 now and 2o later. GF declared no trades. We had to soft talk them back to the table - and agreed to the original deal. Who knows what will happen in 30+ turns.

              But I think they knew they had us over a barrel - and took advantage of it. And their assistance only amounts to 4 horsemen. And Ghengis wants to see if he can stay at peace long enough with GS to get feudalism from them. He will claim he is only exploring the coast.

              We will see where this goes. Gow is still keen on the alliance. NeuD will stay quiet. They confirmed this. And then RolePlay is the next target.

              So - we go forward with this - I still trust them - but we keep one eye open just in case.
              Last edited by Beta; April 5, 2003, 10:00.
              Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


              • #97
                We will land on Vox in 3 turns.
                Looks like our sailors got turned around at sea.

                I was surprised at how quick they were to walk away. No negotiating. I think GF knows we are taking the slow road to research and so engineering will not cost us much.

                I trust them too, for now. We will need to be very careful once GS and RP are out of the picture.

                Now its time for me to leave. See ya Monday.


                • #98
                  Yesterday's chat transcript

                  Here is most of the transcript from yesterday's chat with GoW. It's 22 pages long, but you can see Gow's brutal change of attitude at pages 16-17...

                  Get your science News at Konquest Online!


                  • #99
                    I sent this to GoW today. It may help shake loose the GS deal.

                    Greetings from Vox!

                    It would be very helpful if you would declare war on us this turn, and then start a thread screaming at us for landing on the continent. Two galleys. Three spearman and an Immortal. More to come

                    Thanks ... Beta.
                    Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                    • The embassy we're gonna build might fit in if GoW declares war next turn. It might even give GS the impression that we're their friends...

                      I can't wait for the screaming to begin!

                      Get your science News at Konquest Online!


                      • Originally posted by Konquest02
                        The embassy we're gonna build might fit in if GoW declares war next turn. It might even give GS the impression that we're their friends...

                        I can't wait for the screaming to begin!

                        I know. Me too. I suggested to Ghengis that he titles his thread "They're baaaaaaacccK!".
                        Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                        • Get your science News at Konquest Online!


                          • Recent correspondence with Ghengis:

                            Beta wrote:
                            Re: rationale
                            No can do. Our galley is ready for the first insertion down the east coast. Let's stick to the sabre rattling. Please start a thread declaring that we are back - and to rally the Bobians to kick us off. My intel tells me that GS is fully expecting us to try and land - so let's play up to it.

                            It maybe a case if we landed with a stack of 4 units, on a hill, you didn't want to attack with a sinngle horseman. So the same inability to declare war would still hold. The public forum will accomplish the same thing.

                            Also we will have more intel on their resources and location next turn.

                            Peace. Beta. (they're baaaaack...)

                            GhengisFarb wrote on 06-04-2003 21:54:
                            It wouldn't give me any option to declare war, I couldn't even cancel the peace treaty.

                            If you can land a simple warrior on the coast we can attack with a Horseman to start the war if it doesn't give us an option next turn.

                            BetaHound wrote on 06-04-2003 19:18:
                            OK - when I start bugging you too much - just scream.

                            Here is the rationale for declaring war and starting the sabre rattling now. GS only has one more turn before declare war on them. We have offered them a deal which is essentially a war loan with some collateral. But it could pull significant gold out of them just before the war.

                            Then if you stall on the feudalism trade a bit - you will probably get it for a better price when they really need the cash. We can guage when you show up on the scene.

                            But we need all the hoopla to start. We will delay significantly the playing of our turn to let all this develop - and hopefully so we can conclude our deal with GS. We need them to send us the gold on their next turn.

                            OK. Just so we are all clear. Thanks. And here's to victory! ... Beta.
                            Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                            • OK. This is getting frustrating... and a bit suspicious. Something was to appear in the public forum from Ghengis. He has now gone off line. Maybe for the evening. Nothing has been posted. My rationale was clear. I will nudge him again in the morning.

                              If we still do not get anything posted, I will do a Public Announcement statint that we are landing on Bob and claiming rights to the land. Probably by noon est (1600gst) tomorrow.

                              We will not play our turn until later tomoorrow evening. We need time to get GS to take the bait.

                              I suspect Ghengis is trying to wrangle a way to get feudalism - and does not want to be implicated in any way in the early days with the invasion. If he was part of a scam report on the invasion of Bob, GS would certainly change the price on feudalism.
                              Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                              • What the heck - sent tonight. I suspect our intel on the closeness of feudalism has him salivating.

                                My message:

                                You folks have a change of heart?

                                We were expecting a post in the public forum. If you are working an angle on feudalism - please let us know so at least we have some idea where you are coming from. This is leaving us a bit in the dark - and time is counting down.

                                We can do this without a declaration of war. And it will be more realistic - as we would not knowingly land and leave a unit defenceless to attack.

                                Please let me know what is up. Thank-you.

                                .... Beta.
                                Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.

