So, summarizing our plans:
1. Talk to RP and see if they are willing to accept a Th - Eng. deal, and in what conditions (best would be a "no-Sistine" clause, but don't tell this directly to them; ask for a gold compensation first and then see what their reaction is; the "non-sistine" clause could appear as a brilliant "instead-of-money" new idea

2. Talk with the GoW about a possible Th - Feud. trade, and negotiate the beakers difference (I'd strongly prefer a Non-Agression Pact over gold)
3. If the RP deal is uncertain, try to make a deal with the Voxes somehow (for Eng)
Edit: I also don't prefer RP over Voxes, but if they want only to stockpile money and research on a very low percentage, then we will have to wait too much for Eng. This is why I think that right now a deal with the RPs is better. But should the negotiations with RP fail, of course I'm for the Vox deal.
4. Don't tell the GS about the GoW deal, and try to avoid long term tech coordination with them (unless they change their attitude and offer fair deals, that is). Try to make a deal for Chivalry, but only at the right moment (which is not now

5. Wait and see what happens
