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'de Historibus Europae

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  • #16
    Hotmail can't handle anything over 1 Mb ever
    'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
    - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


    • #17
      Ok, the links shoudl start working again today anyway...
      No Fighting here, this is the war room!


      • #18
        Hooray! Lets play!

        Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
        -The Artist Within-


        • #19
          I got the files! My turn shall follow shortly...


          • #20
            The new Ottoman sultan Winterfritz I, crowned today in Constantinople following the death of Selim the Grim, has promised his loyal subjects that he will inaugurate a new age of glory and fortune for the invincible Ottoman sultanate, which after less that 200 years of history is one of the most powerful empires in Europe and the Middle East.

            Already Winterfritz has made clear that the aggressive frontier policy of his predescessor will be continued in his reign. In a surprise campaign this year, the Ottomans have captured the city of Palma in the Balearic Islands. The area, under threat from the Spanish rebels fighting Charles V, was easy pickings for the unstoppable armies of the sultan.

            However, the open-minded Sublime Porte has made it clear that he is more than open to peace with the Christian nations of the West. Christianity and Islam have co-existed for a long time; and Winterfritz sees no need to continue trying to upset the delicate balance between East and West in Europe. To this end the Sultan hereby offers treaties of peace to the nations of France, Denmark, Sweden, Austria and England.

            However, Winterfritz would like to warn the Holy Roman Emperor in Austria against any expansion to the south, in the direction of the crumbling Kingdom of Hungary. Such expansion will be viewed as an act of aggression against Ottoman interests in the region, and the Sultan would like to point out that the Emperors in Vienna can easily expand to the north instead, where they are opposed by no one but the fragmented and disunited German principalities.

            Long live the Ottoman Sultan, Winterfritz I!
            Attached Files


            • #21
              Emperor Karl recieved the Ottoman post concerning the proposed peace. He reads it and half smiles, knowing that peace with the Turks is a good thing. However, he noticed that Sultan Winterfritz did not offer peace to the Christian nation of Hungary. So immediatly he writes.

              'Good Sultan Winterfritz, thank you for your post and offer of peace. While it is in my best interest to accept this peace, I insist you offer peace to my southern neighbor as well, for they are in good terms with all other nations. Surely they are worthy of the same peace offered all other Christian nations. Indeed, I would suggest a pact to keep this state nuetral between us. After all, an attack on Hungry is a threat to the other.

              As far as Germany is concerned, as the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, they owe alligiance to me. Sometimes they can be upstarts, but Germans tend to be like that. Thus they are all under my care and protection. 'Expansion' as you call it is not the name of the business there.

              I hope that this letter finds its way to you. May God have mercy upon your soul.
              Attached Files
              Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
              -The Artist Within-


              • #22
                The treaty of Helsingborg

                After extensive negotiations in the area surounding the danish city of Helsingborg the Swedish-Danish war has come to an end.
                The treaty that was agreed to is as follows:
                1. In the name of the most holy and individual Trinity: Be it known to all, and every one whom it may concern, or to whom in any manner it may belong, That for many Years past, Discords and Civil Divisions being stir'd up in the Union of Calmar.
                2. §The Union of Calmar signed in 1397, is hereby declared to be void.
                  The union is divided into Sweden, which is constituted by the same lands as whence it entered the union in 1397, and Denmark who still holds the right to the lands of Norway.
                3. §Denmark fully recognice Sweden as an independent Nation ruled by the Monarch Gustav Eriksson Vasa, and she no longer has any right to interfere in Swedish politics.
                4. §Sweden and Denmark shall be at peace for atleast a glorious 50 years before any renegotiations may take place.
                5. §While this war has been the cause of much suffering as well as financial loss, no side binds itself to pay any indemnities or reparations to the other: What has been done, has been done.


                  Gustav I Eriksson Vasa
                  Kristian II d' Kleshzøøp

                  Done, pass'd and concluded at Helsingborg in Scania, the 22th Day of November, 1520.
                No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                • #23
                  No peace with the Spanish, Sultan?


                  • #24
                    Nouvelles Françaises

                    Our gracious and munificent monarch, François 1er, has let it be known he bears no country in Europe any ill-will: except for the perfidious Spanish.

                    Our armies march over les Montagnes Pyrénées this very year....

                    In matters of religion though, we have to concur with the Spanish - this Protestant Reformation is dangerous, and must be countered by all good Christians. Short of overt military action, France stays loyal to the Pope.
                    Attached Files


                    • #25
                      No peace with the Spanish, Sultan?
                      The glorious and munificent Sultan, Winterfritz I, is displeased that the Spanish continue to oppress lands in North Africa that are rightfully ours (Oran). The Christian occupation of this Muslim territory precludes the possibility of any peace between Spain and the Ottomans.

                      Perhaps this hatchet could be buried, however, if a return of this territory to its true owners (ie the Ottomans) could be arranged.
                      Last edited by winterfritz; November 24, 2002, 02:43.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Emperor Karl
                        'Good Sultan Winterfritz, thank you for your post and offer of peace. While it is in my best interest to accept this peace, I insist you offer peace to my southern neighbor as well, for they are in good terms with all other nations. Surely they are worthy of the same peace offered all other Christian nations. Indeed, I would suggest a pact to keep this state nuetral between us. After all, an attack on Hungry is a threat to the other.

                        As far as Germany is concerned, as the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, they owe alligiance to me. Sometimes they can be upstarts, but Germans tend to be like that. Thus they are all under my care and protection. 'Expansion' as you call it is not the name of the business there.

                        I hope that this letter finds its way to you. May God have mercy upon your soul.
                        To the wise and generous ruler of Austria, the Emperor Karl I:

                        The Sultan's move into Hungarian territory is the legitimate Ottoman response to a state that has endangered our Balkan interests many times in the past. While we regret that you do not view our impending occupation of Hungary in the same light, we assure you that the Christians in the area will in no way be persecuted or prevented from practicing their religion.

                        We are saddened that you see the need for a neutral buffer state between our peoples. There is no need to distrust our intentions; we look forward to proving to be friendly and tolerant neighbours of yours once the Hungarian frontier with Austria has become the Turkish frontier with Austria.

                        With warmest regards from Winterfritz I, Ottoman Sultan by grace of Allah the Great and the Merciful


                        • #27
                          Oran for which Turk City? Palma purhaps?


                          • #28
                            Surely the good Spanish ruler jests. Why should we offer Turkish territory for that which is rightfully ours in the first place?


                            • #29
                              To the cursed Sultan,

                              You speak gently of peace, and yet you prepare for war. The Hungrians, while being a pest in the past to you and I both, are no longer a threat and are very docile. And while you proclaim no persecution, how can I trust Ottoman when thats all they have done to my Christian brothers in the past? You shall leave Hungry be or face me and all the Christian peoples. Any further encrouchment in Christian Europe shall be seen as an immediate declaration of war.

                              In His Holiest Name
                              Karl Van Shrader
                              Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                              -The Artist Within-


                              • #30
                                SunTzu, it's your turn
                                'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                                - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon

