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Another Age of War PBEM

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  • French leadership also commends the new democratic Turkish government. Libya has been incorporated into the Third Republic without incident.

    With the completion of the Turkish Revolution, every major power in Europe now enjoys the benefits of a democratic form of government. Given the liberal spirit of the times, France too feels that perhaps it is time to give the German people the right to determine their own destiny independent of the other powers.


    • Valensky Proposal Issued!

      Foreign Minister Borris Valensky issued a proposal for the independance of Germany.

      1. An interim government will be formed from the cities of Rostock, Magdeburg, Erfurt, Leipzig, Prague, and Salzburg. After certain criteria are meant then

      2. A provisional government is formed and the cities Graz, Regensburg, Nuremburg, Hannover, and Lubeck will be given back. Again some more criteria will need to be met then

      3. Select areas will be kept under longer occupation. Germany will have to pass some strict guidelines and will get the cities of Vienna, Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Dortmund, Hamburg, and Kiel; maybe

      4. The cities of Stettin, Trier, and Arhus will be open to plebiscite. How exactly this will be determined is yet decided upon.

      Comments/Questions/Amendments welcome.
      Attached Files
      Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


      • The Italian government broadly agrees with the Russian proposal. However, our final verdict on the proposed German borders will have to await the conclusion of discussions with our British and French allies.
        'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
        - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


        • The Turkish government, though feeling they have no authority on this matter, think the russian proposal about an independent Germany is really wise and, should the other nations agree, would welcome a german resurrection!

          In a letter to the Russian government, Acting Prime Minister Cyrion thanked the Russian navy for the soon-to-be withdrawal and explained that the Trans-Europe Express ran from Istanbul to Paris through Tirane thanks to the hard work of the french, turkish and, most of all, italian engineers!

          Another letter was sent to an anonymous correspondent in Italy stating that a mysterious "political advisors" proposal was taken into account and might be useful in the next month...

          OOC: for me there is no problem with your taking a bit more time, James!! A moving is always a painful experience...
          Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
          Discworld Scenario:
          POMARJ Scenario:
          LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


          • La Repubblica - Crime Section

            Bizare Heist Hits Naples Zoo!

            Zookeepers at Naples Zoo have been shocked by the aparent theft of the crocodiles 'Old Chompy' and 'Mrs Maneater'. The head of the Southern Italy Police Command has denied rumors that the mysterous 'Winter De Fritz' organistaion was behind the thefts.
            'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
            - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


            • Kirk Broadly Accepts Valensky Proposal
              After careful consideration, Prime Minister Kirk today annouced that he supported the aims of the Russian Valensky Proposal, but did have some minor questions and issues regarding it. First, Kirk requested that Russia provide examples of the criteria Germany would have to meet to move on to each successive phase. Second, Kirk announced that Kiel and Arhus are part of the Danish province of the Germanic Confederation, and should not be considered for territory of a new German state. Although Kirk did hint that he may accept Kiel as a Plebescite Area once he receives details about these. Kirk also would this Magdeburg should be considered an Occupation Zone. Thirdly, Kirk proposed an amendment to the proposal that would state that the head of government of a future German state would be subject to the approval of the five European powers (ie, we would get to vote on the player who takes the role of Germany).
              Last edited by JamesJKirk; July 17, 2002, 01:12.


              • Sorry for the delay, the phone line wasn't set up as quickly as I'd anticipated. Nothing new, really
                Attached Files


                • Russia Development is well on its way!

                  All Russian cities are making headway now on building up industrially. All cities are becoming bountiful and almost utopic.
                  Also Engineers have begun work on two major projects: the Trans-Balkan Railway and the Petrograd-Moscow-Kharkov-Sevastopol Line. The Trans-Balkan line is far from completion, but Russian officials hope this will stimulate the region's economy.

                  Response for Valensky Proposal

                  Unfortunately Russia lacks ideas for criteria that Germany should be judged on (OOC: the game engine doesn't let us do too much in the way of criteria )
                  Germany Agrees with all the British amendments accept having Magdeburg as an occupation zone. Germany starting off will need cities to rejuvenate itself and taking away Magdeburg would be unwise if we want Germany to survive the early stages.
                  Attached Files
                  Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                  • Germany Agrees with all the British amendments accept having Magdeburg as an occupation zone.
                    Do you mean
                    "RUSSIA Agrees with all the British amendments EXCEPT having Magdeburg as an occupation zone. "?

