Originally posted by Azazel
The Jewish-Roman conflict was a relatively large one, and judea was a well-known province, for it's rebel spirit, But the civ game demands a civilization or a family of civilizations that existed for thousands of years ( Or is the US
). Just as the times there were a united India, or China were numbered, and just as the babylonian civ actually represents all of the Two-river civilizations, I propose a canaanite civ that would encompass the canaanites, the Hebrews, and the phoenicians, as well as their children, the Carthaginians and the Israelis of the modern age. I propose their strengths to be religious, for the hebrews' advances in theological and thus, phylosophical thinking, and commercial to represent the carthaginians' and their ancestors, the phoenicians' strength in commerce. Their leader could be Hebrew or could be carthaginian, these are all details. But they deserve a place in civ. (as many more civs do, btw. )
The Jewish-Roman conflict was a relatively large one, and judea was a well-known province, for it's rebel spirit, But the civ game demands a civilization or a family of civilizations that existed for thousands of years ( Or is the US
