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Next turn plans 60AD to 1240AD

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  • #91
    Plans for 230AD (Turn 140):

    Unit Movement/Actions

    1) Ming to move SE and fortify in Forkmouth

    2) settler 'Order' to move NW towards the Invoice site

    3) G.B. to move NE-NE-NE

    4) Gaul to move E

    5) Angus to move S-SE-SE, en route to the TarZar white camp

    6) Dyetrich to move S-SW-W, protecting the worker, hoping for a promotion

    7) Merc Twain to move S-SE-SE, heading South

    8) Alexander to move N-N, then N, going after the barb camp, then to F'mouth to upgrade

    9) N.C. to move N-N-NE

    10) St. Merc to fortify in Farmerville

    11) G.G. to move SW-SW-S

    12) Troy to move E-NE
    13) Hunter to move E-NE
    14) Victor to move E-NE

    15) Archibald to move S-S and fortify in the TarZar white camp

    16) new merc finished in Tarzania to be named 'Max Payne', moved S-S, and fortified in the TarZar white camp

    17) new settler finished in Logville to be named 'Abe' and moved W-NW-W, heading to the Abilene site

    Worker Movement/Actions

    18) Jinxo to move N, then irrigate and road

    19) Michael to move SE, then road

    20) Jason Jr. to move W, then road
    slowly starting to prepare a link to the Castlea site

    21) Charlie to move W, then irrigate
    keeps working on the fresh water route to Jackson and Dye Fields

    22) new worker finished in Sharpehaven to be named 'Patrick' and moved E-N-N, then irrigate

    23) Peter to road

    24) Ken to move S-S-S, then towards Abilene
    25) Jimbo to move S-S-S, then towards Abilene

    26) Philippe to mine, then road

    27) Farmer to move S-S and irrigate

    28) Rover to mine

    City Management

    29) reassign Farmerville workers from the riverbank grasses SE amd SE-SE to the irrigated/roaded grass E and forest E-SE of the city
    same growth/commerce, more shields

    30) change Panama production to library
    this may be controversial - here is the reasoning: Panama generates 16spt ATM, that's a library in 5 turns, just like how long a knight would take. The difference is that with a library, we waste no shields, with a knight, we waste 10 (!) shields on the last build turn. As we are going to irrigate and work the plains instead of the non-riverbank hill to speed up the growth in the near future, I suggest we make the best use of the current 16spt shield output and do the library, while it is most efficient. With Forkmouth just starting to build military, I believe we can afford a 5-turn break for Panama - after all, it will be 6-7bpt at 60% research (11bpt on 100% research), which is not negligible.

    31) check Forkmouth for the optimal WF setup and production goal
    there are two priorities for Forkmouth: fast growth and military production. As I am not sure what the possible shield outputs will be, I suggest we try to find the best compromise between fast growth and fine production. Start either a merc or knight (preferrably a knight), work tiles in such a way that the least shields is lost on the last turn at the fastest growth rate.

    31a) change Dye Fields production to caravel; labourer from hill to coast
    Now, this is very important - I have realized that even with an aqueduct, we will have no 2-food tiles to work and the city will stop growing at pop 7 in 10 turns (just when the aqueduct would be done). As we have only two workers kinda in the neighbourhood (Gus&Stanley), we should first make sure we have 2-food tiles enough and build and aqueduct only then. We need to spit out ~4 workers before going for the aqueduct - I'm working on the detailed schedule for D.F., will post it tomorrow. Changing the build to a caravel is the optimal way to waste no shields already invested, while producing something useful (we can use the caravel either to explore or to ferry troops - it does not matter that much it will be just a reg). This will bring our navy to 6 caravels, which should be enough for the time being and at least K'ville will be free to start an aqueduct.

    32) Logville to work wheat, both irrigated grasses and both mined hills; start building settler
    growth in 2, settler in 5

    33) reassign Sharpehaven labourer from the fully improved hill E-SE to the roaded grass SE-SE; start building merc
    grow back to pop 6 in 1 turn

    34) Tarzania to work all three mined hills, two mined bonus grasses, and fish; start building a merc

    35) reassign Kloreepville labourer from a mined hill to the roaded bonus grassland
    caravel still in 1, extra food
    Last edited by vondrack; September 9, 2003, 18:44.


    • #92
      Note, please, that I added quite an important change for Dye Fields, suggesting to switch the build from an aqueduct to a caravel. For the reasoning and long-term plan, see the latest Golden Ages thread post.


      • #93
        Vondrack: Your reasoning for the library sound pretty solid. I'm willing to concede that, at the moment, we can delay that one knight. But this means you have to give in to one of my military build demands later
        I make movies. Come check 'em out.


        • #94
          Hallelujah! Tibi, we can rejoice! We will have our library in Panama!

          At least until Steve comes and strictly demands knights only (that be kept on Legos for home defenses)...

          just kidding, of course...


          • #95
            No, I have also been thinking about a library in Panama for some time as well.

            Though keeping some more home defenses isn't a bad idea...


            • #96
              Honestly I don't really care what reasoning you had/used for the change. Finally, library in Panama !

