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  • chat with MZ

    {Cort} Hey, MZ!
    {MasterZen} hey
    {Cort} I sent you a PM with a tech idea on it
    {MasterZen} just the guy I was about to PM...
    {MasterZen} lol
    {MasterZen} haven't checked, let me see...
    {MasterZen} I also had a tech idea myself...
    {MasterZen} hmm, I have the save
    {MasterZen} ok, saw it
    {MasterZen} sounds great, just one little modification
    {Cort} go on
    {MasterZen} instead of Industrialization, we'd prefer Sci Method
    {Cort} Righty-ho, that sounds OK
    {MasterZen} perfect
    {MasterZen} we get Sanitation this turn
    {Cort} Wow
    {MasterZen} we were going to do Rep. Parts but we'll hoard gold this turn instead, you give us Elect. next turn and we start on Rep. Parts
    {MasterZen} *we were going to do Corporation
    {MasterZen} also one more thing
    {MasterZen} we had a chat with ND last turn
    {MasterZen} as in BIG chat
    {MasterZen} it was pretty interesting
    {MasterZen} for the last two weeks I was unable to attend the chats for reasons beyond my control, seems they got paranoid of my absence and thought GoW was planning an attack... hee hee
    {Cort} lol
    {MasterZen} and which is why they were getting "closer" to Lego
    {Cort} but they've been close for longer than two weeks, surely
    {MasterZen} anyway, they put it to me quite simply: they are trading with lego out of convenience, but if we could consolidate among us three, they could break off further trading with Lego
    {Cort} yeeha!
    {MasterZen} the thing is, they are still quite paranoid of GS
    {MasterZen} so basically they saw our own "closeness" as a sign that we were perhaps plotting something against them
    {Cort} So did you explain that the enemy was Lego?
    {MasterZen} yes
    {MasterZen} I think I did a good job of convining them of that
    {MasterZen} *convincing
    {Cort} Obviously GS and ND are competing long-term - we all are, but GS focus is on Lego -
    despite being tempted into alternative storylines
    {MasterZen} there's also an issue which I think they are somewhat correct in: when ND and GoW work together on a tech, it is GoW researching and ND sending the cash. Thus, GoW sends ND the tech ones discovered, but GoW ends up trading the tech to the other civs (yes we are tech whorers :P)
    {Cort} We've noticed your diplo accomplishments - congrats
    {MasterZen} so GoW gets more tech from others, and since there's usually a NTC attached to techs, we can't give t hat tech to ND. So GoW wins out. Thus, ND has to get those techs elsewhere, and Lego is usually the answer
    {Cort} We'd have liked to have been selling to ND, but the diplo never worked out, somehow. We're asking them to make us an offer on Electricity
    {Cort} Going back to Corporation - did you say you wanted to research that?
    {MasterZen} well, we wanted to do Rep. Parts, BUT
    {MasterZen} we needed Electricity
    {MasterZen} which is why I was going to send you a PM this turn
    {Cort} OK, we'll send Electricity next turn
    {MasterZen} we don't really mind losing this turn since we wanted to do 100% tax and get some cash as a cusion
    {Cort} fine, then you can do Rep Parts, while we do Indust, but are you getting Indust other-how?
    {MasterZen} we get Ind. this turn from Lego, it was really in our interests to do that trade
    {MasterZen} you'll see why soon
    {Cort} Well, that'll cheapen it for us to research
    {MasterZen} that too
    {MasterZen} we haven't traded anything else from the industrial era with them, nor do we have plans to
    {Cort} I hope you're gonna build Uni Suff with INdust, and good on you!
    {MasterZen} we traded medicine for nationalism with Vox, but the only reaoson was that we has agreed with Medicine for Ind. with Lego too. So we got 2 nice techs for the price of one, and the wonder which you just mentioned
    {Cort} So you can start on Corp after Rep Parts?
    {MasterZen} in theory we can start on Corp this turn... BUT that depends on whether we get Rep.Parts before you finish Ind.
    {Cort} We start Ind next turn, duration 5 turns, I think
    {MasterZen} I like the way you set up the deal though, especially doing Refinery and Steel each of us. That's pretty much what I would have had in mind for that point on the tech tree. Also, ND will help us with Rep. Parts and after that we're researching separately to get more techs
    {Cort} With the deval, we'll probably get Ind in 4
    {MasterZen} hopefully
    {Cort} Is it OK for you to go on cash this turn and decide Corp/Rep Parts next turn? I'd like DeepO to consider this, now we know that Ind has devalued
    {MasterZen} the thing is, ND will send cash expecting to get Rep Parts. They'd have to agree on this switch also
    {Cort} OK, stay with Rep Parts as per your ND deal
    {Cort} - that's tidier than changing
    {MasterZen} deal
    {Cort} And I bet you want to see the poo-shaped rubber!
    {Cort} So to recap ...
    {MasterZen} you bet
    {Cort} 1. GS send GoW Electricity on our next turn
    {Cort} 2. GoW research Rep Parts while GS do Indust
    {MasterZen} you want Sanitation now too? we can get it this turn...
    {Cort} Yes, terrific, and 3. GS research Corp
    {Cort} then it's Sanitation + Rep Parts for Sci Method and Corporation
    {MasterZen} yep
    {Cort} sorted then
    {MasterZen} consider it done
    {Cort} :shake:
    {MasterZen} btw, I PMed you already agreeing to the deal
    {Cort} OK, shall I let you get on with your turn then?
    {MasterZen} I'm not exactly playing it right now...
    {MasterZen} in about 5-10 minutes I'll start, I'm looking for a cheapt CD-RW online...
    {MasterZen} I'm not exactly playing it right now...
    {MasterZen} in about 5-10 minutes I'll start, I'm looking for a cheapt CD-RW online...
    {Cort} OK, happy shopping!
    {MasterZen} I need a new DVD drive also... aaarrghh!
    {MasterZen} so much to buy, such little money for poor college student...
    {Cort} My sympathies. I'm sure the world will one day be at your feet. Good luck, and thanks for the chat, cya
    {MasterZen} cya


