Neither GoW nor ND can make much use of land on Lego for the same reasons that we can't. ND in particular already has its FP built, giving minimal benefit to expanding off Bob (given how much ground they can potentially sew up at GoW's expense). GoW can probably get more use out of Lego's territory, but they then have the problem of a very hard to defend territory - if they ship too much to Lego, they are vulnerable to ND, who could get much better use out of GoW land than they could out of Lego. If they stick to defending their home land, Vox should be capable of mounting enough of an attack to take Lego's ex-territory. If GoW make enough of a military commitment to defend both territories (given that ND or we could attack on either) then they cripple their economy in the long term with unit support costs, and their infrastructure in the medium term by not being able to build improvements instead of military.
GoW expanding on to Lego would be over-extending themselves enough to be taken advantage of.
Of couse, we face the same problem to a great extent trying to get anywhere off Bob - but we have a slight advantge in benig able to transplant RP who can then look out for themselves, while we get back N Stormia - we expand their, and RP expand off Stormia, to our mutual benefit.
GoW expanding on to Lego would be over-extending themselves enough to be taken advantage of.
Of couse, we face the same problem to a great extent trying to get anywhere off Bob - but we have a slight advantge in benig able to transplant RP who can then look out for themselves, while we get back N Stormia - we expand their, and RP expand off Stormia, to our mutual benefit.