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'de Historibus Europae

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  • #31
    Today the Majestic Catholic Armies of the Spanish Crown departed to face the French.
    Emissary sent to the French King.....
    Attached Files


    • #32
      A reply has been sent to Madrid....


      • #33
        Following the death of King Henry at the ripe old age of 50 (a record!), Duke Case IV has siezed the English throne. His policies involve the pacification of the states which border England, and the development of British trade with Europe.

        As the first stage of this program, the Scotish army which has been threatening Newcastle has been crushed, and a British Army has begun the siege of Edinburgh.


        Guys, I think that we need to zip the files in this game - 450 Kb downloads are a pain for those of us on lousy dial up connections
        Attached Files
        'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
        - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


        • #34
          Diary of Henrik I Vasa the year of our lord 1520

          As my my honoured Monarch and relative Gustav Vasa, god bless his soul, suddenly passed away, early the 24th November in the year of our lord 1520, a new ruler has been elected to follow in his footstep.
          The royal counsil has decided that this task should fall upon me, Henrik I of the Vasa's as I have been deemed the most worthy succesor and the one most likely to carry out the wishes of Gustav I.

          Gustav was a great man, and the greatest thing he did was the peace with the Danes to the south, now that we needen't worry about them anymore I have decided to spend the near future reforming this nation that has been given to me to rule.

          One of my first decisions was to reform the priesthood, for it is not by chance that the one to betray my cousin Gustav was a bishop!

          This nation shall no longer consist of other people's slaves be it the Danes or the corrupt man who claims to be God's spokesman in Rome!

          Therefore it has been suggested by me that this nation join the Lutheran Reformation that is engulfing the Holy Roman Empire to the south, Sweden shall become the first major power to adopt this new Religion and it is our hope that more nation will join us within short.
          On the 25th the royal council gave their consent and I have now started to plan a series of reforms to once and for all throw out the catholics from this nation.

          As we have been blessed by a long period peace I have also set out to reform the defences of my beautifull nation, no longer shall the garrisons of our cities be constituted by mere flocks of ill coordinated crossbowmen.

          Furthermore I have been sending out carefull instructions to the traders of all major Swedish cities describing new Strategies on how to trade and what to sell.

          Lastly I am sending embassies to all the major courts of europe to see what kind of diplomatical arrangements can be made for my virgin nation.

          Diaries of Henrik I Vasa, King of Sweden, Grand Duke of Finland and king of all Lapps - Anno Domini 1520
          Attached Files
          No Fighting here, this is the war room!


          • #35

            Where can you get this file? Do bad about the Pollocks, especially in this time period, saved everyones A$$ at the battle of Vienna of course or else this thread would have been in Turkish right now. Good old Jan Sobieski, my grandmother was born in a town named after him. Anyway where can I get the file? Thanks
            *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


            • #36

              Not much has happen in Denmark this year. Merely repairing our newfound mutual friendship with the Swedes.

              Attached Files


              • #37
                Henrik, any chance of getting the latest file to check out?


                • #38
                  The most powerful Sultan Winterfritz I sent the following letter to the Emperor Karl in Vienna this year:

                  'The great and supreme Ottoman Empire is no longer prepared to tolerate the Hungarian nuisance on our borders, and accordingly the occupation of Hungary has already begun.

                  However, we still have no wish for hostilities with Austria. With all due respect, you speak neither for Hungary nor for the squabbling peoples of Christian Europe. Should you choose to contest the Turkish annexation of Hungary alone, you shall feel the wrath of our invincible armies. The choice - peaceful co-existance with the Ottoman Empire or complete annihilation at our hands - is yours. We hope for your sake you make the correct choice.'

                  Shortly after this was sent, the glorious Turks captured the Hungarian city Szeged in a valiant assualt led by the Sultan himself. Further advances will be aimed at the Hungarian cities on the Adriatic coast, as well as Zagreb, Ofen and Budapest, the capitol. Christian nations - especially Austria - are warned that should they attempt to snatch these parts from the Hungarian carcass before the Ottomans arrive, they shall be utterly destroyed by our armies.

                  Most high praises to Winterfritz I, Ottoman Sultan by grace of Allah the Compassionate and the Merciful!
                  Attached Files


                  • #39
                    His most Holy emminense, Emperor Karl Schroeder, wishes to point out to the Cursed Sultan that the Hungarians pose no further threat to them. Indeed, they have pleaded their case to my courts, recounting the horendous feats that occured during the invasion. Thus, Austria and the HRE have no choice but to declare war against the turkish invasion, lest they divide the already squabbling people of Europe and conquer them individually.
                    Attached Files
                    Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                    -The Artist Within-


                    • #40
                      The French have to report the total failure of their sige of Pamplona. Our cannon balls bounced off the castle walls - and then our Cannon blew up!

                      Maybe this is a sign from God that Christian nations should be at peace. Our Ambassador has been dispatched to Madrid....
                      Attached Files


                      • #41
                        Patient, can u upload your save game again? Its corrupt..


                        • #42
                          OK, will do


                          • #43
                            I have checked this game loads OK for me.
                            Attached Files


                            • #44
                              Peace Reigns Supreme!

                              Today Emassaries from Madrid met with the French King in Paris, to discuss the terms of a Peace Treaty with the Spanish Empire.
                              The Emissaries also requested an alliance between France and Spain and France and Austria to battle the evil Islamic Terror from the South

                              The newly formed Army Group Liberation has been deployed to rid the Iberian Peninsula of rebels.

                              Army Group Christianity is being prepared to battle the Islamic Menance on all fronts
                              Attached Files


                              • #45
                                Re: Peace Reigns Supreme!

                                Originally posted by SunTzu
                                The Emissaries also requested an alliance between France and Spain and France and Austria to battle the evil Islamic Terror from the South

                                Army Group Christianity is being prepared to battle the Islamic Menance on all fronts
                                The peaceloving and generous Sultan objects most strongly to the slander and hate-mongering emenating from Madrid. We are a peaceful people merely making sure of our own security; we have offered peace, many times, to all our enemies.

                                Then there are people like you, the Spanish ruler, who sneer at our hands, offered in friendship. Who brazenly proclaim their intentions to grind our religion into the dust. We offer peace and only most reluctantly turn to war. You on the other hand, grandly proclaim that 'peace reigns supreme' and yet seem to revel at the prospect of bloodshed and destruction. If this is not blatant hypocrisy, what is?

                                You have heard our conditions for peace (the return of Oran to we, its rightful owners). Though our true desire is an end to the unnecessary emnity between Christianity and Islam, do not believe that we will hesitate to do what it takes to preserve the safety and happiness of the Ottoman Empire. Spain was entirely Muslim once... and it can be made so again, if it must.

                                On the other hand, the Sultan wishes to reassure Christian Europe that the hatred Spain has for our nation in no way preclude the possibility of peace between the Ottoman Empire and any Christian nation that wishes it. This offer of peace includes Austria; despite the rash statements flying from Vienna regarding the defense of the Hungrian realm against supposed Ottoman depravity, the Sultan has generously declared that he continues to remain open to conciliatory moves from the Hapsburgs recognising the right of the Ottomans to occupy Hungary. Winterfritz I continues to hope that the Emperor Karl will come to his senses and realise that this occupation neither should be stopped nor can be stopped.
                                Last edited by winterfritz; December 3, 2002, 08:17.

