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DIPLO: Neu Demogyptica

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  • from Darekill

    Darekill wrote on 15-08-2004 00:31:
    Hello DeepO,
    I'm back from my Holliday and back to my office here in Neu Theben.
    Our Scientist is really engaged in the secrets of "Espionage". Being
    very bussy but also very alone it'll take him a lot of time to finish his
    job. We could engage some more people and provide them with an Etat if
    you would be interested in getting this tech faster. We could also do
    some spionage for you then but it'll cost something then. I'm sure we can
    work out a plan here, just tell us how quick you want to have the tech and we'll calculate the price.
    Your Friend,


    • Darekill,

      espionage would be very helpful for us, yes. You can't spy for us: you know we're eyeing Lego, and as Lego is directly before us in turn order, we're the only one who can spy on them for up to date information. So if possible, we would like the tech, and as fast as you can trade it to us... 40 turns is too long if we want to use it on Lego. So any possibility that you put more scientists on the discovery of the tech would be greatly appreciated by us!

      As to price: if we can trade it for some tech, it would of course be better for us, but let us know and we'll do our best to meet your request.

      Oh, and I hope you enjoyed your holiday!


      Hello DeepO,
      I'm back from my Holliday and back to my office here in Neu Theben.
      Our Scientist is really engaged in the secrets of "Espionage". Being
      very bussy but also very alone it'll take him a lot of time to finish his
      job. We could engage some more people and provide them with an Etat if
      you would be interested in getting this tech faster. We could also do
      some spionage for you then but it'll cost something then. I'm sure we can
      work out a plan here, just tell us how quick you want to have the tech and we'll calculate the price.
      Your Friend,


      • with the save:
        Hello Darekill,

        Lego just discovered Mass Production, which I sent to you. Could you return 3360*20% = 672 gold please? That leaves them 11 turns to tanks, a scary thought given their production possibilities.

        Enjoy the (buggy) save!


        • Darekill,

          let me take this to my team first, please, I can't simply answer this. 11 turns might be perfectly timed, or it may be a few turns late, I don't know by heart.

          As to one turn of war: Can we choose when? If so, we could use this to temporarily get rid of our bug as well, but only if it's perfectly timed (I think in 2 turns for us). Does it matter for you whether you start, or end the war?

          I'll get back to you on espionage before next save is played by us (which should give enough time to the team to discuss). If you could give any more info on the war, I'd appreciate it!

          Thanks for the easy deal on Mass production, as always.


          Hello DeepO,

          Thanks for Mass Production the Gold is on it's way.

          Our scientist is already a good way on his researchwork. He needs only 11 turns to complete his work. If that is enough you do not need to pay anything exept one Tech of your choice.
          If we shall speed him up to do it in 3 turns (fastest rate) we'd need additional 2000G to do that.
          If you want it in 6 turns it'll cost 1000G.
          The Costs is the Gold which we would loose by speeding the research We can use it as base in calculation. So you can pay the gold or you give us either two Techs (3T.) or one Tech (7T.) of our choice from the industrial age.
          So what'll it be?

          Our problem with the activ deals screens can be solved.
          It requieres one turn of war.
          After that it will be fixed. We should do it and then restart our Luxury trades.
          If we time this war, we can adjust the luxury sliders so there won't be much revolting Citys.
          What do you think about it?
          Greetings Darekill.


          • Darekill,

            2 points:

            Espionage: we discussed this on our board, and the consensus clearly shows we should be able to wait until you finish your one scientist research. If you could send the tech immediately after completion, we would be very grateful.
            As to what to pay for it: we were under the assumption you didn't have communism yet, and thought of offering you communism and navigation in return... However I just noticed while playing the turn you already have communism. Would it be possible to wait a bit longer, so we can discuss what we'll give you instead?

            Second: as to declaring war and restarting lux: We would like that... however, can we time this so we benefit most from it? It is going to cost us anyway because of the happiness slider, so let's play it to our advantage as much as possible.
            We see two options:
            - either you declare war on us next turn (so not the save you are receiving now! we are not prepared!), and immediately offer us peace accepted.
            - Or, we declare war on you next turn, and immediately offer peace accepted.

            In both cases, war weariness would not hit either of us, so that's no problem. The first solution would make it possible that you offer us one lux already accepted (the lux-for-lux deal will need to be negotiated in the following turn, otherwise it interferes with the peace making), but otherwise it's the same for us... you can choose (but please let us know, so we know what's going to happen).

            Many thanks,


            • Thanks Darekill,

              let me get back to you after a bit of discussion time for our team on the tech situation. Indeed, Navigation alone would not be a fair deal to you. But perhaps we can offer some gold, or discount on one of our future techs as supplement.

              As to declaring war: if there is any possibility you bombard a coastal tile with a unit on it, that would be perfect for us (as it does no damage at all: the unit will just heal). I take it simply declaring war in the diplomacy screen doesn't solve the bug?