              (hmm, for how long am I asking this ? )
              "The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not. "
              --George Bernard Shaw
              A fast word about oral contraception. I asked a girl to go to bed with me and she said "no".
              --Woody Allen


              • #97
                Plans for 250AD (Turn 141):

                Unit Movement/Actions

                1) settler 'Order' to move W towards the Invoice site

                2) G.B. to move NE-NE-E
                made a very small detour last turn to check for barbs at the tip of The Hammer (no movement points lost)

                3) Mercedes to disembark S (replacing Horace)

                4) Horace to embark G.B. (N)

                4) Gaul to move S

                5) Angus to move S-SE-SE, en route to the TarZar white camp

                6) Dyetrich to fortify
                another, perhaps better possibility is to send Dyetrich after the camp (hoping for a promotion) and Alexander to Tarzania for the upgrade... your thoughts?

                7) Merc Twain to move S-S-SW

                8) Alexander to move N, going after the barb camp, then to F'mouth to upgrade

                9) N.C. to move N-N-N

                10) G.G. to move S-S-S

                11) LEF1 (Troy, Hunter, Victor) to move NE

                12) settler 'Abe' to move W-SW-SW, heading to the Abilene site

                13) new knight finished in Jackson to be named 'Gawain' and moved S-S-S-SE-S-S
                heading for Zargonia to become part of LEF4

                14) new caravel finished in Kloreepville to be named 'Isaac Newton' and moved NW-N-N

                Worker Movement/Actions

                13) Jinxo to irrigate, then road

                14) Michael to road

                15) Jason Jr. to road
                slowly starting to prepare a link to the Castlea site

                16) Patrick to irrigate

                17) Ken to move S-SW-SW, then towards Abilene
                18) Jimbo to move S-SW-SW, then towards Abilene

                19) Toby to move E, then chop forest
                clearing the way for fresh water (and speeding up the Tarzania build, which I later suggest we change to courthouse)

                20) Bill to move SE, then road & mine

                21) Mark to move S-S-W, then irrigate

                City Management

                22) reassigned Legopolis labourer from the non-riverbank mined hill E to the newly irrigated grassland E-SE of the city
                As indicated elsewhere, I suggest that we delay the completion of Bach's by 1 turn, in order to speed up the growth of Legopolis. There is nobody threatening us to build the wonder earlier and an extra turn for research means we will be able to research at a lower rate, saving some cash.

                23) Jackson to start another knight
                the net shield output of Jackson (14) is ideal for building knights

                29) Farmerville labourers to work wheat, both floodplains, both mined riverbank bonus grasses, irrigated riverbank grass, forest and either the non-riverbank mined bonus grass or the riverbank mined regulat grass
                depends on how many shields we will need to finish the settler in 1. If 5 (that's what I expect), let's work the riverbank regular grass and make 1 more commerce. If 6, we will have to work the bonus grass to bring the net shield output of Farmerville to 6.

                30) Red Bricks to start building catapult
                with the cathedral finished, R.B. is now ready for a big pop boost. I suggest we use the city for building 3-turn catapults, alternating between two setups:
                T+1: gold mountain, irrigated grass, mined bonus grass, three mined regular grasses
                ----: +1fpt/8spt
                T+2: reassign the labourer from the gold mountain to a high-food tile (grassland, preferrably irrigated)
                ----: +3-4fpt/5spt

                31) reassign Karina labourer from the mined iron hill to an irrigated/roaded riverbank plains
                32) reassign Karina labourer from a mined hill to an irrigated/roaded riverbank plains
                our aqueduct build is ahead of the schedule actually, so we can tweak our original plan a bit, squeezing more commerce:
                T141: 15F/80S, after the WF reassignment +3fpt/11spt
                T142: 17F/91S, after labourer plains->hill +2fpt/13spt
                T143: aqueduct complete, pop grows to 7

                33) change Tarzania build to courthouse
                Tarzania has a very unfortunate net shield output (9). Considering its distance from both the capital and Karina, I suggest we change the build from (yet another, not really needed that much will all the mercs from S'haven) merc to courthouse, improving the net shield output to 10+ (also, it will be easier to build an aqueduct there then).

                34) Kloreepville to start building aqueduct
                with 6 caravels, I believe we can take a break in navy building

                35) Tiberium to work the cattle and irrigated/roaded grass


                • #98
                  A few notes on the turn:

                  -Vox galleys are around the hammer, messing up our move pattern for GB. I did a slightly different move, with Horace moving NE to be picked up next turn and replaced by Mercades.
                  -Left Dyetrich to fortify, with Alexander going after the camp. Just seemed a better use of time.
                  -I am a little curious as to where all those Vox galleys are headed... if they are just exploring the coast, why have 2? Perhaps we should contact them and find out what's up...
                  I make movies. Come check 'em out.


                  • #99
                    Z, research slider to 80%!!!


                    • Also, turned research down to 80% Still Gunpowder in 1 turn, but saves us 30 odd gold as well.
                      I make movies. Come check 'em out.


