It should be the second thing you mentioned. In CivII, when you destroyed a civ early, they respawned as a totally different civ, often on another continent.
In CivIII, for whatever reason, the respawned civ is the same, and they remember you and still have contact with you. Bizarre.
I had a game once where I tried an early rush (this was back on Regent, maybe even Warlord) and succeded in nailing Babylon. Yet, they lived! But I couldn't find them, and they wouldn't make peace. 20 turns later a stack of bowmen showed up (given free by the respawn) and whooped my ass. The civ had actually gotten STRONGER by repopping.
It should be the second thing you mentioned. In CivII, when you destroyed a civ early, they respawned as a totally different civ, often on another continent.
In CivIII, for whatever reason, the respawned civ is the same, and they remember you and still have contact with you. Bizarre.
I had a game once where I tried an early rush (this was back on Regent, maybe even Warlord) and succeded in nailing Babylon. Yet, they lived! But I couldn't find them, and they wouldn't make peace. 20 turns later a stack of bowmen showed up (given free by the respawn) and whooped my ass. The civ had actually gotten STRONGER by repopping.