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Nicosar's Master Challenge

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  • Originally posted by Ming

    For the cost of your entire army, I can build a few cats in the forward cities... and use the rest to build more settlers and caravans...
    For crying out loud, Ming... don't you know anything about Civ? Everyone knows that when a player is a true master, all others will automatically fall for such classic feints out of respect. Clearly, you aren't playing fair if you discount the threat all those phalanxes pose.

    Now, please, please, pipe down a minute so the experts can enlighten us some more
    "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

    "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
    "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


    • He attacks with pike and phalanx armies

      (We really need that rolling lol added to the smilie list Ming)
      Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

      Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


      • Originally posted by Alexander's Horse
        He attacks with pike and phalanx armies

        (We really need that rolling lol added to the smilie list Ming)
        I know... But you misunderstood his post... His point was to use them to "scare" you into rushing out of your cities to attack them... (something only a newbie would do)...
        Keep on Civin'
        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • Originally posted by Ming

          I know... But you misunderstood his post...
          No, I didn't read the rest of it

          He needs to get his comments down to a para max
          Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

          Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


          • Allright Ming, point and match, your score.

            But I did denote 'average' player as the victim, thinking that one up on the spot out of my repetoire and not digging up the best of the best, and i know about such a defense, since it is what I would do, that to match such an army a few siege engines of my own to counter-siege their siege would be the perfect thing in my front cities. This is true.

            What YOU must admit is this, though; that I laid out that strategy only ASSUMING that such skillful people would realize that i wouldnt have to pose a threat of siege to your cities, no, of course not, they are built for bait and and used as such, however they are a costly bait, and not just for your attention.

            What would you do if they ignored your cities directly and started to pillage all your infrastructure, would you stand by with your garrissoned catapults and watch me? Just try and attack my veteran pikemen (phalanx even) on a hill on two thirds with your caputs, maybe youll win a couple rounds but if I had those horsemen in the rear theyd be sugar in water. And so, unless you wanted to deplete your catapult force which you NEED, cause you're not entirely sure if my big guns are just in the back of the train or not, so you bring in the cavalry. But I have pikemen. Ahhh, so now comes the whole infantry/cavalry/siege weapon army coming at me to stop me from destroying your key improvements; and now whats happened..... oh, my army in the back has just arrived, i guess you need to deploy some troops there hein? Nah, ah, ahh, remember now, those last few pikemen of mine are still in the first front, you wouldn't want them to stay there now, would you...

            I indeed meant this strategy ORIGINALLY to be deployed against average players and less, and I have indeed used it before, but seeing as you have not I cannot but emphasize how much easier it would be to employ it successfully on even skilled players such as you, who though maybe would adapt to it quicker, would still be at a loss as to the big picture.

            Me, id keep a good army of infantry in the front cities facing my enemy to throw at him and buy me some time if he pulled that, plus a decent net of ships around my coast lines to warn me about such a transport operation. You stay in your cities waiting, see what that gets you.

            As for diplomats, NightEyes, in my game they can bribe anything they want except air units, since a chinese pilot might've shared his e-mail with one of our planes, but arranging defection is a different story. "GW"? Good wonders? you'd be surprised how much better civ gets when you remove the "omnipotence factor". Besides, a wall that is built instananeously, or, please, a 'magical workshop' that instantly converts any unit wherever it is? Why do you think Leo in civ 3 only makes it cheaper to upgrade and not instantaneous? I think maybe old sid would have to agree with me on this one.

            And Bucephalus, why do you ask a master to share strategy if you cant even read it? C'mon man, what should I say; 'use good units.'?

            The Game player


            • As for the big game; it didnt work.

              We had all the people, they understood all the new rules and appreciated them as necessary, and I was about to tell them the life-dependent urgency by which they should do their turns, just moving units as quickly as possible, having premeditated them in the off turn instead of watching translated Baywatch on the spanish channel which they cant even understand but not caring, then,.......boom.


              Mac user.

              Ive looked at some sites though, and i think this problem can be fixed, so we'll see; this is another delay, as fate would for some reason not want to let me prove this is indeed the best civ version around, but even fate has only so much power against Nicosar....

