from Darekill
Darekill wrote on 15-08-2004 00:31:
Hello DeepO,
I'm back from my Holliday and back to my office here in Neu Theben.
Our Scientist is really engaged in the secrets of "Espionage". Being
very bussy but also very alone it'll take him a lot of time to finish his
job. We could engage some more people and provide them with an Etat if
you would be interested in getting this tech faster. We could also do
some spionage for you then but it'll cost something then. I'm sure we can
work out a plan here, just tell us how quick you want to have the tech and we'll calculate the price.
Your Friend,
Hello DeepO,
I'm back from my Holliday and back to my office here in Neu Theben.
Our Scientist is really engaged in the secrets of "Espionage". Being
very bussy but also very alone it'll take him a lot of time to finish his
job. We could engage some more people and provide them with an Etat if
you would be interested in getting this tech faster. We could also do
some spionage for you then but it'll cost something then. I'm sure we can
work out a plan here, just tell us how quick you want to have the tech and we'll calculate the price.
Your Friend,