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Why Hungary SHOULD be included in the expansion pack.

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  • #91
    I wanted to argue some with you inflated hungarians
    Go ahead but I must know where you come from first before I waste my time. The peoples of the Carpathian Basin have no intention of reconciliation, and that's what makes the Balkans the Balkans.
    Re-elect Bush!


    • #92
      If you will insist on denying our origins that really won't help reconciliation.

      Though I suspect within a couple decades we will be able to use genetics to trace ethnic group ancestries decently.
      "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
      -Joan Robinson


      • #93
        Originally posted by MagyarCrusader

        Go ahead but I must know where you come from first before I waste my time. The peoples of the Carpathian Basin have no intention of reconciliation, and that's what makes the Balkans the Balkans.
        We want to reconciliate with everybody, as long they agree with us

        Serious now, for a true reconciliation is necesary a compromise form both sides. Hungary made a first step with the 'magyar ID card'. Keep this way and we'll be like brothers (like Cain and Abel ).

        VetLegion - please email me that book. I don't have too much time to look for it myself.
        I am interesed to see some other point of view - I read even a soviet historians book about Napoleon. It was funny to see the implications of class-struggle in Napoleonic Wars.
        "Respect the gods, but have as little to do with them as possible." - Confucius
        "Give nothing to gods and expect nothing from them." - my motto


        • #94
          You know, Hungary was a German kingdom until you Magyars hit. Not that it ws necessarily a bad thing, but...

          Anyway, just thought I'd say:

          szurt feketeribizli nektar

          It's good.
          The Apolytoner formerly known as Alexander01
          "God has given no greater spur to victory than contempt of death." - Hannibal Barca, c. 218 B.C.
          "We can legislate until doomsday but that will not make men righteous." - George Albert Smith, A.D. 1949
          The Kingdom of Jerusalem: Chronicles of the Golden Cross - a Crusader Kings After Action Report


          • #95
            VetLegion - please email me that book. I don't have too much time to look for it myself.
            no problem, just mail me your email please, it is somehow hidden in the forum I wasnt able to find it

            I am interesed to see some other point of view - I read even a soviet historians book about Napoleon. It was funny to see the implications of class-struggle in Napoleonic Wars.


            • #96
              I totally agree Hungary should be in the game, for there size they have managed great thing though out history.

              My family (Fathers Side) come from Hungary so I agree they should be in the game, Though unlike OzzyKP my family managed to keep control of their castle at Edgar (Even fought of the Turks)
              I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow. As surely as night follows day.


              • #97
                Last edited by pithorr; October 23, 2001, 09:00.
                No war or battle sound was heard the world around...


                • #98
                  Originally posted by VetLegion
                  1. As LaRusso pointed out, fighting the turks was an effort on entire balkans, this 'hungaria did it alone' is as dumb as 'poland did it alone' or any other
                  Excuse me, but:
                  1. Poland is not a Balkan state.
                  2. From the late 1500s to the end of 1600s Poland was fighting with Turks practically alone (in land and in Europe, Persia is the another case). Austria also did but both countries never fought together till Vienna siege in 1683. Hungary lost
                  Well, Hungary is an interesting civ (unique lenguage, DNA , culture, cuisine , etc.) and more worth to be included in the game than Zulus or Sioux. However Poland is once more worth of course .
                  Last edited by pithorr; October 19, 2001, 14:43.
                  No war or battle sound was heard the world around...


                  • #99
                    Though unlike OzzyKP my family managed to keep control of their castle at Edgar (Even fought of the Turks)
                    You men "Eger" correct? Or is Edgar the British name for it? Anyway, an incredible battle took place there in 1552 that certainly is worth mentioning. The commander of Eger Castle, Istán Dobó with only 2 thousands troops repelled the Ottoman force of 150 thousand. And why do the Poles say they fought the Turks alone?
                    Re-elect Bush!


                    • 1. Poland is not a Balkan state.
                      thank god!

                      2. During 1500s-1600s Poland was fighting with Turks practically alone (in land and in Europe, Persia is the another case). Austria also did but both countries never fought together.
                      you decide was it poland alone or not, ok? In the period you describe, croatian fortresses were falling one after another to the turks. in theory, austrian king should have been helping the struggle he was more in prague partying then anything else

                      in that period, croatia lost more then half of its territory. but we did put up a fight . we can argue that if we havent, you would have turks in krakow or some simmilar nonsence
                      1593, battle of Sisak was the turning point, after which turks gained no more ground (they were advancing up to then)

                      I dont intend to continue to explain that to you. claiming that poland fought the turks alone is ridiculous and the whole discussion is in my opinion pointless. do some reading, or something.