              ...The GamePlayer-


              • Originally posted by Nicosar
                Allright Ming, point and match, your score.
                If you say so... I was just pointing out that most of the people I play with wouldn't rush headlong to attack the units... since they don't pose a serious threat. The resourses to build such a force can be better used.

                But I did denote 'average' player as the victim
                Since Civ II has been available for awhile, most of the people that post here are average or better. And the newbies learn quick enough (well, most of them do)

                What YOU must admit is this, though; that I laid out that strategy only ASSUMING that such skillful people would realize that i wouldnt have to pose a threat of siege to your cities, no, of course not, they are built for bait and and used as such, however they are a costly bait, and not just for your attention.
                Again... bait only works if it is a serious threat. 5 elephants is a serious threat. Defensive units are never really a threat... unless you have a vet pikeman paired up with a settler, and build a city on one of his resourses that one of his cities is using (like gold... wine... iron...)

                What would you do if they ignored your cities directly and started to pillage all your infrastructure
                In most cases... infra structure is BEHIND your leading edge cities... to get past them, you will come under fire.
                Thanks to zone of control, the fringe cities on your empire serve more as roadblocks if done properly.

                And yeah, if by some chance you can get by them by using diplos to avoid zone of control, you are then cut off, and offensive units most people keep in reserve in their empire will make short work of them.

                I indeed meant this strategy ORIGINALLY to be deployed against average players and less, and I have indeed used it before, but seeing as you have not I cannot but emphasize how much easier it would be to employ it successfully on even skilled players such as you, who though maybe would adapt to it quicker, would still be at a loss as to the big picture.
                Granted, it "might" work against a newbie... but even an average player isn't going to be too worried about units that can't take cities. But again, the resources need to build such an army could be FAR better spent.

                The trick in MP is to EXPAND... EXPAND... EXPAND... When you run out of room, you then take cities and terrain.

                Me, id keep a good army of infantry in the front cities facing my enemy to throw at him and buy me some time if he pulled that, plus a decent net of ships around my coast lines to warn me about such a transport operation. You stay in your cities waiting, see what that gets you.
                In the early game, if you have a decent defense, there really is nothing that can take your cities. As long as you have a few mobile offensive units that can respond quickly... Come and try to take me While you are moving that defensive, but no attack strenght army, somebody is probably sending real attack units at you

                When you go at somebody, you need well defined goals.
                Whether it is to take a wonder city, or just expand your empire... if you are going to expend those kind of resourses, you need to make them pay off.
                Keep on Civin'
                RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • Originally posted by Nicosar
                  As for the big game; it didnt work.
                  Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

                  Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


                  • The big game is going to happen and it looks very interesting. I'm hoping to play in it, subject to time slots...
                    "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                    *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                    icq: 8388924


                    • Sounds like a strategy developed against the AI, which likes nothing better than to send its garrisoned units out to fight losing battles.
                      Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                      RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                      • I wonder why he keeps trying to say he's an expert?

                        I have been playing this game for years, and I would say I'm average at best, yet if I saw that army he describes approaching, the first thing I would think is "What a putz, he wasted all that production on useless units".
                        I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
                        i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


                        • Originally posted by -Jrabbit
                          Sounds like a strategy developed against the AI, which likes nothing better than to send its garrisoned units out to fight losing battles.
                          Good point... And that's why I prefer playing MP vs SP.
                          It's much more fun playing against a thinking person.
                          Keep on Civin'
                          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                          • You're right, those are so unrealistic. I mean, look at civ, it's such a realistic game. Walls suddenly appearing? Please! Horsemen taking 4000 years to circle the that's realistic. Legions taking centuries and countless generations to march on a city, that's straight out of a history book. And if you really want to get started on civ3, I'm sure we could talk about how realistic it is for a tank to lose to a warrior. I forgot how powerful axes are against 20th century technology.


                            • Originally posted by Nicosar
                              As for the big game; it didnt work.


                              Mac user.
                              Let's see...
                              1. Blame luck.
                              2. Blame terrain
                              3. Blame Apple.


                              btw, GameBlamer, the least you could do would be to cite a generic computer issue. Macs work fine in MP.
                              Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                              RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                              • This guy is stupid

                                But still talking **** about being the master of strategy, I suggest he gets the basics right before wasting my time again.
                                Attached Files

