OK, first things first - here is a log of my chat with GhengisFarb I finished just few minutes ago:
I will add my comments in the next post, so that you can read through the log while I am commenting.
Session Start: Sun Mar 09 13:43:16 2003
Session Ident: GhengisFarb
vondrack: hello
GhengisFarb: Hey one of our galleys made contact with your galley
vondrack: good
vondrack: glad that our isolation finally ends
vondrack: we've been getting a bit nervous about it
vondrack: but I am surprised we are not much behind tech-wise...
GhengisFarb: We have Mathematics, Code of Laws, Horseback Riding, and will have Literature next turn
vondrack: Do you have Philosophy?
GhengisFarb: i think you have been able to build a large enough civ base that you can research faster than the rest of us
vondrack: not sure about that
GhengisFarb: No, I think GS and Voz are currently researching it.
vondrack: we started just North of a big jungle
vondrack: so we have been having tough times developing
GhengisFarb: Roleplay is doing Polytheism, ND is doing Commerce and we were going to start on Construction this turn
vondrack: fortunately, a river helped us to do acceptably commerce-wise
GhengisFarb: Rivers can make a huge difference
vondrack: interesting info about the research "assignments" among Bobian civs
GhengisFarb: Do you want to trade world maps?
vondrack: do you trade all that stuff among yourselves?
vondrack: well, re: maps
vondrack: I am sorry but that is out of question
vondrack: a poll binds me to rule such a possibility out
vondrack: the reason is
GhengisFarb: Yes, although Vox isn't very trade interested, GS and Vox are both somewhat isolationist and refuse to trade maps
vondrack: that as I said, we started in a pretty crappy location
vondrack: our only chance is to expand beyond that jungle
vondrack: and many of our members feel
vondrack: that revealing our map to anyone might lead to another team plopping a city on our landmass
vondrack: we would certainly be able to push anyone back to the sea
vondrack: but we want to avoid any wars
vondrack: being builders
vondrack: so, unfortunately, world map cannot be a subject of a trade
GhengisFarb: That's a real possibility but it will probably happen anyway now that galleys are widely available. We have no more room on our continent for cities
vondrack: well, if it happens, we will have no choice but to declare war
vondrack: it would be a matter of our very survival
vondrack: regarding the trade...
vondrack: we seem to have a technology you still lack
GhengisFarb: Which is?
vondrack: we got Philosophy from a hut few turns ago
vondrack: not the most costly tech, admittedly...
vondrack: would you be interested in trading for that one?
vondrack: re: that "
vondrack: we have been lucky wit huts
vondrack: got some techs
vondrack: that's why we are doing so-so and not completely behind
GhengisFarb: Most difinitely, you can give us Philosophy, and we can give you Horseback, Mathematics, and Code of Laws now, and Literature next turn
vondrack: hmmm, that sounds interesting
GhengisFarb: That leaves us with Construction and Commerce to get to the next age and Republic and Monarchy
vondrack: yeah... do you have any deals pre-arranged for those?
GhengisFarb: ND has been researching Commerce for awhile so they probably have quite a bit invested in it
vondrack: they willing to trade for it?
vondrack: it's much like with us and Literature... we are 5 turns from discovering it, I think
GhengisFarb: Willing to trade Commerce? They have been a fairly easy team to deal with.
vondrack: really?
GhengisFarb: But there's no point in wasting 5 turns of beakers if you can have it now.
vondrack: that's right
vondrack: well, I believe that Philosophy for Math+HBR+CoL+Lit would be a fine deal
vondrack: you could tech-whore Philosophy around
GhengisFarb: Can we include a clause that if Lego ever trades there map (territory or world) GoW will get to trade maps with Lego on that same turn?
vondrack: plus you could sell our contact to others
vondrack: re: clause
vondrack: I believe we could
vondrack: we are really determined to reveal it to nobody
vondrack: so if you want to have this guaranteed, I guess we would be willing to agree
GhengisFarb: I can understand, I would like to be able to have access to it if someone else gains access
vondrack: sure, I believe such a clause would be ok
GhengisFarb: Would you be interested in purchasing our world map?
vondrack: quite frankly, I do not think it would be of too much value for us
vondrack: we do not really intend to expand overseas
vondrack: we seek no conflicts
vondrack: and we do realize than landing on Bob or Estonia would inevitably cause one
GhengisFarb: true
vondrack: just like if another team landed on Legos
vondrack: so all our galley is bound to
vondrack: is make contacts
vondrack: once we make contacts
vondrack: or get contacts
vondrack: our galley shall turn and sail back home
GhengisFarb: I have a feeling you will have contact with everyone on your next turn.