                      • Seems like these Hugarians and Poles don't know what Vojna Krajina is


                        • I was misunderstood a little bit
                          When I wrote Poland "fought alone" I meant "with no ally".
                          Sorry if I hurt your Croatian soul.
                          How many Croatians, Serbs, Turks etc. were fighting in Battle of Sisak?
                          BTW: I am really happy not to live in Yugoslavia area as well!!!
                          No war or battle sound was heard the world around...


                          • Originally posted by Deathwalker
                            I totally agree Hungary should be in the game, for there size they have managed great thing though out history.

                            My family (Fathers Side) come from Hungary so I agree they should be in the game, Though unlike OzzyKP my family managed to keep control of their castle at Edgar (Even fought of the Turks)

                            I bet we put up a good fight. Our castle the Koroknavar (i think its how it is spelled) is south of Lake Balaton, i went and visited it last year. Damn Turks. It was in ruins, but still facinating to see. I found some pottery and of course lots of bricks. Our coat of arms describes the Koroknays rescuing a Hungarian princess from the Turks or something so i bet there are some good stories out there about our involvement.
                            Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                            When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                            • Luckely for us, our castle survived as we managed to drive of the TUrks It's now pat of the national trust and the vast majority of it is still in good condition, even the tunnels under it are still there. My farther took me there when I was a child. We were even allowed to explore the tunnels because of our family defending it years ago

                              But I do aggree Hungary should be in the game, I dont think they gave us enough Civilization to play as
                              I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow. As surely as night follows day.


                              • where was I when the whole thing started?

                                BTw.... hungary from 1102 to 1514 was not just Hungary but a Croat-Hungarian empire. And the Hungarian kings used the armies from both countries for expansion, so a claim to a single big Hungary is questionable at leat.

                                In that year 1102 the Hungarian King was made a king of Hungary and Croatia after the last Croatian King was left without a son, and in the following struggle the barons in favour of the Hungarian king becoming Croatian king prevailed (killing the croatian pretender Peter who tried to claim the throne the late Croatian King Zvonimir's wife was sister from the Hungarian king and therefore Hungarian king had a claim to the throne that way)

                                So until 1514 Croatian-Hungarian kingdom (or Hungaro -Croatian) was the actual country and the only drawback was that the capital was in Budapest, which helps the middle-ages big Hungary myth. Anyway in 200 years the Arpad hungarian bloodline dried up of rightful descendants and the Croatian barons brought in the king of Naples to be Croat-Hungarian King for example. And other nationalites were our kings as was later one of the Luxembourgh dynasty monarchs. And a few kings in between with the last big one being Matijas Hunyadi Korvin who actually conquered Wien and made it the new capital of the kingdom.

                                Anyway Turks came and we both fought lost the king and chose the Habsburg Monarch to be our King (which some of them were before that point anyway) which they stayed this time around until WW1 and Croatia was in the war more or less for the next 500 years with the Turks which weakened the country considerably, especially after the failed attempt by the Croatian barons in 18 th century to overthrow the Habsburg monarch.

                                As the high point in Hungarian history is the year 1867/68 when you actually got the Habsburghs into a corner and made them share the power with Hungarian parliament. At that point Croatia suffered immensly with the 1868 deal, where we were made to make an very infavourable deal with the Hungarians (since Croats helped the crown in 1848 to defeat the first Hungarian revolution) and lost a lot of our independance within the monarchy. So you Hungarians can praise that period as your Golden Age that you earned on the backs of others (well like everyone else, but they acknowledge that, so should you) which was late 19th and early 20th century. However after WW1 I guess that Hungary was quite severely cut down that even all the hungarians did not get live in Hungary, but ratehr parts were given to the Yugoslavian crown and Romania. But thats history too.

                                So I would find it not so accurate to have a Hungarian Civ on purely civilization terms but well this is only a game afterall.
                                Last edited by OneFootInTheGrave; October 26, 2001, 05:16.
                                Socrates: "Good is That at which all things aim, If one knows what the good is, one will always do what is good." Brian: "Romanes eunt domus"
                                GW 2013: "and juistin bieber is gay with me and we have 10 kids we live in u.s.a in the white house with obama"

