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'de Historibus Europae

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  • 'de Historibus Europae

    Is the name of a new pbem scenario created by yours truly and this PBEM is meant as a playtest for it...
    • Period: 1520-1721

      The Middle ages are over, after 100 years of Renaissance conflict
      is brewing in europe.
    • In the south the muslim Ottoman Empire is rapidly expanding its
      sphere of influence and it seems to be but a matter of time
      before the gates of Vienna are reached.
    • To the north, The Holy Roman Empire of German nation is begining to be torn appart by inner strife, a priest named Martin Luther has posted 95 theses protesting against the Pope, starting what quickly becomes known as the Protestant movement.
      While the converts to this religion are numerous, many German Princes are quick to adapt this new religion not out of religious conviction but becouse it places them in command of the church of their country...

      It seems only a matter of time before a the monarch of a major nation
      will try to use this as a weapon in thier struggle to increase thier
      power of thier own people.
    • In the far north in desperate attempts to reform the Calmar Union united around a danish monarch, Kristian II forever to be remembered as "the tyrant" by the Swedish people, orders the execution of every leading
      Swedish noble man after conquering the capital of Stockholm.

      However unrest is growing and a young nobleman named Gustav Erikson Vasa leads a peasent revolt against the Danes, soon reconquering Stockholm and throwing out the Danish armies.
    • In both Spain and the Austria the mighty Habsburg family in an effort to unify their holdings, has appointed the same man to lead the countries.
      In Spain the crowning of a foreigner has resulted in nothing but resentment, soon enough several major cities are revolting against thier new king.
      However these revolts are both losely lead and ill coordinated, they are doomed to fall within short...
    • In northern Spain a French invassion army has been sighted, and another French army is headed for the Italian city state of Milan...

    FMK is first to go

    PBEM map (this was made by Grotghar for the old 30 years war pbem and then edited for new borders by me btw) :
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Henrik; November 18, 2002, 16:51.
    No Fighting here, this is the war room!

  • #2
    HIp HIp Hooray!
    First duty of Spain is that we vow to protect the German lands that belong to our Austrian friends and the French will not win the war! mwhaha!


    • #3
      Could you post the version for SP or email it to me, or are you secretive about it? I can't seem to find a thread on this at SL...


      • #4
        This is a test PBEM, atleast i think so....?


        • #5
          Yeah I know but I saw the map and description and was dying to take a look at it.


          • #6
            I think including a Polish or Tartar civ would have been better than including Denmark but it does look interesting nonetheless.
            "Long live Iraq. Long live Jihad. Long live Palestine. God is great, God is great." - President Saddam Hussein


            • #7
              Originally the Polish-Lithuanian comonewalth was indeed a civ, that did not work out well for playability reasons though
              I've had to work a lot on the civ selection for this one (a lot of civs has gone in and out).

              Keep in mind though that in 1520 Denmark was dominating northern europe, and the Danish Monarch was the second richest in europe (later on posing as the personal money lender of Elizabeth I).
              No Fighting here, this is the war room!


              • #8
                Oh and here is a pic of the ingame map as well
                Attached Files
                No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                • #9


                  • #10
                    Henrik, gonna need the linky-poo to the sound zip. Mine was corrupted upon DL it seems.



                    • #11
                      Can't wait!

                      Oh, and the Austrain Emperor, Marcus Johan Sebastian I, known as Marky by his best friends, accepts his ally's generous offer and offers his hand should he be able to assist his most honorable ally and friend.

                      Let the game begin!!! (soon I hope)

                      Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                      -The Artist Within-


                      • #12
                        Greetings to the Kings of Europae!

                        The noble and wise King Kristian d' Kleshzøøp sends his warmest regards. He would like to wish all rules on the continent a long and prosperous reign!

                        For international matters, Kristian would like to repair his nation's relationship with their kindred nordsmen, the Swedes. "Hej dear Gustav! We needn't be enemies!" Our two likeminded peoples must live in harmony in Scandinavia. We both realize the vastness of the Independent States to the south, ripe for the pickings. There is no need to toil with this endless war at our doorsteps. Let us befoul the lands of those to our south, not those of one another.

                        We wish there to be a renewal of the Calmar Union. But things may be different this time, and there needn't be one ruling nation within. We believe that this is in the best interest of both of our Kingdoms.

                        Perhaps we might base this Union in Danzig, as its neutrality ensures the duality needed in the new Union.

                        As a sign of our goodwill and understanding, we propose a cessesion of hostilities, a signing of peace and a trade of cities.

                        It is clear that our city of Duved is within Swedish national boundaries (if based on geography), as well, the Swedish city of Elfsborg lies within the Danish sphere. I propose that the inhabitants of these cities declare their allegiance to their new rulers. This is an offer with the best of intentions, being that you would recieve 100,000 more deciples than I in the exchange plus the peace we both need.

                        To disregard this generous offer of peace is to show the rulers of Europe your true intentions... To wipe the world clean of the Danish kingdom. I appeal to you in the intrests of the Almighty. Peace in our time Gustav, peace in our time.

                        -Kristian d' Kleshzøøp.
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          Henrik, due to exams (last one tomorrow! ) I haven't managed to download your scen yet... and now the link that you sent me refuses to work Could you send me another link, or maybe just the whole scen (without sounds)?

                          The Sublime Porte is looking forward to playing his turn


                          • #14
                            Sorry to dissapoint you my dear brother Kristian but there shall be no more Calmar Union, and I will definatly not concede Elfsborg my one atlantic port to you!
                            Especially not in exchange of a backwater up in the northern woods.

                            Sweden is however interested in peace, and will carry on with this war untill a more suitable (ie no concessions from either side) treaty is proposed...
                            No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                            • #15
                              Sorry 'fritz but the files are too big for your hotmail account
                              Could you make some space? (or is 1,4 mb too big for hotmail permanently?)

                              The error will be fixed within 48 hours, but I'd like to get this moving before that.
                              No Fighting here, this is the war room!

