1. A huge assault might kill Lego which is maybe more than we'd have bargained for. Perhaps we could gain a hundred tiles, but we'd need a GL for that to be productive. We couldn't hold it against the others. We'd want a balance of power, including Lego, on that continent, but could it be controlled?
2. We are geared up for civilian builds, especially wonders. The Smiths thread is planning shield and beaker targets trying to co-ordinate Sci Meth, ToE and Hoover. Shield expenditure for the mainly naval builds wouldn't be massive, but it would slow our science down by delaying libs and cost us research time. Switching research off to pay for upgrades doesn't fit with our race for the ToE. However, see (4)
Offsetting this, we can sell techs to ND for cash, and Lego under siege won't be dashing for the ToE. If they aren't prioritising Mil Trad and Nat now, they would have to if attacked.
3. Sea wall. It would be surprising if Lego didn't make a decent job of this, but they they have higher spec units than us, so are 'average' but with less units. If GoW/ND land in the east it'll be harder for Lego to defend the west.
4. ToE : The proposed war might help us get the ToE, if it forces Lego away from Sci Meth. and we control the tech rate with GoW. GoW's research power isn't strong, though. They're flat out now on Mil Trad for probably another 5 turns before they can raise the other 200 they owe us. They might be pushed to get Medicine in the 13 turns we're expecting to do Steam + Elect in.
2. We are geared up for civilian builds, especially wonders. The Smiths thread is planning shield and beaker targets trying to co-ordinate Sci Meth, ToE and Hoover. Shield expenditure for the mainly naval builds wouldn't be massive, but it would slow our science down by delaying libs and cost us research time. Switching research off to pay for upgrades doesn't fit with our race for the ToE. However, see (4)
Offsetting this, we can sell techs to ND for cash, and Lego under siege won't be dashing for the ToE. If they aren't prioritising Mil Trad and Nat now, they would have to if attacked.
3. Sea wall. It would be surprising if Lego didn't make a decent job of this, but they they have higher spec units than us, so are 'average' but with less units. If GoW/ND land in the east it'll be harder for Lego to defend the west.
4. ToE : The proposed war might help us get the ToE, if it forces Lego away from Sci Meth. and we control the tech rate with GoW. GoW's research power isn't strong, though. They're flat out now on Mil Trad for probably another 5 turns before they can raise the other 200 they owe us. They might be pushed to get Medicine in the 13 turns we're expecting to do Steam + Elect in.