Originally posted by Admiral Stukov
Sure we may have pushed Indians off their land (despite popular belief, we didn't massacre them... European diseases did), but around the same time Britian was busy annihilating the China because China wouldn't buy Opium. Honestly, some of you people should look at your own countries atrocities before you look at Americas.
Sure we may have pushed Indians off their land (despite popular belief, we didn't massacre them... European diseases did), but around the same time Britian was busy annihilating the China because China wouldn't buy Opium. Honestly, some of you people should look at your own countries atrocities before you look at Americas.
In 1636, the Masschusetts Bay Colony sent a military force along with troops from Connecticut and with Narragansett allies and virtually wiped out the Pequot nation. Some surviving women and children were sold as slaves in Massachusetts and Connecticut, or transported to the West Indies.
In 1676, the heads of Philip of the Wampanoags and his relatives were displayed on Plymouth blockhouse, his wife and child sold into slavery in Bermuda, and the few hundreds of survivors of the massacres transported as slaves, to the West Indies or Spain. It was effectively the end of the Wampanoag nation.
The Indians of Ohio: 'are more nearly allied to the Brute than to the Human Creation...no reason to conciliate this execrable race. I am fully resolved to... extirpate them root and branch.'
-Jeffrey Amherst.
George Rogers Clark, with the Kentucky militia, from 1779 onwards, struck at the Shawnees, killing many of their people, destroying houses and crops in the fields, driving the Shawnees into Indiana.
In 1782, frontiersmen massacred Christianized Indians at Gnadenhutten in Ohio.
Henry Knox as Secretary of War, informed Congress that settlers from Watauga, seizing lands in the heart of Cherokee country, were carrying out unprovoked outrages, amounting to 'an actual though informal war.'
I could of course, go on to the appropriation of Indian territory under Andrew Jackson, by a variety of means, through force and inequitable treaties, the various campaigns against the Plains Indians, massacres of Californian Indians (some for 'sport'), but I think the gist can be gathered from the early examples I've listed. I'm not singling out Anglo-Americans, because undoubtedly the Spanish and the Russian traders on the Pacific seaboard were equally bad, but blaming it on smallpox and influenza- did Colt manufacture viruses in those days?