    • chat with MZ

      {MasterZen} hey
      {MasterZen} what's happenin'
      {Cort} that's better, right window
      {Cort} How about an attack on Lego in 30-35 turns?
      {MasterZen} whoa, that's pretty quick
      {MasterZen} you think you'll be ready?
      {Cort} We'll finish Amphib and Mot Trans together at the same time
      {Cort} Yes, we intend to be ready, first factories come online in a few turns
      {Cort} The longer we wait after that the more GS lose what production advantage we have
      {Cort} When were you thinking, then?
      {MasterZen} true
      {MasterZen} we'll have our first major round of factories in about 5 turns
      {MasterZen} the second round in about ~9
      {Cort} We're gonna mobilise once all factories are up (and Ironworks)
      {Cort} DeepO will do some further analysis, but we wanted to give an indication to you guys what we had in mind
      {Cort} Basically we'll knock out their western pickets then slam a city with Marines
      {MasterZen} sounds like the way to go
      {MasterZen} well, I'm all for it
      {Cort} Cool. We'll set up some chaining vessels first, I think we can hit them about 2 turns after marines.
      {Cort} then follow up with tanks while their still behind in tech
      {MasterZen} hmm... speaking of chaining vessels
      {MasterZen} there's word (i.e. Trip) saying that chaining might not be considered a legit tactic
      {Cort} ah right ...
      {Cort} difficult to broach the subject in the public forum though, but if it's out it's out
      {Cort} we'll just have to re-plan accordingly - but we'll check with Trip
      {MasterZen} I think you guys should talk with Trip first
      {Cort} yep
      {MasterZen} I say this because the issue has been discussed in our forum too
      {MasterZen} in fact, it led to some unpleasantries between Hot_Enamel and Vondrack, when H_E used that tactic in a PBEM
      {Cort} ah
      {Cort} Seems like Lego are expecting an attack, though
      {MasterZen} yep
      {Cort} Not long before we see where the rubber and oil is .. gulp
      {MasterZen} I'm sure GS will have oil
      {MasterZen} don't know if GoW will though...
      {Cort} Yeah, there's gotta be something in that thar desert if not Saltpeter lol
      {Cort} CAn you see our rail network, btw?
      {MasterZen} yes
      {MasterZen} quite impressive
      {Cort} nice eh? We seen your spine
      {Cort} DeepO's a demon on MM and worker actions - he's been a brilliant turn player - I couldn't have done what he's achieved
      {MasterZen} GoW is a wide country, connecting it is a national security issue
      {Cort} your security is naturally paramount!
      {Cort} How was your UN game at college, btw?
      {MasterZen} oh it went pretty great
      {Cort} did you get to set up any protectorates?

