Originally posted by Admiral Stukov
There is a difference between criticism and bashing. Look at the poll? Are you trying to say America is an uncivilized nation? Sure we may have pushed Indians off their land (despite popular belief, we didn't massacre them... European diseases did), but around the same time Britian was busy annihilating the China because China wouldn't buy Opium. Honestly, some of you people should look at your own countries atrocities before you look at Americas. Sure America ain't perfect... but your country sure as hell ain't either.
There is a difference between criticism and bashing. Look at the poll? Are you trying to say America is an uncivilized nation? Sure we may have pushed Indians off their land (despite popular belief, we didn't massacre them... European diseases did), but around the same time Britian was busy annihilating the China because China wouldn't buy Opium. Honestly, some of you people should look at your own countries atrocities before you look at Americas. Sure America ain't perfect... but your country sure as hell ain't either.
but they are all the same call it jealousy or hatred......
me for my part i like america ....well the citizens...not the way it is runned by the governement but hell there must be americans to who dont like some stuff their leaders do to so......
noone is perfect......but showing the wrongs of others is easyer then admitting their own....
so please stop all this it's all nonsens....the world is like this .....maybe one day it will improve but we can only hope for it