                      • Cool.


                        • Heh, we x-posted Good to know we were on the same wavelength, though
                          I make movies. Come check 'em out.


                          • Plans for 270AD (Turn 142):

                            Unit Movement/Actions

                            1) settler 'Order' to move N to the Invoice site

                            2) G.B. to move E
                            3) Mercedes to disembark S (replacing Horace)
                            4) Horace to embark G.B. (N)
                            5) G.B. to move E-E

                            6) Isaac Newton (I.N.) to move N-E-N

                            7) Gaul to move E

                            8) Gawain to move S-SE-S-S to the TarZar white camp

                            9) Angus to move SE-E-NE, then fortify in the TarZar white camp

                            10) Merc Twain to move SW-SW-SW to Ahhmyfoot

                            11) Alexander to attack barb camp NE, then N to F'mouth to upgrade

                            12) G.G. to move S-S-SW

                            13) N.C. to move N-N-E
                            14) LEF2 (Misty, Silver, Attila) to land NE on the spice grass

                            15) LEF1 (Troy, Hunter, Victor) to move NE-E

                            16) settler 'Abe' to move SW, heading to the Abilene site
                            17) MightMerc to move SW, escorting Abe and temporarily protecting Jimbo & Ken

                            18) new settler from Farmerville to move SE-SE-SE, then S, then found Oasis

                            19) new caravel finished in Zargonia to be named 'Johannes Kepler' and skip turn

                            20) new caravel finished in Dye Fields to be named 'Leonardo da Vinci' and moved E-E-NE, then N-N-NW, NW-W-W to Jackson

                            Worker Movement/Actions

                            21) Charlie to move NE and irrigate

                            22) Leopold to move NW, then clear jungle

                            23) Fritz to irrigate, then road

                            24) Peter to move NW-NW-N then road & mine
                            Forkmouth could very well use another mined hill - but the last one in its radius is being used by S'haven. Let's prepare one more hill for S'haven, so that F'mouth can work the hill NW of the forest game.

                            25) Toby to chop forest

                            26) Bill to road, then mine

                            27) Ken to move SW-SW-SW, then road
                            28) Jimbo to move SW-SW-SW, then road

                            29) Luke to move SW, then road

                            30) Farmer to move S-SW, then road & mine

                            31) Mark to irrigate, then road

                            City Management

                            32) Farmerville labourers to work wheat, both floodplains, both mined riverbank bonus grasses, and the riverbank mined regular grass; start another settler
                            keeping the growth at +10fpt (we still make 5 shields thanks to to pop growth)

                            33) reassign Red Bricks labourer from the gold mountain to the fully improved grassland W-SW; set governor to emphasize production
                            growth in 1 turn and we still get the shields from the mountain (thanks to the pop growth)

                            34) reassign Karina labourer from the fully improved plains SW-SW to the mined/roaded riverbank hill SE-SE
                            growth & aqueduct still in 1 turn, same commerce, but leaves the plains free for Ahhmyfoot

                            35) Zargonia to start building a 1-turn worker
                            to make the best use of the food accumulated over time; we will grow back to pop 6 1 turn later

                            36) Dye Fields to start building a 2-turn worker
                            as per the schedule in the GA thread

                            37) Logville to work both mined hills and all irrigated tiles

                            38) reassign Sharpehaven labourer from the fully improved hill S-SE to a roaded grassland
                            no need for extra shields, so let's squeeze 1 extra food.

                            39) reassign Kloreepville labourer from an irrigated grass to the last mined hill
                            the city would grow too early (before the aqueduct would be finished), so let's "park" the city at no growth and focus on the shields for few turns.

                            40) new Ahhmyfoot labourer to work the riverbank plains

                            41) new Crossing labourer to work the mined hill

                            42) send Gunpowder as 'accepted' to ND
                            43) send Gunpowder as 'accepted' to GoW

                            44) start researching Music Theory at 50-60%
                            We have two options: do the tech in 6 turns, making almost no money (though not losing money either), or in 7 turns, making ~25gpt. I would go for a tad slower research, as we have a lot of mercs to upgrade... the gold we make in the process will be useful.


                            • Agreed with 7 turns.

                              Orders look good, but I think we should stop to look at the gunpowder locations before playing; worker orders may need to be changed if we want it hooked up right away.

                              Which raises a question: If we haven't aready connected a saltpeter tile, do we want to? I would say yes, as we can keep building Mercs for as long as we want regardless of resources until we have our GA, and the sooner we at least have the option to upgrade, the better.


                              • Yeah, I agree that we should hold the turn to look at the saltpeter locations (for both us and everyone else ) (i.e. even a 24 hour turn might not be a bad idea - especially with some teams taking up to or beyond 48 hours for their turns these days - sigh)

                                Agreed re connecting saltpeter immediately if we haven't any connected - as we have the choice of either mercs or muskets until the GA.

                                7 turns sounds good - our gold reserves are very low (especially with upgrades coming) and need replenishing.

                                Will look at the units and worker situation later as I have been busy with RL problems so I am not completely up to speed on those things.

