History Guy -- Inform Neu Dem that we signed a Defensive Alliance with Lux Invicta many turns ago, long before we were aware of the problems that Neu Dem and Lux were involved in.
Inform them that if they attack Lux, our alliance is activated. However, if Lux attacks them, we are not required to assist, nor will we.
Also inform them that this alliance ends in 2 turns and that we are seriously considering not renewing it.
Tell them that Togas is not pleased at all with their demand to be given territory. If they are truely interested in remaining our close friends, they will refrain for making any future demans.
Make no other comments about the border issues. We will stall on this issue for a while.
Inform them that if they attack Lux, our alliance is activated. However, if Lux attacks them, we are not required to assist, nor will we.
Also inform them that this alliance ends in 2 turns and that we are seriously considering not renewing it.
Tell them that Togas is not pleased at all with their demand to be given territory. If they are truely interested in remaining our close friends, they will refrain for making any future demans.
Make no other comments about the border issues. We will stall on this issue for a while.