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Why Hungary SHOULD be included in the expansion pack.

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  • #76
    Hey, men - stop it!!!
    Polak, Wêgier dwa bratanki
    What I remember Silesia was only temporary possessed by Hungarians and aquired from Czech. However Wroc³aw was probably founded by Czech Prince Vratislav.
    Hungary indeed played a vital role during 1300s - 1400s centuries.
    In1300s was bigger and more powerful than Poland, then not.
    Polish Golden Age was from 1400s to middle 1600s.
    There was Hungarian dynasty in Poland (Jadwiga - don't you remember?) and Polish i Hungary.
    What such quarrel for?
    Sierotek Maryœ


    • #77
      I don't know what's up with Luk, he must have had an incident. This guy is very funny. Check this out:
      What a Matthias....? Hungary did never conquer my beautiful city.
      Lets see what has to say about that. I typed in Matthias Corvinus and got this interesting article:

      I'll quote from it:
      Matthias Corvinus
      Pronounced As: kôrvins , 1443?-1490, king of Hungary (1458-90) and Bohemia (1478-90), second son of John Hunyadi. He was elected king of Hungary on the death of Ladislaus V. Holy Roman Emperor Frederick III sought to contest the election but recognized him in 1462. Matthias won a reputation as a crusader against the Ottomans. He was persuaded by Pope Pius II to take up arms against George of Podebrad, king of Bohemia. Having conquered Moravia, Silesia, and Lusatia,
      I only have one question for Luk. Can you read? Seriously, this guy must have had some incident with a Hungarian and is still pissed off about it. Why is he so determined to make everyone think Hungary is a pathetically oppressed country? And why does he take offense to the fact that Breslau was conquered in the 1400s? The Austrians conquered it, so did the Germans, and the Russians have moved through there before, so what's the big deal? Go read some history then go get a life!
      Re-elect Bush!


      • #78
        Odd... as our fight ends, others continue to argue with MagyarCrusader... does this suggest anything?
        "The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
        -Joan Robinson


        • #79
          Originally posted by Victor Galis
          Odd... as our fight ends, others continue to argue with MagyarCrusader... does this suggest anything?
          That we can rest and watch calm how MagyarCrusader continue his crusade against anybody who could say anything bad against Hungary
          "Respect the gods, but have as little to do with them as possible." - Confucius
          "Give nothing to gods and expect nothing from them." - my motto


          • #80
            Pronounced As: kôrvins , 1443?-1490, king of Hungary (1458-90) and Bohemia (1478-90), second son of John Hunyadi. He was elected king of Hungary on the death of Ladislaus V. Holy Roman Emperor Frederick III sought to contest the election but recognized him in 1462. Matthias won a reputation as a crusader against the Ottomans. He was persuaded by Pope Pius II to take up arms against George of Podebrad, king of Bohemia. Having conquered Moravia, Silesia, and Lusatia,
            A, You say about Korwin... Yes, maybe He fought with Czechs king Jerzy from Poberad, and he maybe conquered Wroclaw fo a while, but Czechs and Hungary was a pathetic countries. And look for next chapter of your book. It should be written that after death of Korwin Polish king Wladyslaw Jagiellonczyk was elected to the king of Hungary, Korwin was too less powerfull to grant his dynasty rule in his country. And go back to 1440 - Polish king was on the throne of Hungary then, until 1444 when Warnenczyk died in a Battle near Warna. Hunyadi was then wassal of Polish King. Hungarians didnt have power to be independant so they offered in 1490 throne to Polish King.

            What I remember Silesia was only temporary possessed by Hungarians and aquired from Czech. However Wroc³aw was probably founded by Czech Prince Vratislav
            No, Wroclaw was founded by Poles in 1000 when Polish Prince Boleslaw I met with German Emperor Otto I. Wroclaw was named Vratislavia, but that name is Latin name, not Hungarian. Go back to school. I live in Wroclaw, and I read lot about my beautifull city

            In1300s was bigger and more powerful than Poland, then not.
            Hmmm... It is only because Pole was in the state of partition between Polish Princess, that is all. It was one time when Hungarian king ruled Poland only because Polish Dynasty of Piast died, and Noblemans had to choose someone from foreign countries, because there was no dynasty which was so powerfull to gain the throne. Hungary was not so powerfull to dominate Poland so they decided on Hungarian King, but it took only 12 years.
            "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


            • #81
              Luk quit while you are ahead. You just keep repeating that Hungary is pathetic and Poland is great with no historic facts. Go find a job in your barren post commie country.

              Odd... as our fight ends, others continue to argue with MagyarCrusader... does this suggest anything?
              Suggests how ridiculous slavic revisionist history is. It's not my fault hate mongers come in here trying to start a war.

