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Moves - Volume 4

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  • 740ad Turn Played

    Per orders.

    I didn't take a screenshot.

    We have enough gold stored that we can rush a marketplace or a university in one of the cities that don't have them. Thoughts?


    • 750ad Turn Orders

      - Hope grows to size 4. WF to fish and 3 coast. Verify that worker will be built the next turn
      - Irony builds catapult. Start marketplace.
      - Phoenix builds catapult. Start aqueduct.
      - Resurrection builds catapult. Start marketplace.
      - Panama Vox builds harbor. Start marketplace.
      - VW#1 moves 9
      - VW#2 roads tile
      - VW#4 moves 1-2-2
      - VW#7 moves 3-2-2
      - VW#8 roads tile
      - V.C.S. Intrepid moves 6-6-3
      - V.C.S. Discovery moves 6-6-6
      - V.C.S. Exploration moves 1-1-1
      - Send nationalism to Neu Demogyptica - unaccepted.
      - Change Renewal to university and rush build
      - If Lego has sent us the 500 gold, change Memory to university and rush build.

      Neither Irony nor Resurrection will have the ability to grow without seriously affecting there shield output (i.e. one shield max) so I want to have those two do markets before aqueducts. Same with Panama Vox.
      Last edited by Rhothaerill; March 30, 2004, 03:03.


      • Rhoth - I vote for the university in Renewal. Also - keep in mind that Lego has offered us some cash - say 500 gold - for rushes as well. But for now - I say Renewal Tech University.
        Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


        • if we are having enough science to make it worth it, I suggest univeristy

          Jon Miller
          Jon Miller-
          I AM.CANADIAN
          GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


          • Did we follow up with Lego and let them know we built cats?
            *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


            • No, we had just told them we would be building them soon. We will still have more to build later (I'd like to have 20 when all is said and done), along with riflemen and upgrading all our pikes to rifles. But that will take time since we need to finish out the remaining universities, marketplaces and aqueducts. With our current gold, the ND gold, and if Lego sends us the 500 gold then we can rush buy 4 of the improvements...then another 15-20 turns for aqueducts in the cities that will be able to handle faster growth (though by then we'll probably rush them again).


              • 750ad Turn Played

                Per orders. I rushed the university in Renewal and sent nationalism to ND.

                No gold from Lego yet. I wonder if they forgot.

                Thought I'd post the actual picture this time instead of just the link.


                • 760ad Turn Orders

                  - Hope produces worker and drops to size 3. Start worker
                  - Renewal produces university. Start aqueduct.
                  - WF in Resurrection changed to two hills and one coast.
                  - WF in Hope changed to fish, mined grassland, and mined hill.
                  - If ND has accepted the nationalism deal, change Memory to university and rush.
                  - VW#1 roads tile
                  - VW#3 moves 2-1-2
                  - VW#4 moves 2-2-2
                  - VW#7 moves 6-6
                  - New worker in Hope named VW#9 and moves 3-2-2
                  - V.C.S. Intrepid moves 2-2-2
                  - V.C.S. Discovery moves 6-6-6
                  - V.C.S. Exploration moves 4-4-4
                  - If Lego sends the gold rush a university in Seabiscuit and a marketplace in Phoenix with it.

                  I want to get our workers down to the south soon so that a moment's notice we can get some railroading teams set up and moving.
                  Last edited by Rhothaerill; March 31, 2004, 02:16.


                  • nice

                    Jon Miller-
                    I AM.CANADIAN
                    GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                    • 760ad Turn Played

                      Turn played most decidely NOT per orders. ND completed the nationalism deal and then Lego offers steam power! And we have a coal source near Resurrection.

                      The revised orders include: VW#3 moves 9-9 and rails; VW#4 rails, VW#7 moves 2 and rails, and VW#9 moves 6-2 and rails. I was also able to just barely rush both universities in Memory and Seabiscuit so now the only cities without universities are Hope (which is our worker pump and with electricity our population pump), and Panama Vox and Eternity (neither of which produces sufficient commerce to warrant them until we can pump up their populations). I also set the slider down a notch to bring in a little more gold since we're down pretty low. That should be offset by the two universities that build next turn.

                      Also after taking a quick look around for coal, Lego has two resources that we can see, ND and GoW both have resources, Roleplay shows further evidence that our new land is better than our old one since they don't have a source, and I can't see GS's map but what can be seen doesn't have a source.

                      ND Deal
                      Steam Power!!!!!


                      • Hi Rhoth. I'm back from my Vancouver trip.

                        The set up looks good. Coal is nice!

                        I'm still a bit worried that the other nations are going to smack Lego. After our latest round of rushes - I would suggest we start thinking rifles and cannons. And dreadnoughts!
                        Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


                        • 770ad Turn Orders

                          - Memory finishes university. Start aqueduct.
                          - Seabiscuit finishes university. Start aqueduct.
                          - VW#2 moves 3-2 and rails hill
                          - VW#5 moves 3-2 and rails hill
                          - V.C.S. Intrepid moves 2-2-2
                          - V.C.S. Discovery moves 3-3-2
                          - V.C.S. Exploration moves 4-4-1
                          - If Lego sends gold, rush the marketplace in Phoenix.

                          Regarding getting some more military going, I think we need to get aqueducts up first. Once we get electricity, then New Voice, Phoenix, Seabiscuit and Renewal all have the ability to grow.

                          Also, once we have electricity and rails up, I can turn Hope into a 2-turn worker pump and get everything done that much faster. Then we can pump out workers to max out all the cities as much as possible (some have size 12 potential, others don't).

                          I think right now we are making ourselves 'useful' to the other civs. I don't want to rule out an attack, but once we get rails up all over the place then we will be much safer (i.e. help is a ROP away).


                          • 770ad Turn Played

                            Per orders. Lego gave us the gold. I sent a message of thanks and that Beta would be talking with them about the ND tech proposal.

                            Lego gold offer


                            • 780ad Turn Orders

                              - New Voice finishes rifleman. Start aqueduct.
                              - Phoenix finishes marketplace. Start aqueduct.
                              - Hope grows to size 4 and should finish the worker this turn (if not, place WF to build next turn with maximum food). Start worker.
                              - WF in Hope to fish and two mined grassland.
                              - VW#1 moves 2-2 and rails
                              - VW#6 moves 3-3 and rails
                              - New worker in Hope named VW#10 and moves 6-6 and rails (yes there is a reason why #6 and #10 aren't doing improvements directly next to where they are. )
                              - V.C.S. Intrepid moves 3-2-2
                              - V.C.S. Discovery moves 6-6-6
                              - V.C.S. Exploration moves 1-1-1
                              - If GoW sends medicine, add nationalism to the deal and accept it before sending it back.
                              Last edited by Rhothaerill; April 6, 2004, 01:21.


                              • The save is here and I'm about to play it.

