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Grand Alliance to Undermine Lego (GAUL)

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  • #76
    We've been offered land on Lego. Aggie said that if we got a leader we could build a Palace there.

    It wouldn't surprise my if some in GoW fancy seeing a 2 power world. GoW on Bob, GS on Stormia and Legoland - in a huge crazy showdown.

    Seriously though, in the chat I said we'd be doubtful of our capacity to defend any holdings on Lego - but it might give us a chance of resources.

    What if we have no coal? There'd be some on Legoland for us, I expect.


    • #77
      Also, bear in mind that if we don't go along for the ride militarily, we have ZERO need for Military Tradition. If we do go along, I guarantee you GoW is going to try and trade us MT for ToG... which in my eyes is a ridiculous trade. We do not need MT, unless we do what GoW wants, so we serve them doubly. That irritates me.
      The war serves us too. Our expenses would be marginal compared to the others, (they land first and take the initial counter-blow) and a reduction of Legonian power is a handsome prize.

      If Legoland ended up with Lego in the south, in their second, but smaller & less developed core, with the north split btw GoW and ND and us, it's a wonderfully unstable position that leaves us with the least to loose. ND & GoW have each other to worry about, right.

      And we need GoW to research Medicine, and they won't have the cash for ToG.

      {edit} quote and last para added.


      • #78
        Why do we need to break the SP trade? ND have about four. Faux wars are messy, we don't want to lose our lux.


        • #79
          why don't we try to get mil trad+SP out of ND for Magnetism . still unbalanced based on need, but at least then we don't have ToG on the market.


          • #80
            We'd need to break the SP trade because otherwise Lego would see that we had a source of SP from somewhere, which might alert them.

            Regarding them knowing from F4 about our cavalry - does the advisor give you info about the best unit, or just the best one seen? I'd imagine the former, but with the F4 comment that "the best unit (that we know about) is" makes me wonder if you're not guaranteed up to date information.


            • #81
              I would swear that I've been given outdated information from that advisor, the last unit seen afield rather than overall best unit. should be easy enough to check, but does the same rule apply to pbem as sp?


              • #82
                That's possible, Sleepy. I don't tend to pay attention to the idiot advisors anyway...

                grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                • #83
                  who knows anymore, not me, i don't pay attention to him either. Does lego? I don't know.


                  • #84
                    do we honestly believe that GWND (hmm, very similar to pwnd) will stop with mere destruction of the largest lego cities? I've gotta think that once lego is broken, gwnd will keep at it til they're erased, otherwise ww for probably rest of the game. I wouldn't be suprised if gwnd destroyed our troops on legoland after lego is gone.

                    I wouldn't be suprised if this was part of the whole ND/GoW rp agreement as well, ND takes RP land, GoW takes Legoland. What did CH say? Whe will we see Gow own half of bob?


                    • #85
                      Exactly. when MZ said "we'll share out the land" I had to bite my tongue because Zayxus was there, albeit quiet. (It must be difficult for him to follow at times.)


                      • #86
                        Remember. Lego will be in a GA and have strong local production from (initially) two cores. If they have a few dozen Muskets GoW-ND will have to pay to cut those down. GoW have Leo's, but logistics and low production compared to Lego.

                        If GoW-ND made massive gains fast, we can say "whoa, you're doing fine". If not we turn up and try to tip the balance.

                        If Lego did fall completely, the Bobians might want to declare victory, or they might want to settle matters on Bob first, which suits us. They cannot fight each other, threaten us, and defend Bob and Lego from us.


                        • #87
                          maybe we should ask them if they intend to resettle the land.

                          clearly we are not satisfied with carving out 3 portions, regardless of equality. They wouldn't go for a limited resettling, would they? say colony cities on the luxuries, resources and nothing else? Or maybe 3 cities each with a DMZ in the middle?

                          ND won't be the one resettling anyway, regardless of deals, they have a ton of land left on bob (oddly the entire east side, maybe they wanted more launch points at lego on the west?)

                          by doing this, we are playing into the hands of gwnd, we are providing the deathblow to their greatest threat. But what choice do we have now?


                          • #88
                            I reckon GoW's rational list of targets should be :

                            1. Lego
                            2. ND
                            3. GS

                            ND's rational list of targets should be

                            1. Lego
                            2. GoW
                            3. GS

                            I see an opening for us, there.


                            • #89
                              Don't totally forget Vox, fellas. They're over there. Open up a power vaccum, and you never know...

                              The idea of moving our palace to Legoland is, IMO, a pipe dream. More than holding land on Bob ever was. As Cort pointed out in the chat, there is just no way we could hold a chunk of Lego.

                              grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                              The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                              • #90
                                You have some good points, but I don't think we have many options. As it is now Lego has the edge and if we are to have much of a shot, we need more land and to take Lego down a few pegs.

                                Then Bobians will be in a better position, but so will we. It seems to me it is either the three of us vs Lego or the three of them vs us.

