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Ibero-american civilizations

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  • Ibero-american civilizations

    In the original Civ3 there arent Ibero-american civilizations. I suppose Spain case has been longly discussed, but Im new here. So I want to discuss about a larger miss: the whole ibero-american society (lets say that it occupies more or less 1/6 of the worlds land mass and represents about 1/10 of the worlds population) is not represented by any Civ.
    Yes, I know what you`re thinking about: the Aztecs. They are not really a Ibero-american civ, but an american civ. I mean: the original owners of the American territory are well represented (by the Aztecs and the Iroquais) and thats why I dont want to discuss about the Incas, the Mayas, the Sioux, etc. I want to center the discussion in those who invaded territories or in post-colonization civs. Therefore we could talk about Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, or even about symbolical groups leaded by Simón Bolivar or San Martin.
    But, its not just a matter of representation (in fact, Firaxis does what it wants). We have to justify with heavy arguments why they should include formally a post-colonial ibero-american civ. Here we go:
    SPAIN: this case is ridiculous. A Civ that once owned 1/5 of the worlds land mass, and that had colonys in every continent (South América, North America, Europe, Africa -it still has Canarias, Mérida and Ceuta - and Asia - it had the Phillipines -). I dont want to keep talking about this because I believe the error is too big and notorious. Its impossible to understand why this civ has no representation when it always had since 'Colonization game'.
    PORTUGAL: another enormous Civ. Also with colonies all around the world (except North America and Oceania). There`s no need to waste words trying to justify its inclussion.
    BRAZIL: the size of the country shows its importance by itself. For those who like history, I can tell you that they even had a King, and that its original name was 'The Empire of Brazil'. We are talking about 200 millon people, and the only contemporary example of big planned colonization - the capital, Brazilia, was built in the middle of the jungle in order to decentralize power, and was designed as a futurist city -). They invaded my country several times - Uruguay -, also Paraguay, Bolivia, etc.
    CUBA: its the only occidental civ that dares to trully argue with USA - I suppose its not necessary to explain what this means -. Although its an extremelly poor country -economically- it has one of the best education systems and everyone has access to their best physitians. They have a world wide known scientific research history - f.e. they discovered a vaccine for meningitis B -. They have a charismatic leader - thats out of question - that generates enemies or friends every time he speaks, and that directly supported most of the guerrillas in South America during the 60s - many of them with 'Che' Guevara fighting in the field -. Lets not talk about if you like or not the man, the system or anyelse. Lets talk about facts.
    MEXICO: I believe they were in war with the US about 3 times. Once they owned Texas and California, doubling their actual territory size. They have the most populated city in the world - Mexico City -. A mexican - Pancho Villa - was the only man that invaded the continental territory of USA. Today they are the 8th economy in the world. I believe they should have less chances in becoming a formal Civ3 civ because they are somehow represented by the Aztecs.
    ARGENTINA: They were also involved in many, many wars - with Chile, Paraguay, etc -. They recently dare to war with England - 1982 -, and that means war with the 3rd most powerfull country at that time. Its true, war lasted only months and theres nothing to be proud about it, but remember we are talking about facts, not about good and evil.
    We can also suppose that 'spanish' South America as a Civ, lead by Simon Bolivar or by José San Martin. Together they liberated 7 countries from the Spanish monarchy, and they inspired many other revolutions, as well as the Americanist spirit. Really, there are not enough differences between South-American spanish speaking countries to dismiss the possibility of considering a Hispano-american Civ.
    Well, if you want, lets talk about all this. I hope I didnt bother you too much with the lenght of this message.

    The poll is expired.

    Embassador of Uruguay (the country best known because its flag always appeared between USAs and USSRs flags when they were ordered alphabetically - in spanish USSR IS 'URSS').

  • #2
    Spain and Portugal deserve to be in the game, and if I'm not mistaken they're including Spain in "Play the World".


    • #3
      We can also suppose that 'spanish' South America as a Civ, lead by Simon Bolivar or by José San Martin. Together they liberated 7 countries from the Spanish monarchy, and they inspired many other revolutions, as well as the Americanist spirit. Really, there are not enough differences between South-American spanish speaking countries to dismiss the possibility of considering a Hispano-american Civ.
      Interesting idea, what should be the capital, unique unit, abilities etc?