      {Cort} did you get to set up any protectorates?
      {MasterZen} shame I have to wait another year for the next one (and i'll not likely be here :P )
      {MasterZen} yes, the Philipinnes (my country) basically got the bomb and subjugated south east asia into its own co-prosperity sphere
      {MasterZen} (not)
      {Cort} lol
      {Cort} so - great to speak with as ever, give my regards to your brave knights, er tank-commanders!
      {Cort} I'll get back to you when we have some more analysis, and meanwhile you guys can think about what you might be able to muster around those time frames
      {MasterZen} okey doke
      {MasterZen} thanks for the info
      {Cort} cheers then, cya
      {MasterZen} btw, RepParts in 3 turns
      {Cort} good stuff! We should have Corp then. Nice work on your UNi's - we noticed the culture
      {Cort} FP kicking in nicely!
      {MasterZen} yes, that FP was a godsend


      • PM to MZ:
        Hello MZ,

        Could I ask for some things? I don't really have the time to have a diplo talk with you guys, and we've been slacking there while preparations for war continue, but even if this is not an official thing from our ambassador, could I ask you about your plans in tech-research?

        We sent you corporation last turn, and if I kept an eye on your time table, you'll be ending rep parts this turn (or last). In order to steam ahead in the tech tree, we need to split effort on the following 2 techs (refining and steel). Currently, we're still a bit better in research (but you're close), so we took the costlier tech, being refining. We plan to discover this in 5 turns time. Could it be possible that you hurry on Steel, and get that asap, preferably in 5 turns or less?

        We're not sure who will do what, but we do know that to be ideal, one of us will go for Combustion, and the other does Mass production. In the mean time, the other partner saves cash to recuperate. If you want combustion instead of mass production, that's fine for us, but we can do the first tech as well, we've got enough gold in our treasury to speed along. (it will be empty later, so there is no option we do both techs at full speed).

        If this is fine with you guys, could you start on Steel asap?

        Oh, and in planning what we're going to build where, it seems that the ideal moment for invading Lego is going to be between 35 and 40 turns from now, preferably 35 turns. That means it will be needed for us to discover either tanks or marines in 20 turns from now (so before turn 222, we're currently playing 202). If we keep our techs of SM, AT and Electronics to the last moment for us (so they don't devaluate), Lego will have an disadvantage of at least 18 turns in research, meaning that their first tanks can only appear in 240 at the earliest. By that time, both of us should control at least one city on Legoland. And if they go for flight or marines, their disadvantage will only grow.



        • MZ,

          All sounds well to me. Right now, I'm going to bed (it's close to 2 am here), but tomorrow I might find a chance of chatting with you. Indeed, we need a lot of planning, but it's simply not right to keep doing it on our own, we have to cooperate.

          Perhaps to tomorrow, otherwise see you soon,

          Hello DeepO, sorry for not answering promptly but I had some rather serious PC woes and have not really checked in on Poly.

          The tech plan sounds good, I agree on it completely, we'll be starting Steel full speed this turn since we'll be getting Rep Parts (which we'll also be sending to you guys).

          Invading Lego will take quite a bit of planning, right now our priority is getting our first bunch of factories running, something which will be done in the next couple of turns. Anyway, you or any other GS member can find me idling in #GoW_CoFA in case you guys want to chat.



          • PM to MZ

            Greetings to MZ and the Glory of War. I haven't managed to catch you in the chat room, so I thought it time for a PM.

