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Nicosar's Master Challenge

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  • Re: You call yourselves writers?:

    Originally posted by -Jrabbit
    The master needs to brush up on his punctuation use and a few other things that I won't mention.

    back on topic

    Atawa, I had to laugh at that thread.

    From the sound of it, Nicosar never gets decent terrain.
    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • If you don't know about the no host tech rule then you are a complete rookie with absolutely no idea what rules are used by elite players. You should probably take up a new game. If you did know about the host tech rule then you are a cheater. Which would you like to choose?


      • Well, we were all rookies once.

        I have to admit that when I first started playing I had no idea about no tech starts, no city bribe, WLTPD or even 2x.

        My first MP games, in 1999, did involve city bribe and I can't remember the no tech start being discussed until it surfaced in the forums here or at least when my playing friends started to discuss it. But because I rarely hosted maybe it was taken care of - I'm not too sure. But what I am sure of is that I only became aware of it over time.

        As I said before, if Nicosar is stirring he's done a brilliant job

        If he's a genuine rookie I think we can be a bit more helpful.

        Having all of us here online is a VERY valuable thing - the more the better.
        "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
        *deity of THE DEITIANS*
        icq: 8388924


        • I didn't realise this was an elite player forum.. btw...

          I'm honoured
          "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
          *deity of THE DEITIANS*
          icq: 8388924


          • Re: Re: You call yourselves writers?:

            Originally posted by rah

            The master needs to brush up on his punctuation use and a few other things that I won't mention.
            No, c'mon, mention 'em all, Rich. A good grammar thread would be fun.
            Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
            RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


            • If nicosar is an elite player i think he should outline for us a few of his MP strategies so we can learn from the master.
              Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

              Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


              • Narz did not cheat!

                He was trying to install my scenario folder so as to play with the same rules but better graphics and he didn't do it exactly right, I guess, and so his phalanx came off looking like pikemen to you all, however when I opened the game up (alas this incident has spoiled what could've been a glorious comeback to his lucky boastfullness) they appeared as my version of phalanx and not pikemen.

                I, of course, suspected foul play before I even read Atawa's first post on my thread since I saw the power graph before the game was even shut down and wondered how he could possibly have been that big, since even luck would have trouble getting him to that height. I was on the verge (two turns) of having 9 cities and maybe 5 turns from having 10, and this by about 200 AD with only a nub to grow on and not the expanse Narz got, so I think I could've remained competitive, having passed Atawa's lead of cities on me since by 400 AD I might possibly have 14 or so cities.

                You cant say this game which has been spoiled denoted any lack of skill on my part, and I can only suggest that Atawa play Narz, seeing as these two people who always seem to be far ahead of me no matter how good an empire I have would make for an interesting game.

                I am starting my own GIGA game, the MASTER CHALLENGE, tonight and I look forward to post the results of a civ-version which eliminates alot of luck which in the original version is all-decisive, making it more a test of skills and less a test of who can best exploit what opportunities they may or may not get.


                • zzzzzzz no matter what land you get...some of it is luck.....luck is a part of the game...

                  i think the real thing were seeing here is as follows....

                  you suck @ss if you don't get a good plot of land...elite players overcome obstacles of bad land to remain competitive..... there are ways around virtually everything.

                  my advice to you is to stop playing the "real world map" at home and play random maps to get used to what MP has to offer
                  Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


                  • Originally posted by Nicosar

                    I, of course, suspected foul play before I even read Atawa's first post on my thread since I saw the power graph before the game was even shut down and wondered how he could possibly have been that big, since even luck would have trouble getting him to that height.
                    If you only had 3 cities his powergraph line is going to be almost vertical.

                    But how did you see the powergraph "before the game was even shut down"
                    Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

                    Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


                    • You want some strategy Bucephalus? You got it.

                      If youre playing an average player, lets say he governs his empire with his nose too close to the screen and cant see something thats more subtle by taking a step back, you build a decent army of infantry mostly, pikemen and quick phalanx, along with some archers for attacking back, nothing too capable of actually sieging and nothing that would tax you too badly to build an army of fifteen to twenty of them (depending on how big the enemy was and how much free space you have to work with) and you use this all-defense division as bait and to whiddle down his numbers; bait because you'll be using them roman-legionnaire-campaign style and march towards his border like a slow moving siege army (in two separate divisions, if you have enough units, to apply some believability) so that your other forces can land on the other side of his empire while he is gullibly busy elsewhere, and this backdoor force is the heavy catapult-plus-infantry-and-some-cavalry division, but I recommend putting some cavalry also in the fodder division to kill quickly any successful enemy units that kill your infantry at the cost of almost all their health, since the pet peeve of any good commander is seeing units with red bars getting away to heal again.

                      Tis a simple trick, but if your enemy is caught off guard but still confident of his military ability he will rush towards you with most of his army to prove that such an obvious attack wouldn't work against the likes of him; but dont split your heavy forces to give the fodder division some firepower in case they get through! It should all be put to the back where it can explode upon your foe!

                      I have used this many times, as Im sure many of you have since it is indeed nothing fancy, though it can become quite cunning when getting down to the very presice levels of movement, and I know it doesn't necessarily denote that im this great master but it should at least convince you that im not such an amateur as you would make me out to be.

                      This game's about to start, we'll see how poor and humble little Nicosar does.

                      Da GaimPlaya'


                      • i dont mean, the power graph, i mean all the other numbers that might as well represent it like the demo. but i also retired instead of quit, so....


                        • Your strategy is a joke. No-bribe is a setting of rookies, not of good players. If you play no bribe, no GW, then there's not much I can do for you.


                          • This is better than 'As the World Turns'!

                            Do I understand correctly, the BIG GAME is happening tonight??!!

                            (eats much popcorn)
                            The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                            Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                            • Originally posted by Nicosar
                              I have used this many times, as Im sure many of you have since it is indeed nothing fancy
                              I would never use such a strategy... Any knowledgable player will know that the "force" coming at him can't really hurt him... And all the resources you used building such an army that really can't do anything would have been better spent building new cities and caravans.

                              If I'm going to use that amount of resources for an army, I would at least build a ton of vet elepants... knights... or crusaders, and a couple of ships so I can surprise the heck out of the guy. And, have a hope of taking some cities. Now this will scare the heck out of your opponent. I'm afraid a few phalanxes, even a wave of them, is just going to make me laugh. Go ahead, march up to my cities... there is nothing they can do. For the cost of your entire army, I can build a few cats in the forward cities... and use the rest to build more settlers and caravans...
                              Keep on Civin'
                              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                              • In the games I've played an attack consists of a road being built somewhere allowing a strike I thought unlikely, at a location I thought secure, with a first wave of diplomats until the cities walls are destroyed, followed by an attack force of purely the best fast combat unit available, usually crusaders, sometimes cavalry if we get that far, with garrison units sent only as an afterthought or actually rushed in the actual location after capture.

