good thread 
I am a bit suprised at how much stock you put into our victory over Vox. I guess theres a much different perspective a world away from ground zero of a conflict, but we didn't have a superpowerful army afterwards. And what we did have were primarily slowmovers, pikes mi's and cats, very few wc's. And we had very little of a navy. So, unless my memory is horribly off, we couldn't really afford to fight a two front war-didn't have the pieces at the start of it, and by the time we had a credible navy, Spain was about to be overrun, so we coudln't divert any forces north. We did discuss doing this I think. Its all very fuzzy to me.

I am a bit suprised at how much stock you put into our victory over Vox. I guess theres a much different perspective a world away from ground zero of a conflict, but we didn't have a superpowerful army afterwards. And what we did have were primarily slowmovers, pikes mi's and cats, very few wc's. And we had very little of a navy. So, unless my memory is horribly off, we couldn't really afford to fight a two front war-didn't have the pieces at the start of it, and by the time we had a credible navy, Spain was about to be overrun, so we coudln't divert any forces north. We did discuss doing this I think. Its all very fuzzy to me.