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Grand Alliance to Undermine Lego (GAUL)

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  • #31
    Sleepy, don't let him have it. It's not worth it. Better to let that little tidbit from Arnelos fester in V's mind. Traitors! Traitors everywhere! AHHH!

    grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

    The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Arrian
      Sleepy, don't let him have it. It's not worth it. Better to let that little tidbit from Arnelos fester in V's mind. Traitors! Traitors everywhere! AHHH!

      echo echo?

      restraint is good

      Plus he has no idea if it is his team of one of his "allies"


      I wish there was some other piece of obscure evidence we could drop on them, something only one of them knew about.... mix it up.


      • #33
        It is festering in vondracks mind, alright - see his latest - he's very unhappy about it. If it was just a clumsy blurt-out to a team-mate on another game in a chat, by someone (Sharpe?) who's already left over a chat-indescretion (to us), he could relax. The question is, would he suspect it?


        • #34
          Originally posted by Cort Haus
          It is festering in vondracks mind, alright - see his latest - he's very unhappy about it. If it was just a clumsy blurt-out to a team-mate on another game in a chat, by someone (Sharpe?) who's already left over a chat-indescretion (to us), he could relax. The question is, would he suspect it?
          Is this becoming too true-life or what? Here's to hoping Vondrack in a fit of paranoia cracks down in their private forum and gets deposed. funny stuff.


          • #35
            Back on topic:

            I do not favor a grand alliance at all. It is now in our interests to see each of the three major powers at each others throats, in an ever-escalating arms race, while we outbuild Lego.
            The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

            Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Theseus
              Back on topic:

              I do not favor a grand alliance at all. It is now in our interests to see each of the three major powers at each others throats, in an ever-escalating arms race, while we outbuild Lego.

              I think we all agree on that, at most we would probably agree to embargo lego and agree not to invade GoW through the duration. It looks like we have to be involved somewhat, to get the ball rolling.


              • #37
                The rolling ball could be a tech deal to lock Lego out. Our priority is to economically weaken Lego - and the first step is to isolate them in Tech. This is essential as they can build Smiths in 7 turns and start a GA. If they trade for late MA tech they can do 4-turn Industrial techs, pick up Vox's freebie, and beat us to the ToE.

                On thursday, (see GoW log) there's a chat with GoW and ND to hopefully discuss a possible 3-way deal on industrial tech. We can emphasise the importance of not letting Lego trade for the last few MA techs, if it's not too late, or they can spend their GA on expensive Industrial ones.


                • #38
                  for the chat tomorrow (I'm not sure if i can make it yet) we need to bring up the following issues, IMHO:

                  -have econ and nav
                  -can trigger golden age with mag or smith
                  -sistine perpetual prebuild
                  -vox free tech looms
                  -3 way splitting of spying costs to determine lego troop positioning, city builds

                  need a tech embargo because
                  -in golden age, the most they could discover is 1 per 4 turns, if they are caught up with us when they reach GA, they will be cranking out a new discovery every 4 turns, and have factories built very soon. Very scary. If they need to spend 8 turns of their golden age merely to catch up to us, so much the better.

                  Probable nap with GoW/Nd throughout engagement
                  -if they're worried we'll break it if we don't send more than a handful of units, we need to pursuade them. Of course we have the same concerns. Not a lot of trust. One thing in our favor is that while our actions violated the spirit of the previuos NAP, it was all passive.

                  we can't commit much, and we can't commit anything without cavs and muskets, so we need saltpeter and mil tradition.

                  Alternatively we could support via cash instead, using the power of Leo's again to push through, though that would leave GoW in a very strong position post-war.

                  Goals of conflict with lego
                  -total elimination?
                  -cripple them, razing legopolis, jackson, and nearby powerhouse cities
                  -what to do with vox during and after the war

                  post lego legoland
                  -partition it 3 ways?
                  -leave it de-militarized with perhaps colony cities on the luxuries?

                  I'm sure there's more that I'm forgetting about.


                  • #39
                    edit: originally a double post, but new thoughts

                    depending on the outcome of the chat, we might give GoW a heads up that we will be finishing coperni' faster than they will, so they might want to change the build. Just a friendly helpful note, I think I would be pissed if my friend held out that info on me. Of course, if they stop building cop next turn, no need, but...Also the note would be outside the 3 way chat, so ND wouldn't know about it.

                    Also RP before stated that tehy would "open the books" for us regarding the Vox war. Perhaps now is the time to at least ask them what role Lego played in that, if any. depending on what info we got, we could use it in our 3-way chat, at least as a throwaway line.


                    • #40
                      Yes to the stuff about Lego & tech trades. As for war against Lego, they can mention the subject first if they want to discuss it, but I don't think we should be anything more than 'interested in the idea' and see what they want to say about it.

                      We are now a passive builder civ, with no plans or capacity for war. That's our position, but we don't want to reveal that at first if we can get them to lay down some cards, real or fake, first.

                      On Copernicus, that could be a prebuild for something else - ToE, Uni Suff, Intelligence Agency (no, too soon).

                      I think the main reason for the chat is supposed to be Industrial tech. We say yes to that, because we have to keep Lego out of the loop. I suppose one idea is that we each do one of Nationalism, Steam and Medicine - though we're not so bothered about Nat unless we need Espionage. What we want is Medicine for Steam and Industrialisation for Electricity. 'Trouble is, we don't want to be level when we get Electricity.


                      • #41
                        I would agree we should let them drop any war tidbits first. I would not think that they have any expectation of us giving them a heads up on any wonders races we are in.

                        Has anyone alerted us, for any reason other than to try to get an exclusive? Would it be a problem for us if they did have to eat some shields? If it is a good idea, I would make it very close to the last turn.


                        • #42
                          we need to merge this thread with discussion from the tech deal thread.

                          possible plans for an invasion of lego. estimates are 20 cav 10 muskets +galleons

                          upgrade cost 1200 gold

                          my thoughts copied from another thread:

                          estimated 1200 gold for the upgrades. how much is pike to musket. I'm thinking the primary use for the defense is to eat an attack, which having the same defense and hp, the pikes would go first, so perhaps we wouldn't need to upgrade the pikes, as hopefully we would only receive 10 attacks upon landing.

                          so if you cut out the pike-musket upgrade you would cut out a huge chunk of that expense. Add that to the 600 ND is possibly giving for physics and we aren't down much, are we?


                          • #43
                            Doesn't the Musket have a def of 4 as the pike's 3.


                            • #44
                              yes sorry I meant that a pike has the same defense as a cav, but would be the first to be hit when attacked. Meaning that sure, muskets would be more likely to survive, but if they received any damage, the cavs would take the subsequent hits.

                              am I clear this time?


                              • #45
                                Ok, I got it.

