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BANANA KING Tavern Chain

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  • #76
    Yes , Cheers to panzer's 500th post and he's new avatar.

    (all gang members raise thier glasses)



    Yokel 1: GET HIM!

    (2 Hours Later Skywalker wakes up in a garbage heap next to a bunch of unconcius gaurds, he remembered that scent..... then he looked up , sure enough the was a big banana sticking outa he's head.)

    Mr Mayor: i dont want to have to shoot anyone else , so please dont do drugs its the good thing to do kids.
    Moo Goes the Cow, Onk Goes the pig, Baa Goes the Sheep, War goes the Bush


    • #77
      ill be happy to

      here you are, banodca
      Moo Goes the Cow, Onk Goes the pig, Baa Goes the Sheep, War goes the Bush


      • #78
        Free banack!

        *secretly is wearing teflon body armor*


        • #79
          #6!!! (2 hours later Skywalker wakes up in the garbage heap again, this time he has ten giant bananas sticking out of his body)

          Mr Mayor: we had to use ten highpowered bananas to pearce
          the armour.

          Well iam off to watch my TV Show care to join me and the gang?

          Moo Goes the Cow, Onk Goes the pig, Baa Goes the Sheep, War goes the Bush


          • #80
            *skywalker shoots Mr Mayor, then shoots him again to make sure*

            *skywalker buries Mr Mayor's corpse 200 feet below ground and fills the hole with concrete*

            There, now... who wants some banack?


            • #81
              Alright boys that guy skywalker got a gang together aswell and it looks like theres gona be a gang war, everyone load your weapons, set your pistols from 2 hour stun to 48 hour. aim for the head! Frankie, John your my cattle prod squad, when we shoot them with the bananas i want you to give them the final shock.

              Everyone ready

              gang member1: ready
              gang member2: ready
              gang member3:ready
              gang member4:ready sir
              gang member5:ready
              gang member6:good to go
              gang member7:ready
              gang member8:ready
              gang member9:let make it hot
              gang member10:Move out

              All 20 10yr olds:let go
              Peter: for the mayor!

              Yokel1:let head out

              Mr Mayors Gang headed out of the tavern for the battle ahead.
              Moo Goes the Cow, Onk Goes the pig, Baa Goes the Sheep, War goes the Bush


              • #82
                Luckly that wasnt me under that concreat! that was my twin AND YOU KILLED HIM... thanks.

                Prepare arms men..........FIRE!!!!!

                the sounds of battle echoed between the streets of the tavern and the polling station. the gang has war bugun!!!
                Moo Goes the Cow, Onk Goes the pig, Baa Goes the Sheep, War goes the Bush


                • #83
                  Skywalker uses this opportunity to test out a new prototype weapon, one that is years ahead of current warfare. A Tank rolles out of the jungle. Fire belches forth from its cannon. Mr Mayor explodes. Mr Mayors troops flee from the behemoth.


                  • #84
                    (Later in space)
                    Mr Mayor: is the Bananastar ready
                    Banatropper238: yes my lord
                    Mr Mayor: fire when ready
                    Mr Mayor: target.... skywalker. Inhail...exhail...inhail...exhail

                    (bananastar emits a large beam of yellow light)

                    (Skywalker is still fighting with Mr Mayors ground forces)

                    (Yellow beam of light strikes the ground)

                    (the smoke clears as troops of both sides retreat.)

                    (there laid skywalker on the ground....only he is not human.....he's a GAINT BANANA!!!!!??????!!!!!)

                    Banatrooper300614: Lord Mayor

                    Mr Mayor: yes admiral? Inhail...exhail...inhail...exhail

                    Banatrooper300614: sir the mutation ray was a complete succes)

                    Mr Mayor:Excelent

                    banatropper5124: Your order sir

                    Mr Mayor: REALEASE THE MONKEY'S!!!!!!

                    ****you know what ill happen from their****

                    Moo Goes the Cow, Onk Goes the pig, Baa Goes the Sheep, War goes the Bush


                    • #85
                      It was skywalker's evil twin brother (hey, it could happen ) who was turned into a Banana, not skywalker.

                      *Skywalker flies in an X-Wing down a narrow trench in the Banana Star and fires a proton torpedo into the exhaust port*

                      *Banana Star explodes*

                      *Skywalker shoots all survivors until there are no more survivors*

                      *Skywalker goes on to set up the largest banack cartel in the world*


                      • #86
                        Blasted REBEL SCUM!!!!!!

                        PREPARE MY SHIP AND DESTROY THAT CARTEL!!!!!

                        (mr mayor is brough to the other invincible bananastar!

                        Moo Goes the Cow, Onk Goes the pig, Baa Goes the Sheep, War goes the Bush


                        • #87
                          an end or another fight?

                          (assain walks into skywalkers office amd holds him up by the big banana troat)

                          assain: Lets put an end to this madness and declare a state of peace between the gangs of Magnu and Banack.

                          assain: You have 2hours to sleep on this

                          Assain shoot skywalker with a banana gun

                          **screen goes blank**
                          Moo Goes the Cow, Onk Goes the pig, Baa Goes the Sheep, War goes the Bush


                          • #88
                            *skywalker destroys second Banana Star in similar method to the first*

                            *skywalker MAKES SURE Mr Mayor is dead*

                            "Sure, let's have a peace treaty. I don't kill you any more, you don't kill me any more, and you leave my cartel alone."


                            • #89
                              The sounds of galloping in the distance grow greater, and stop just outside the door. The door swings open and in walks Meshelic, who recognizes the obvious state of anarchy in the bar; a skeleton bartender, several 10-year olds, a wild-eyed banack dealer...all the signs of local government gone awry...

                              Sitting down
                              Former Supreme Military Commander of the Democratic Apolyton States, Term 8
                              Former Chairman of Apolyton Labor Party


                              • #90
                                ok ill leave your cartel alone and you leave my bananastars alone.
                                but listen here and listen good... my gangs stay in the tavern if you come in and sell banack to anyone you will be shot.

                                (Mr Mayor eyes a wild-eyed banack dealer in the left side of the room)


                                The dealer lie dead on the floor....lifeless....

                                Mr Mayor: You there what your plan on killing this treat.

                                Mr Mayors Lawer 14: There are other ways to take out this Banack industries sir....... its called diplomacy.

                                Mr Mayor: very well set up a poll and try to ban all banack sales! If there is a public out cry nothing will stop us!

                                (to the center where Meshelic sits a stranger walked toward his table and sat down)
                                Moo Goes the Cow, Onk Goes the pig, Baa Goes the Sheep, War goes the Bush