vondrack: oh?
vondrack: you intend to trade our contact around?
vondrack: we would certainly not mind
vondrack: we've been discussing that part of your initial proposal
vondrack: brb
GhengisFarb: Yes, I am holding onto the save untill we finalize the distrubution of conact with Lego.
vondrack: back
vondrack: ...proposal and the general consensus was that we shall let you make whatever you can out of selling it around
vondrack: no shares
vondrack: after all
vondrack: it is in our best interest to have those contacts
GhengisFarb: That sounds fine. You give us Philosophy for Horse, Math, and CoL this turn.
GhengisFarb: Next turn we gift you Literature.
GhengisFarb: Which tech are you going to research next, so I can coordinate to research a different one
GhengisFarb: With CoL you can research Republic your next turn
vondrack: that sounds fine, yes... though I have to make clear that this deal would still be subject to approval by our team - we are running sort of "democracy" in Lego. But I personally promise to do whatever necessary to make this deal come true.
vondrack: re: next research
vondrack: we haven't decided yet
vondrack: quite frankly
vondrack: we did not expect to be able to trade Philosophy
vondrack: so there will be a discussion
vondrack: but I would consider Republic pretty possible
vondrack: would you be interested in that?
GhengisFarb: Yes, then we can research Constuction, could we agree to trade the two once we complete them?
vondrack: that I would be unable to confirm ATM... that would be too much beyond my authorization
vondrack: but I can certainly propose that
GhengisFarb: Sounds good.
vondrack: btw, we heard rumours about a new war brewing on Bob
vondrack: is that true?
GhengisFarb: ?? What war, I thought everyone was being nice nice
vondrack: honestly, the info came from a non-Bob civ, so I have no idea how good the info is
vondrack: that's why I am checking
vondrack: on an interesting note... have you noticed that RPers are building something in Madrid?
vondrack: either units or a wonder
GhengisFarb: ND is fairly powerful now, and Roleplay is concerned that either they or GoW is next on the hit list
vondrack: Madrid has been at pop 5, not growing, for several turns now
vondrack: I'd say RPers are right...![Wink](https://apolyton.net/core/images/smilies/wink.gif)
GhengisFarb: I don't think anyone is building wonders on Bob, we were planning to start one soon.
vondrack: that would mean they are building troops...???
GhengisFarb: My guess is they are amassing troops to go to war with ND, either offensively or defensively.
vondrack: but then... if I were them, I would amass troops, that's right
GhengisFarb: I kinda hinted to them that ND could be aggressive to slow down their rexing and it actually worked.
vondrack: hehe
vondrack: you like RPers?
GhengisFarb: I think I made them paranoid though
GhengisFarb: They are okay but tend to ask a little much in their trade agreements
GhengisFarb: They are very much prone to spreading rumors and counterplots, they were constantly doing that when Lux was alive
vondrack: hehe, my impression
vondrack: but I have to admit that we got lots of valuable intel from them
vondrack: so it would not be nice of me to talk bad of them
GhengisFarb: Oh yes, early on they gave us a lot of info. How many luxuries are on your contienent and what are they if you don't mind my asking. We have Ivory, Wine, Spice, Gems, and Silk on Bob, with GoW having all the Wine and RP potentially having all the Ivory
GhengisFarb: The rest are somewhat scattered.
vondrack: ahhh... luxuries... we got screwed on them
vondrack: just Dyes
vondrack: but a couple of them
GhengisFarb: That would mean GS and Vox are sitting on Furs and Incense
vondrack: that's because of that lovely jungle here...
vondrack: quite likely, yes
vondrack: would roughly match the number of civs per landmass
vondrack: brb
GhengisFarb: The part of Bob that juts towards Lego in the south (you can see the hint of a coast) is where the bulk of the Gems are. You could easily drop a city down there and get some gems as its all mountains and a few hills
vondrack: back
vondrack: hehe, yeah, I can imagine that Togas would be extremely happy having our outpost plopped there
vondrack: but I hope we will be able to trade resources for luxuries
GhengisFarb: Are there any Iron resources in some remote area of Legos, we are despartely in need of an Iron resource
vondrack: perhaps we might trade iron to you... we have iron resources close to our existing cities
vondrack: the problem is
GhengisFarb: Oh, I was hoping there might be one is some godawful backwater
vondrack: that until Navigation
GhengisFarb: Not that we can trade resources until Astronomy
vondrack: I do not see how you could use the resource that is here
vondrack: even if you had a city of yours here
vondrack: is that possible? using Harbors?
