Second try (now that I have warriors)
Okay, of course I tried again this time with the necessary warriors. My exploration with warriors was pretty much the same but now I got to use 3 warrior scouts instead of just 2 archer scouts.
BTW am I the only one ralphing here, or trying a close proximation of it? I use my version which has less camp cities than the true ralphing technique and I build the permanent cities 2nd and 3rd instead of maybe 7th and 8th.
I found the Chinese first, then Indians and like the rest of you, started building cities north west to the Chinese, the less prosperous south east would have to wait. My zero tech eventually got me to the point of trading tech with the Chinese and Indians netting me writing and finding out no one else knew of the other civs.
very interesing. Soon after my scouts found the Persians...more tech trading and bartering including selling contact. Hey, they're going to find each other eventually since were all on the same continent, so I might as well get something for my troubles.
Kept exploring and found the Romans before everyone else who are way behind in tech (were the Romans or Indians even trying to find each other). So again I tech bargained, map-bargained and contact bargained to net much more gold and almost gave the Romans my map to prevent others from getting stuff from the Romans with their maps and traded the map all around so everyone knew everything else. Gotta stop AI trading
Built up some warriors, found out that the closest iron source (unsettled yet) was near Shanghai and beelined a settler towards the resource. Xinjian was build just before my settler got to his destined spot (1 or 2 tiles NW) so I plopped him where I could. And started building warriors.
My troops were stationed near the Chinese borders, and was hoping for a Jaguar Warrior (GS) buyout to rush the Chinese with overwhelming force. Had just upgraded 8 (at 640 gold!!!) preparing to rush the close Chinese cities when Persia comes calling asking for tribute. I tell him to blow your demand out your ear and boom, WAR.
I'm thinking, "Are you nuts??? I just upgraded 8 warriors to GS and I'm gonna whip your a$$." And procede to autoraze the 3 cities Persia settled southernly. Darn autoraze, hurting my rep with the other civs. My 8 GS are heading to central Persia where they will soon be a memory while I try and back fill some of the open land with settlers.
I figure I can either keep China and India around so that I can aquire Chivalry from them easily, or take out China before riders and take the most premium land from them. Right now, China's enjoying my wines, but soon will be fleeing from my steel, uh, iron.
Okay, of course I tried again this time with the necessary warriors. My exploration with warriors was pretty much the same but now I got to use 3 warrior scouts instead of just 2 archer scouts.
BTW am I the only one ralphing here, or trying a close proximation of it? I use my version which has less camp cities than the true ralphing technique and I build the permanent cities 2nd and 3rd instead of maybe 7th and 8th.
I found the Chinese first, then Indians and like the rest of you, started building cities north west to the Chinese, the less prosperous south east would have to wait. My zero tech eventually got me to the point of trading tech with the Chinese and Indians netting me writing and finding out no one else knew of the other civs.

Kept exploring and found the Romans before everyone else who are way behind in tech (were the Romans or Indians even trying to find each other). So again I tech bargained, map-bargained and contact bargained to net much more gold and almost gave the Romans my map to prevent others from getting stuff from the Romans with their maps and traded the map all around so everyone knew everything else. Gotta stop AI trading

Built up some warriors, found out that the closest iron source (unsettled yet) was near Shanghai and beelined a settler towards the resource. Xinjian was build just before my settler got to his destined spot (1 or 2 tiles NW) so I plopped him where I could. And started building warriors.
My troops were stationed near the Chinese borders, and was hoping for a Jaguar Warrior (GS) buyout to rush the Chinese with overwhelming force. Had just upgraded 8 (at 640 gold!!!) preparing to rush the close Chinese cities when Persia comes calling asking for tribute. I tell him to blow your demand out your ear and boom, WAR.
I'm thinking, "Are you nuts??? I just upgraded 8 warriors to GS and I'm gonna whip your a$$." And procede to autoraze the 3 cities Persia settled southernly. Darn autoraze, hurting my rep with the other civs. My 8 GS are heading to central Persia where they will soon be a memory while I try and back fill some of the open land with settlers.
I figure I can either keep China and India around so that I can aquire Chivalry from them easily, or take out China before riders and take the most premium land from them. Right now, China's enjoying my wines, but soon will be fleeing from my steel, uh, iron.
