The natural course of events in Civ is for nations to expand toward each other until they share a common border. It's a fact of life, and if we try to hem them in prematurely, we practically guarantee an early war on terrain where their immortals (assuming they will have access to iron) have a clear advantage.
Time is on our side because the longer EotS has to build settlers, the bigger our percentage advantage in number of cities will be and the more time our new cities will have to develop. So why not bow to the inevitable gracefully in the meantime and make it attractive for Vox to choose us, not their other neighbor, as their favored trading partner?
Time is on our side because the longer EotS has to build settlers, the bigger our percentage advantage in number of cities will be and the more time our new cities will have to develop. So why not bow to the inevitable gracefully in the meantime and make it attractive for Vox to choose us, not their other neighbor, as their favored trading partner?