            Congrats on that band of rubber bouncing through your empire!

            Hopefully you'll be able to take our impending order of a hundred million contraceptives when the time arises. In the meantime, is there any possibility of you getting a Gems hooked up? We have a Furs that we'd like to trade you, and can send you a worker for a colony by Death Valley if needed.

            How are things going with ND? Any sign that they might want to join in against Lego? It would be good for mutual security as well as for the direct cause. RP are with us, it would be good if you and they had friendly channels open.




            • from MZ

              Cool. Send us a worker and we'll hook it up ASAP.

              Also, with regards to ND, they are having an election and it seems that Darekill will win. He has told me that he will 'not trade with Lego' which I take it will make ND more firmly on our side (I hope).


              • to MZ,

                Greetings MZ,

                We've found that we can't send a worker as we're not on the same continent. Not sure what the full options are - but maybe you have a GS slave that could do the job . We can renumurate for this if required.




                • What? and have nye or Sir Ralph stop working on the railroad? No way josé

                  (j/k, we'll send one up this turn, don't worry)



                  • to MZ


                    We have Refining and you'll be pleased to know that you have two sources of oil - in Zayrut and Death Valley.

                    We held off on sending you Refining as Lego is possibly researching it, and assuming that GS will be researching Combustion.

                    Will you have Steel on your next turn? If so, we can be getting on with Combustion next turn if you can sent it. If not, when is the ETA please? Many thanks.




                    • from MZ

                      IIRC we get Steel this turn or the next. Thanks for the news about the oil, I am quite relieved.

                      We will gift Steel to you guys the turn we get it so you can start immediately with Combustion. Also, ND had a MI on the gems last turn (a remnant of the old war), it was moved this turn so we'll be building a colony and sending you gems next turn.



                      • Warm greetings to you - MZ and the Warmongers,

                        We've opened discussions with ND a Lux embargo on Lego - they are seemingly willing to reduce their lux trades with Lego to just one in the near future.

                        GS is only trading a single luxury to Lego - if GoW is able to adopt a similar position, then Lego would be down to four luxuries - which would be in the right direction, especially if they go metro in their cities.

                        How does that sound ?




                        • from MZ

                          Sounds fine with me, our deal with Lego should expire any moment soon (forgot to check when playing the turn )

                          There's another issue we wish to bring up to GS. As you can see we are currently in a tech bottleneck which means GoW stopped reasearching as of this turn since GS can get Combustion quicker. However there is a wee problem, we have not researched the bottom leg of the tree starting with Scientific Method. That means we can't get tanks until we get Electronics first.

                          I would like to know if there is a chance we could buy those techs from GS with the extra cash flow helping GS get Combustion quicker. Moreso, given that GoW has agreed to supply GS with rubber unconditionally upon request, we'd feel it more than adequate that we get a significant discount on tech prices, or at least one or two of them free (perhaps Sci Meth and Atomic).

                          Please tell me what you think.



                          • HI MZ,

                            Yes, we were intending to sell Atomic Theory and Electronics to you at friendly prices, perhaps with Rubber being part of a deal. Sci Meth we're giving to you , and all three we can release in time for Mot Trans, though not sooner than is necessary to prevent them devaluing for Lego.

                            We would have to slap long-term NTA conditions (like 40 turns) on these techs as we'll want to be selling them to ND too at some point. We're working on weening ND off Lego tech-wise and offering them terms to compete with the cut-price deals they've been getting from Lego.

                            Thanks for your encouraging feedback on the lux embargo, btw.




                            • Hi MZ,

                              1. No sign of Steel yet - is it complete? Lego are catching - they have Refining, which we'll send you this turn.

                              2. Thanks for sending the Gems, but somehow it wasn't part of the Incense-for-Gems deal anticipated. Lux-Lux deals auto-renew / remain after 20 turns. DeepO will check again later, and if necessary resend the offer.

                              3. I'll try and catch you in chat soon.




                              • PS : Sorry, I misunderstood before. I see now that you got the Incense OK. It just means that it won't renew smoothly. I'm sure we'll manage.