      • #4
        I agree with you about Spain, it is one of the most important western civs ever, and has a long, rich history. But I don't think the countries which once formed their colonial empire should be included as well, unless civ4 will be more like Europa Universalis. In that game, colonies of a country can start an independance war. That way, you wouldn't have very young nations starting in 4000 BC.


        • #5
          I was just throwing an inmature idea looking for help in solving the problems you question.
          It will look a bit nationalist -´cos Im uruguayian- but the capital of such empire could be Montevideo - the actual capital of the ALADI, that is the Latinamerican association for integration -. Montevideo is also the Administrative capital of the Mercosur - that has no formal capital -.
          But we could also talk about Caracas - from where Bolivar would rule - or Buenos Aires - from where San Martin would.
          There are a lot of controversial possibilities, I understand.
          Unique unit is a bigger problem, because there are a lot that suit for that place. Obviously, in case San Martin is established as the leader, the unique unit should be the Gaucho. The Gaucho used many different arms but the most unusual of them was the 'boleadora' they aquire from the local River Plate tribes. So, I believe it should be a horseman that can massivly un-fortify the enemy units in the squares that sorround him (because 'boleadoras' dont kill, just bring down to the floor the enemy). Maybe this is illarious, but thats why I want to discuss it.
          I`ll think of some alternatives and tell you later.
          Hey, after all this threat has no reason to be something serious... lets propose everything, no matter if its ridiculous or not. We should laugh a little more :=)
          Embassador of Uruguay (the country best known because its flag always appeared between USAs and USSRs flags when they were ordered alphabetically - in spanish USSR IS 'URSS').


          • #6
            Your proposal also applies for USA?
            And another thing: we should carefully define whats a Civ, a Nation and a Country. Why? Because the Germans were a Nation before their unification in 19th century, but I doubt they could be called a Civ. They did nothing all togher (I mean the little states that previous to the unification existed), and they function as a Civ only when they were attacked or when they attacked. (Im talking about the 2nd half of the past millenium. I know almost nothing about their history in the first half)
            Embassador of Uruguay (the country best known because its flag always appeared between USAs and USSRs flags when they were ordered alphabetically - in spanish USSR IS 'URSS').


            • #7
              One more thing Fresno,
              ¿Dont you miss your Netherlands in Civ? I remember Holland being one of the four empires in Colonization game. I always played with them to enphasis trade.
              Embassador of Uruguay (the country best known because its flag always appeared between USAs and USSRs flags when they were ordered alphabetically - in spanish USSR IS 'URSS').


              • #8
                I'm sorry about the imperialist attitude of Brasil in the past (well, today we are, like everybody here, in the hands of FMI- I don't know how is in english, MIF? IMF? - and we aren't imperialist anymore. Sigh... ). And, of course I agree whith your complains! A Latin American civ is necessary and historically fair.
                Your arguments are strong, about any countries. Firaxis will certainly think about. Great post!
                RIAA sucks
                The Optimistas
                I'm a political cartoonist


                • #9
                  I can see, following your posts, 5, 6, maybe 7 new civs. A lot of data, and a lot of work to our computers and Firaxis. Europe is well represented in the game, North America has Iroq and Yankees. I'm from Brazil, but despite this I agree with a civ Hispano American. But... only to make things more interesting, and because Spain IS in the game (october, I hope!), here is a point to discuss: There's no Portuguese speakers in the game... And a lot of people in the world, a lot of literature, in the past the School of Sagres and all that naval research... all them speaking Portuguese. And, last but not least, our football.
                  But I'm still with you, the Latin America speaks spanish, mostly. If we get only one Civ, that must to be lead by San Martín and our first proud city will be Montevideu. It's a great player start. But maybe we can think about TWO Civs to fit our needs...
                  My english isn't very good, as you can see, but I'll try to do better in the future.

                  Oh, and we need an Arabian Civ, too...
                  RIAA sucks
                  The Optimistas
                  I'm a political cartoonist


                  • #10
                    To answer the question - Simon Bolivar.


                    Alot of very minor powers in Central and South America.

                    Spain in the game? Hell yes.

                    Portugal? Hell no. You put them in, you might as well put the Dutch in.

                    What country from South America? Brazil is the only country of note, but let's be honest, other than simply having alot of Brazilians, what exactly has Brazil brought to the table? Other than Sergio Mendes music?

                    A Civ has to have either signifigant power or cultural influences to rate inclusion in Civ.



