Originally posted by Martinus
You can also enter GA peacefully. Besides if you get boosted-up Caraval in the age everybody else has sails (this is what I propose to rename the generic caravel) you should be able to win. It is just like with Man'o'Wars.
You can also enter GA peacefully. Besides if you get boosted-up Caraval in the age everybody else has sails (this is what I propose to rename the generic caravel) you should be able to win. It is just like with Man'o'Wars.
If so it would be great!
The Portuguese could have the "Nau" as a Special Unit, faster and carrying one more unit than the common Caravel (or Civ III equivalent).
It would be great if, through Trade advantage. the Modern Age Strategists can do better than the XV-XVII centuries Portuguese and drive the Portuguese Civilization to Ultimate World Dominance