GhengisFarb: Doesn't Astro allow trade over sea squares
vondrack: yes
GhengisFarb: Then Nav allows it over ocean
GhengisFarb: are we not connected by sea?
vondrack: but Astro is still way into the future, isn't it?
vondrack: let me see
vondrack: yes, sea tile route does exist
GhengisFarb: Okay , my team is okay with the deal we were taling about, but they want a clause that we have excluvie rights to trade Philosophy to the other civs in return for giving you all the techs
GhengisFarb: Let me send you a pm.
vondrack: ok
vondrack: I will tell my team about the proposal
vondrack: not sure about that exclusivity thing, but it may be acceptable
vondrack: perhaps limiting it to a certain number of turns would make it easier to accept
GhengisFarb: It kinda a technicality because even if your galley went straight for another civ you wouldn't contact anyone else for 5- 6 turns and we would have traded it with everyone by then anyway
vondrack: that's correct... however, you said you planned to trade our contact around, so that confused me a bit
GhengisFarb: The reason they are wanting it is so we can make sure EVERYONE has contact with you this turn and we can work out Philosophy deals later.
GhengisFarb: As opposed to holding out contact with you until they agree to a deal with Philosophy
vondrack: yes if you can guarantee we will get contacts to all other civs, I believe exclusivity would be possible
GhengisFarb: I'll include that in the pm.
vondrack: mind you though, I will not be able to sign the deal before like midnight GMT - most our members are from the US
vondrack: and I need to wait for their feedback
GhengisFarb: But you can't tell anyone that.
We don't want them knowing we are trying to get everyone contact with you, they may drop the amount of their offers.
vondrack: I could very soon cease to be the President if making a deal like this on my own
vondrack: just FYI
vondrack: Voxes, GS, and RPers know we are coming
GhengisFarb: But you need these negotiating powers to make the best deals.
vondrack: we told them right after crossing the sea
vondrack: but they now, at the same time
vondrack: that we would not be able to make a direct contact sooner than in 6-7 turns
GhengisFarb: Our most profitable deals are usually made by me reacting to a sudden opportunity.
vondrack: well... can't do anything about that... that's how things are done in Lego
GhengisFarb: That's based on your galley continuing towards the other civs. If you keep going along the coast in the north you will make contact with Vox then GS on their island.
GhengisFarb: ND is south of us and Roleplay is south of them
vondrack: yes, we have a very good picture of where everybody is
vondrack: the plan currently was to go northwards, along the northern coast of Bob, heading for Vox/GS
vondrack: but if we get contacts, there will be little incentive to go there actually
GhengisFarb: True
vondrack: so we would probably withdraw Galleyleo Galleylei back home
vondrack: back to iron... do you have any excess luxuries you could trade for our iron?
GhengisFarb: We got all the Wine in the world
vondrack: I will be honest - it is in our best interest to help you against ND, which is (in our eyes) becoming too much of a threat
vondrack: so we would probably be happy to trade iron for something
vondrack: and luxuries come to my mind first
GhengisFarb: Everyone concentrates on ND, but RP is in a far better postion to build a powerful war machine
vondrack: do they have better lands?
GhengisFarb: MUCH better lands
GhengisFarb: ND is IN the junglt
GhengisFarb: jungle
vondrack: didn't know that
vondrack: and they are not industrious, right?
GhengisFarb: Rp is in a lush river valley with half of the continents land area and 90% of the contients luxuries.
GhengisFarb: They are going to be a trade and luxury powerhouse unless ND takes a chunk of them ( which would pretty much balance things out again)
vondrack: I see
vondrack: which kinda puts yourself and ND into the same boat, doesn't it?
GhengisFarb: Not really, we started in a LUSH grassland hill river valley area, with five really good citysites
vondrack: so the lack of iron is the only thing that makes you sort of weak, right?