              All the best,

              Hi DeepO,
              Consider the Espionage Deal done.
              You have the chance to offer any Tech in exchange for Espionage as long as we do not need to speed up our research. So even Navigation would be enough, though we would not cry in anger if you offer anything different

              There is no problem with the fakewar with you next turn. Our fakewar with Lego proved that it works.

              We will have to actually do something to declare war the next turn. The best way would be a bombardenent of a Vessel or the Bombardment of a Coasttile since the damage will be minimal then if there is any damage done at all. Just tell us how you would like to be attacked most and ND will be at your service.
              Greetings Darekill


              • Hum, you're right. Just bombarding a unit will be best then


                I take it simply declaring war in the diplomacy screen doesn't solve the bug?

                All the best,
                How would I do that, taken in calculation, that you can't open the active Deals screen without a crash.
                Declaring war from the Diplo screen would not work like I heared and I'm not trieing to risk anything here.
                I will bombard a unit on the strand...



                • Darekill,

                  everything is arranged for our 0-turn war. Please bombard one of our units (you will find a few bored border guards near your frigate), and offer us peace and 1 lux accepted.
                  We will accept next turn, hopefully solve the bug, and immediately offer you our 2 lux unaccepted.
                  If you then reply with your two remaining lux next turn accepted, we will get back to a normal situation in 2 turns time.

                  Any problem with this: please let me know!

                  As to espionage: there is strong consensus in our team to not offer you navigation only. You are our friends, and we will honor that... we're still discussing how, though

                  kind regards,


                  • Hello Darekill,

                    I'll offer you our lux... it was to be expected that something would go a bit different than planned. But, no problem. Let's hope this solves the bug, and we can go back to business!


                    Hi DeepO,
                    We have scratched one of your Med. infs. Those whimpy guy was so scared that he imediately cryed out for war.
                    We offer peace accepted.
                    Sorry but I could not offer any lux. first we must have peace again so send me your luxurys unaccepted I will put

                    in ours next turn and accept then you accept and we have it done.


                    • Darekill,

                      everything went fine with the war, it seems. I offered you furs and incense unaccepted.

                      I would like to ask that instead of offering us 2 lux in return, and 1 lux later on (as part of payment for one of the previous techs), you offer your 3 lux in return to our 2, and accept the deal. If we then accept the deal at the start of our turn, the 3 lux are available for us from the start, instead of having to wait another turn before they are all present.

                      We know that we're asking for a couple more turns on that 3rd lux (IIRC, the deal has been running for 8 turns, and another 12 remain on the payment). However, we want to compensate that to you. We offer you Atomic Theory for espionage, which is a very good deal for you (seeing as Atomic Theory and electronics are both more than twice as expensive as espionage in beaker cost). All we ask is that we can wait until after Lego discovers it. Further, you receive Navigation from us as a gift.

                      In 20 turns time, we'll regenotiate on what we'll need to pay to you for your third lux.

                      Kind regards,


                      • Thanks Darekill!


                        Hi DeepO,
                        We accept your proposal and are looking forward to have more deals soon.


                        • with the save:
                          Hello Darekill,

                          Just a quick out-of-the-office message: I'll be leaving on Friday on a holiday, and won't be able to read e-mails during the next 2 weeks. I might be able to read PMs, but just to be safe it would be best to contact Cort Haus while I'm away. Our deals continue, of course, in that the moment we see Lego getting another tech, we would be pleased to sell it to you (not Atomic Theory, as you'll get that for free in exchange for Espionage once you discover that)



                          • from Darekill

                            Hi Cort Haus, Hi DeepO,
                            This turn we found to our (bad) surprise that GoW already has built Tanks.
                            They tell us the'd use them against Lego. We want to belive it but we still fear otherwise.
                            We just can'T trust those Warmongers. We do trade with them and they are cooperative to a certain point but they are still a bit aggressive somehow. To get to a point ND needs to get tanks. Offensive Power is the best way to counter offensive power. We understand that you don't want Lego to research quicker than necessary but if GoW turns against us and would beat us they would be a greater danger than Lego is.So is there any chance you can offer us the techs sooner?


                            • to Darekill

                              Hi Darekill,

                              We're still discussing this on our Forum, but to keep you informed ...

                              We will be happy to trade you the technologies for Tanks the moment Lego has them, but are reluctant to cheapen these techs for Lego. However, we do understand your concerns.

                              It would be suicidal for GoW to attack you it as it would incur our wrath as well as your discomfort, as those Tanks are definitely supposed to be for Lego. So, we are considering offering you a security deal - a kind of private MPP between GS and ND lasting until GoW's forces are deployed to Legonia.

                              How does that idea sound to ND?




                              • Hi Cort Haus, Hi DeepO,
                                We understand, that you don't want to give Lego any advantage. Fortunately we came to an agreement with GoW including a very fine Cityexchange. We have an official NAP with them now so we don't want to endanger that by having a MPP with you just in case they go all nuts and atack you instead of Lego. In that case a MPP wouldn't be very good for us. Thank's for the offer anyway.