              That we can rest and watch calm how MagyarCrusader continue his crusade against anybody who could say anything bad against Hungary
              Actually I am not really upset with Luk right now. I can't respect any argument he makes because he really hasn't said anything that has merit. He posts his absurd view of history and I easily dispell it with facts and links. I guess its just more evidence to support my claim for the anti-Hungarian sentiment in eastern europe, and reason why Hungarians feel we most protect our kindred under the occupation of forein legions.
              Re-elect Bush!


              • #82
                Come on... I post facts, dates, names, and you do not have arguments to beat mine
                "We, in Poland, dont know the idea of peace at any price. There is only one thing in life of people, nations, and countries that is priceless. This thing is honor!" - Jozef Beck, Polish Foreign Minister. 5 V 1939


                • #83
                  Originally posted by MagyarCrusader
                  I guess its just more evidence to support my claim for the anti-Hungarian sentiment in eastern europe.
                  You can't be powerful and loved in the same time
                  "Respect the gods, but have as little to do with them as possible." - Confucius
                  "Give nothing to gods and expect nothing from them." - my motto


                  • #84
                    Yup Luk is off his rocker. I just read his comments in the Polish thread. He claimed Russia was an insignificant country and pretty much is nothing compared to the greatness of Poland. I understand that Russia has done many terrible things to the Poles, after all, Russia was pretty much done terrible things to everybody , but they certainly are significant and have great impacts on history.

                    Come on... I post facts, dates, names, and you do not have arguments to beat mine
                    You are right, I post no arguments. I only post links to published encylopedias and let them do the arguing for me.

                    You can't be powerful and loved in the same time
                    You are joking right? Historically, most people (aside from Luk's Poland owns the world attitude) would say Hungary had power in it's past, but since the fall of the Hapsburgs I'll be the first to admit it's power and influence have been extremely limited.
                    Re-elect Bush!


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by MagyarCrusader
                      You are joking right? Historically, most people (aside from Luk's Poland owns the world attitude) would say Hungary had power in it's past, but since the fall of the Hapsburgs I'll be the first to admit it's power and influence have been extremely limited.
                      Hate last longer than the things that caused it. Especially when the guilty part doesn't do anything to correct the past.
                      Before you jump up, this is valabile for everybody.
                      "Respect the gods, but have as little to do with them as possible." - Confucius
                      "Give nothing to gods and expect nothing from them." - my motto


                      • #86
                        Hate last longer than the things that caused it. Especially when the guilty part doesn't do anything to correct the past.
                        Yes that may be very true... But I suspect your underlying connotation.
                        Re-elect Bush!


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by MagyarCrusader
                          Yes that may be very true... But I suspect your underlying connotation.
                          There are many nations who were enemy for centuries, but they managed to settle down and became (almost) friends. France and Germany. France and Britain. Britain and USA. They realize that at same point they have more to gain if they cooperate than if they keep fighting.

                          Unfortunately Romania and Hungary have a long way. IMO the everlasting barier against friendly relations are the fanatics nationalist and I am afraid that you are the reprezentant for the hungarian part. As I am concerned, I do my best to be patriotic without being a fanatic.
                          "Respect the gods, but have as little to do with them as possible." - Confucius
                          "Give nothing to gods and expect nothing from them." - my motto


                          • #88
                            Unfortunately Romania and Hungary have a long way. IMO the everlasting barier against friendly relations are the fanatics nationalist and I am afraid that you are the reprezentant for the hungarian part. As I am concerned, I do my best to be patriotic without being a fanatic.
                            I'm sure the Dak-Romanian theory doesn't help either, and having a mayor like Funar of Kolozsvár doesn't either.
                            Re-elect Bush!


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by MagyarCrusader
                              I'm sure the Dak-Romanian theory doesn't help either
                              It helps as much as Roessler (sp?) theroy

                              and having a mayor like Funar of Kolozsvár doesn't either.
                              It would be a sigh of good will if you write Kolozsvár/Cluj.
                              Don't assume that I know magyar
                              "Respect the gods, but have as little to do with them as possible." - Confucius
                              "Give nothing to gods and expect nothing from them." - my motto


                              • #90
                                jesus, I wanted to argue some with you inflated hungarians, but the sheer amount of stuff... I dont have time for that. I ll leave it to Mihai to bring you down to earth.

                                just few points:

                                1. As LaRusso pointed out, fighting the turks was an effort on entire balkans, this 'hungaria did it alone' is as dumb as 'poland did it alone' or any other

                                2. hungary and croatia have a lot of history together, so it is not easy to say some persons are distinctively croatian or hungarian

                                and Mihai, I have acidentaly found the book 'Balkan Ghosts' on the internet. In my opinion, the book is pure 100% emotianal, unprofessinal, rubbish but if you want it I can mail it to you. I havent read it all, just a few chapters (enough, believe me, guy who wrote it is amateur) but from I understand it is mostly concentrated on rumania and bulgaria so you may want it.

