Is the name of a new pbem scenario created by yours truly and this PBEM is meant as a playtest for it... 
FMK is first to go
PBEM map (this was made by Grotghar for the old 30 years war pbem and then edited for new borders by me btw) :

- Period: 1520-1721
The Middle ages are over, after 100 years of Renaissance conflict
is brewing in europe. - In the south the muslim Ottoman Empire is rapidly expanding its
sphere of influence and it seems to be but a matter of time
before the gates of Vienna are reached. - To the north, The Holy Roman Empire of German nation is begining to be torn appart by inner strife, a priest named Martin Luther has posted 95 theses protesting against the Pope, starting what quickly becomes known as the Protestant movement.
While the converts to this religion are numerous, many German Princes are quick to adapt this new religion not out of religious conviction but becouse it places them in command of the church of their country...
It seems only a matter of time before a the monarch of a major nation
will try to use this as a weapon in thier struggle to increase thier
power of thier own people. - In the far north in desperate attempts to reform the Calmar Union united around a danish monarch, Kristian II forever to be remembered as "the tyrant" by the Swedish people, orders the execution of every leading
Swedish noble man after conquering the capital of Stockholm.
However unrest is growing and a young nobleman named Gustav Erikson Vasa leads a peasent revolt against the Danes, soon reconquering Stockholm and throwing out the Danish armies. - In both Spain and the Austria the mighty Habsburg family in an effort to unify their holdings, has appointed the same man to lead the countries.
In Spain the crowning of a foreigner has resulted in nothing but resentment, soon enough several major cities are revolting against thier new king.
However these revolts are both losely lead and ill coordinated, they are doomed to fall within short... - In northern Spain a French invassion army has been sighted, and another French army is headed for the Italian city state of Milan...
- Playlist:
- Denmark: Field Marshall Klesh
- Ottoman Empire: Winterfritz
- Austria: Jmarks
- France: Patient English
- Spain: Sun Tzu
- England: Case
- Sweden: Henrik
FMK is first to go

PBEM map (this was made by Grotghar for the old 30 years war pbem and then edited for new borders by me btw) :