GhengisFarb: Yes, but we don't really HAVE to have it until Chivalry
vondrack: hmmm... I see... seems like we should have a trade route ready once sea tiles become usable
vondrack: we would not be able to send you our swordsmen, but we could certainly provide you with one of our irons
GhengisFarb: .Hmm, might you be interested in a Warrior exchange (joint military maneuvers)
vondrack: not sure... it has not been discussed so far
vondrack: is that about GL/GA production?
vondrack: well, I guess that's it for the moment
vondrack: I will wait for your PM and post it in our forums ASAP
vondrack: once I get a "go ahead" from my teammates, I will PM you back
Session Ident: GhengisFarb
vondrack: hello
GhengisFarb: Hey one of our galleys made contact with your galley
vondrack: good
vondrack: glad that our isolation finally ends
vondrack: we've been getting a bit nervous about it
vondrack: but I am surprised we are not much behind tech-wise...
GhengisFarb: We have Mathematics, Code of Laws, Horseback Riding, and will have Literature next turn
vondrack: Do you have Philosophy?
GhengisFarb: i think you have been able to build a large enough civ base that you can research faster than the rest of us
vondrack: not sure about that
GhengisFarb: No, I think GS and Voz are currently researching it.
vondrack: we started just North of a big jungle
vondrack: so we have been having tough times developing
GhengisFarb: Roleplay is doing Polytheism, ND is doing Commerce and we were going to start on Construction this turn
vondrack: fortunately, a river helped us to do acceptably commerce-wise
GhengisFarb: Rivers can make a huge difference
vondrack: interesting info about the research "assignments" among Bobian civs
GhengisFarb: Do you want to trade world maps?
vondrack: do you trade all that stuff among yourselves?
vondrack: well, re: maps
vondrack: I am sorry but that is out of question
vondrack: a poll binds me to rule such a possibility out
vondrack: the reason is
GhengisFarb: Yes, although Vox isn't very trade interested, GS and Vox are both somewhat isolationist and refuse to trade maps
vondrack: that as I said, we started in a pretty crappy location
vondrack: our only chance is to expand beyond that jungle
vondrack: and many of our members feel
vondrack: that revealing our map to anyone might lead to another team plopping a city on our landmass
vondrack: we would certainly be able to push anyone back to the sea
vondrack: but we want to avoid any wars
vondrack: being builders
vondrack: so, unfortunately, world map cannot be a subject of a trade
GhengisFarb: That's a real possibility but it will probably happen anyway now that galleys are widely available. We have no more room on our continent for cities
vondrack: well, if it happens, we will have no choice but to declare war
vondrack: it would be a matter of our very survival
vondrack: regarding the trade...
vondrack: we seem to have a technology you still lack
GhengisFarb: Which is?
vondrack: we got Philosophy from a hut few turns ago
vondrack: not the most costly tech, admittedly...
vondrack: would you be interested in trading for that one?
vondrack: re: that "
vondrack: we have been lucky wit huts
vondrack: got some techs
vondrack: that's why we are doing so-so and not completely behind
GhengisFarb: Most difinitely, you can give us Philosophy, and we can give you Horseback, Mathematics, and Code of Laws now, and Literature next turn
vondrack: hmmm, that sounds interesting
GhengisFarb: That leaves us with Construction and Commerce to get to the next age and Republic and Monarchy
vondrack: yeah... do you have any deals pre-arranged for those?
GhengisFarb: ND has been researching Commerce for awhile so they probably have quite a bit invested in it
vondrack: they willing to trade for it?
vondrack: it's much like with us and Literature... we are 5 turns from discovering it, I think
GhengisFarb: Willing to trade Commerce? They have been a fairly easy team to deal with.
vondrack: really?
GhengisFarb: But there's no point in wasting 5 turns of beakers if you can have it now.
vondrack: that's right
vondrack: well, I believe that Philosophy for Math+HBR+CoL+Lit would be a fine deal
vondrack: you could tech-whore Philosophy around
GhengisFarb: Can we include a clause that if Lego ever trades there map (territory or world) GoW will get to trade maps with Lego on that same turn?
vondrack: plus you could sell our contact to others
vondrack: re: clause
vondrack: I believe we could
vondrack: we are really determined to reveal it to nobody
vondrack: so if you want to have this guaranteed, I guess we would be willing to agree
GhengisFarb: I can understand, I would like to be able to have access to it if someone else gains access
vondrack: sure, I believe such a clause would be ok
GhengisFarb: Would you be interested in purchasing our world map?
vondrack: quite frankly, I do not think it would be of too much value for us
vondrack: we do not really intend to expand overseas
vondrack: we seek no conflicts
vondrack: and we do realize than landing on Bob or Estonia would inevitably cause one
GhengisFarb: true
vondrack: just like if another team landed on Legos
vondrack: so all our galley is bound to
vondrack: is make contacts
vondrack: once we make contacts
vondrack: or get contacts
vondrack: our galley shall turn and sail back home
GhengisFarb: I have a feeling you will have contact with everyone on your next turn.
vondrack: oh?
vondrack: you intend to trade our contact around?
vondrack: we would certainly not mind
vondrack: we've been discussing that part of your initial proposal
vondrack: brb
GhengisFarb: Yes, I am holding onto the save untill we finalize the distrubution of conact with Lego.
vondrack: back
vondrack: ...proposal and the general consensus was that we shall let you make whatever you can out of selling it around
vondrack: no shares
vondrack: after all
vondrack: it is in our best interest to have those contacts
GhengisFarb: That sounds fine. You give us Philosophy for Horse, Math, and CoL this turn.
GhengisFarb: Next turn we gift you Literature.
GhengisFarb: Which tech are you going to research next, so I can coordinate to research a different one
GhengisFarb: With CoL you can research Republic your next turn
vondrack: that sounds fine, yes... though I have to make clear that this deal would still be subject to approval by our team - we are running sort of "democracy" in Lego. But I personally promise to do whatever necessary to make this deal come true.
vondrack: re: next research
vondrack: we haven't decided yet
vondrack: quite frankly
vondrack: we did not expect to be able to trade Philosophy
vondrack: so there will be a discussion
vondrack: but I would consider Republic pretty possible
vondrack: would you be interested in that?
GhengisFarb: Yes, then we can research Constuction, could we agree to trade the two once we complete them?
vondrack: that I would be unable to confirm ATM... that would be too much beyond my authorization
vondrack: but I can certainly propose that
GhengisFarb: Sounds good.
vondrack: btw, we heard rumours about a new war brewing on Bob
vondrack: is that true?
GhengisFarb: ?? What war, I thought everyone was being nice nice
vondrack: honestly, the info came from a non-Bob civ, so I have no idea how good the info is
vondrack: that's why I am checking
vondrack: on an interesting note... have you noticed that RPers are building something in Madrid?
vondrack: either units or a wonder
GhengisFarb: ND is fairly powerful now, and Roleplay is concerned that either they or GoW is next on the hit list
vondrack: Madrid has been at pop 5, not growing, for several turns now
vondrack: I'd say RPers are right...
GhengisFarb: I don't think anyone is building wonders on Bob, we were planning to start one soon.
vondrack: that would mean they are building troops...???
GhengisFarb: My guess is they are amassing troops to go to war with ND, either offensively or defensively.
vondrack: but then... if I were them, I would amass troops, that's right
GhengisFarb: I kinda hinted to them that ND could be aggressive to slow down their rexing and it actually worked.
vondrack: hehe
vondrack: you like RPers?
GhengisFarb: I think I made them paranoid though
GhengisFarb: They are okay but tend to ask a little much in their trade agreements
GhengisFarb: They are very much prone to spreading rumors and counterplots, they were constantly doing that when Lux was alive
vondrack: hehe, my impression
vondrack: but I have to admit that we got lots of valuable intel from them
vondrack: so it would not be nice of me to talk bad of them
GhengisFarb: Oh yes, early on they gave us a lot of info. How many luxuries are on your contienent and what are they if you don't mind my asking. We have Ivory, Wine, Spice, Gems, and Silk on Bob, with GoW having all the Wine and RP potentially having all the Ivory
GhengisFarb: The rest are somewhat scattered.
vondrack: ahhh... luxuries... we got screwed on them
vondrack: just Dyes
vondrack: but a couple of them
GhengisFarb: That would mean GS and Vox are sitting on Furs and Incense
vondrack: that's because of that lovely jungle here...
vondrack: quite likely, yes
vondrack: would roughly match the number of civs per landmass
vondrack: brb
GhengisFarb: The part of Bob that juts towards Lego in the south (you can see the hint of a coast) is where the bulk of the Gems are. You could easily drop a city down there and get some gems as its all mountains and a few hills
vondrack: back
vondrack: hehe, yeah, I can imagine that Togas would be extremely happy having our outpost plopped there
vondrack: but I hope we will be able to trade resources for luxuries
GhengisFarb: Are there any Iron resources in some remote area of Legos, we are despartely in need of an Iron resource
vondrack: perhaps we might trade iron to you... we have iron resources close to our existing cities
vondrack: the problem is
GhengisFarb: Oh, I was hoping there might be one is some godawful backwater
vondrack: that until Navigation
GhengisFarb: Not that we can trade resources until Astronomy
vondrack: I do not see how you could use the resource that is here
vondrack: even if you had a city of yours here
vondrack: is that possible? using Harbors?