                    • #11
                      Your English seems good for me. Remember I speak spanish, and I have some problems with english as well:=)
                      I agree with you in many thing. Between all the mentioned possibilities, I believe there should be place for 2 or 3. The case of Spain, as everybody said, its not to be discussed. No matter wich Civ is taken out, Spain must get in Civ4.
                      I believe there should be a place for a portuguese speaking Civ. Im not sure if Portugal or Brazil. Certainly Portugal did a lot more than Brazil in exploring, colonizing, waring, etc; But Civ3 has plenty of european civs and today, if a war between Brazil and Portugal happens, Brazil surely would destroy its 'Mother Patria'.
                      The 3rd case -a hispanoamerican Civ- its not so clear to me. Somehow we would be represented as latin-americans by Brazil, and its true we didnt do much to deserve to be called a 'Civ'. I think this is because of the lack of history and wealth, but I cant forget South-America has never been invaded since the English Invasion in 1804 (when the English were kicked in the ass by Liniers in 2 months) - Im leaving out the case of the Falklands or Malvinas because the continent was not invaded -. Anyway, we could continue discussing the point.
                      About San Martin and Montevideo - or Montevideu in portuguese - . Here we have an historical problem: Montevideo became the capital of the Spanish Virreinato (I dont know the world in english, but Im talking about the representant of the king in the colony) in the River Plate after the Napoleon invasion in Spain. At that time, Buenos Aires - the previous capital of the Virreinato, saw a good chance to revolt and thats why the capital changed. Therefore, if San Martin is the leader, the capital should be Buenos Aires. I would love my procer José Artigas to be the leader, but I know his work is extremely small compared to San Martin`s, Bolivar`s or O`Higgin`s.
                      Im really not sure about all this, Im pretty confused :=)
                      Well, lets see if someone supports a new position.
                      Embassador of Uruguay (the country best known because its flag always appeared between USAs and USSRs flags when they were ordered alphabetically - in spanish USSR IS 'URSS').


                      • #12
                        One more thing: dont introduce football in discussion :=)
                        If its for football, then we should be our worst enemies :=)
                        Embassador of Uruguay (the country best known because its flag always appeared between USAs and USSRs flags when they were ordered alphabetically - in spanish USSR IS 'URSS').


                        • #13
                          I may agree with you about us, the spanish speaking latin-americans, but certainly not about Portugal. Surely the dutch, as well as Belgium or the Huns can make it in Civ4. They deserve to be represented because of all what they`ve done. But many Civs deserve to be, and there`s no place for all. But what Portugal did his a lot far more important than what those Civs did. Remember they were once an extremelly powerfull nation. Lets talk about their colonies: a) the enormous Brazil, b) Mozambique and Angola in Africa, c) the Azores islands, d) Macao, in the cost of China; and Im sure Im forgetting some more. Holland had -and still have- a lot of colonies, but none of them had the importance of those of Portugal. ¿What importance has the Dutch Guyana today, f.e.? ¿And the dutch caribbean islands? I certainly dont want to hurt any sensibility, but just by watching a world map you can see the differences.
                          Embassador of Uruguay (the country best known because its flag always appeared between USAs and USSRs flags when they were ordered alphabetically - in spanish USSR IS 'URSS').


                          • #14
                            I forgot. Dont count Manhattan as a dutch colony, or at least dont judge the colony importance because of what`s Manhattan today. The big part of that work was done by the English.
                            Embassador of Uruguay (the country best known because its flag always appeared between USAs and USSRs flags when they were ordered alphabetically - in spanish USSR IS 'URSS').


                            • #15
                              Recently I had notice by the newspapers of a chat between Nixon and the English Prime-Minister of that time, in where Nixon says: "I have the uruguayian election controlled, with the help of our friends the Brazileans". This was in 1971. That year we had presidential elections here and the Left parties had a big chance of winning it. As you know, at that time, USA promoted the south-american militaries disctatorships against the advance of the left side guerrillas -supported by Cuba and the Soviet Union -. The plan - that never took place because the election was a fraude and the right won - was that if the Left would won the election, Brazil - supported by USA - would invade Uruguay to re-establish "order". Then, it was 1971, not so long ago. Therefore Im still frightened with the possibility of a War - we still have 2 parts of our fronteir contested - :=) I think today we would disapear from the World Map :=)
                              Embassador of Uruguay (the country best known because its flag always appeared between USAs and USSRs flags when they were ordered alphabetically - in spanish USSR IS 'URSS').