GhengisFarb: Doesn't Astro allow trade over sea squares
vondrack: yes
GhengisFarb: Then Nav allows it over ocean
GhengisFarb: are we not connected by sea?
vondrack: but Astro is still way into the future, isn't it?
vondrack: let me see
vondrack: yes, sea tile route does exist
GhengisFarb: Okay , my team is okay with the deal we were taling about, but they want a clause that we have excluvie rights to trade Philosophy to the other civs in return for giving you all the techs
GhengisFarb: Let me send you a pm.
vondrack: ok
vondrack: I will tell my team about the proposal
vondrack: not sure about that exclusivity thing, but it may be acceptable
vondrack: perhaps limiting it to a certain number of turns would make it easier to accept
GhengisFarb: It kinda a technicality because even if your galley went straight for another civ you wouldn't contact anyone else for 5- 6 turns and we would have traded it with everyone by then anyway
vondrack: that's correct... however, you said you planned to trade our contact around, so that confused me a bit
GhengisFarb: The reason they are wanting it is so we can make sure EVERYONE has contact with you this turn and we can work out Philosophy deals later.
GhengisFarb: As opposed to holding out contact with you until they agree to a deal with Philosophy
vondrack: yes if you can guarantee we will get contacts to all other civs, I believe exclusivity would be possible
GhengisFarb: I'll include that in the pm.
vondrack: mind you though, I will not be able to sign the deal before like midnight GMT - most our members are from the US
vondrack: and I need to wait for their feedback
GhengisFarb: But you can't tell anyone that.
vondrack: I could very soon cease to be the President if making a deal like this on my own
vondrack: just FYI
vondrack: Voxes, GS, and RPers know we are coming
GhengisFarb: But you need these negotiating powers to make the best deals.
vondrack: we told them right after crossing the sea
vondrack: but they now, at the same time
vondrack: that we would not be able to make a direct contact sooner than in 6-7 turns
GhengisFarb: Our most profitable deals are usually made by me reacting to a sudden opportunity.
vondrack: well... can't do anything about that... that's how things are done in Lego
GhengisFarb: That's based on your galley continuing towards the other civs. If you keep going along the coast in the north you will make contact with Vox then GS on their island.
GhengisFarb: ND is south of us and Roleplay is south of them
vondrack: yes, we have a very good picture of where everybody is
vondrack: the plan currently was to go northwards, along the northern coast of Bob, heading for Vox/GS
vondrack: but if we get contacts, there will be little incentive to go there actually
GhengisFarb: True
vondrack: so we would probably withdraw Galleyleo Galleylei back home
vondrack: back to iron... do you have any excess luxuries you could trade for our iron?
GhengisFarb: We got all the Wine in the world
vondrack: I will be honest - it is in our best interest to help you against ND, which is (in our eyes) becoming too much of a threat
vondrack: so we would probably be happy to trade iron for something
vondrack: and luxuries come to my mind first
GhengisFarb: Everyone concentrates on ND, but RP is in a far better postion to build a powerful war machine
vondrack: do they have better lands?
GhengisFarb: MUCH better lands
GhengisFarb: ND is IN the junglt
GhengisFarb: jungle
vondrack: didn't know that
vondrack: and they are not industrious, right?
GhengisFarb: Rp is in a lush river valley with half of the continents land area and 90% of the contients luxuries.
GhengisFarb: They are going to be a trade and luxury powerhouse unless ND takes a chunk of them ( which would pretty much balance things out again)
vondrack: I see
vondrack: which kinda puts yourself and ND into the same boat, doesn't it?
GhengisFarb: Not really, we started in a LUSH grassland hill river valley area, with five really good citysites
vondrack: so the lack of iron is the only thing that makes you sort of weak, right?
GhengisFarb: Yes, but we don't really HAVE to have it until Chivalry
vondrack: hmmm... I see... seems like we should have a trade route ready once sea tiles become usable
vondrack: we would not be able to send you our swordsmen, but we could certainly provide you with one of our irons
GhengisFarb: .Hmm, might you be interested in a Warrior exchange (joint military maneuvers)
vondrack: not sure... it has not been discussed so far
vondrack: is that about GL/GA production?
vondrack: well, I guess that's it for the moment
vondrack: I will wait for your PM and post it in our forums ASAP
vondrack: once I get a "go ahead" from my teammates, I will PM you back