                    This would make a lot more sense. I'll act on the assumption that that's what you meant.
                    Britain accepts that Germany will need Magdeburg to function as a fledgling country, and thanks Russia for her quick acceptance of the other amendments.

                    Britain has one more question regarding Occupation Zones. Are Kiel and Hamburg both British Occupation Zones on the Russian proposal? Because as long as Britain has one Occupied city, I suppose she could be content. Though she'd prefer two.

                    On the topic of criteria, Britain sees them being such things as Time Periods, Diplomatic, Military, and Economic/Industrial questions. Most probably each set of criteria should require a couple or few of these. For example, one of the criteria could be something like Germany can move on once its built a factory, a national defense unit or an engineer, and one year has elapsed since it began the current phase. Something like that. We could also perhaps forbid Germany to have a password, at least up to a certain point, so that we all may check on its progress


                    • I must have not been paying attention

                      Britain will have Hamburg only, since you wish to keep Kiel as a plebiscite area, though it really is German. Again the criteria are hard to make because Germany has been under occupation for quite a while and the nations in occupation have been developing the areas they control. So Germany will have nearly if not all the necessary improvements already when handed over control of cities and will need to make barely any improvements. But then if we agree to sell off some improvements from the cities I fear it will degrade into rapid stripping and pillage of the cities, making them effectively worthless.
                      Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                      • La Repubblica

                        4th Fleet Blunders into Dardanelles

                        Due to faulty navigation the 5th Destroyer squadron has ended the month off the city of Galipoli! According a 4th Fleet spokesman, the navigational error was the result of "the squadron's navigator not paying full attention to what he was doing. Fortunatly the squadron's commander was able to anchor the ships out of the main sea route through the straits". The navigator has been relieved of his post and will face court martial.

                        As a show of good faith, the Italian government has presented 50 tons of gold to the Turkish authorities.
                        Attached Files
                        'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                        - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                        • Right, I understand that we can't just go selling off improvements right and left and expect to have a viable partner in Germany. But this is where I think the part where we all would have access to look at the insides of Germany as we wished, so we'd know how each of the cities were.

                          I was just given an example of what the criteria could be, specifics can be figured out upon the creation of a German state, using my example and/or others as guidelines.

                          Kiel has historical German as well as Danish ties. Britain saw it fit to let it be administered by Denmark as Germany gained the territory by conquest in 1866.

                          Also, although we don't know the format or have the slightest idea how it would be done, Britain would like to nominate Turkish Prime Minister Cyrion as the official Plebiscite Moniter.


                          • Le Monde

                            French Government Responds to Valensky Proposal
                            Leading ministers in the Third Republic today deliberated the controversial Russian proposal to recreate an independent Germany. While it quickly emerged that the Chamber of Deputies was overwhelmingly in favour of Germany rejoining the 'European concert' on an equal level with the established powers, several points were found to be against the interests of France and amendments have been proposed.

                            - Firstly, the deputies refused to allow the city of Trier and its environs the option to join the new German state. 'The turbulent events of the last hundred years,' said Defense Minister Louis Jacquard, 'have made it clear that he who controls the Rhine controls the easiest route to Paris.' Responding to his persuasive arguments, the French government voted to retain the city of Trier and its surroundings, and proposed the Rhine as the boundry between the Third Republic and the future German state.
                            - Secondly, the French government would also like the express right of fortifying the line of the river. Only France will be allowed to build and man forts on the Rhine, with the proviso that no forts will be built directly adjacent to German cities such as Cologne.
                            - Thirdly, a large number of deputies, though recognising the importance of certain areas remaining occupied whilst the Germans proved themselves up to the responsibility of becoming an independent state once more, were of the opinion that denying the infant state the vital administrative and industrial centre of Berlin was both unnecessary and a blow to German pride which may re-emerge as resentment later. These ministers proposed that Germany gain the city of Berlin immediately on the first stage, as the centre of its interim government.
                            - Lastly, the deputies proposed a candidate for the leadership of this new German state: the former chancellor Martin von Karreras (El Awrence ), who is believed to be retired and quietly living in Amsterdam. Contacting and reinstating this experienced leader was a proposal that was most popular with the Chamber of Deputies.
                            Attached Files


                            • Delay notification...

                              First: I downloaded the save (from work), but, as I have some problems with my internet connection at home (some problems= it's not working at all anymore!! ), I won't be able to post the save of my turn before Monday morning (when I come back to work!).

                              I'm really sorry about the inconvenience, but there is no other way I can do it... I'll try to fix that problem next week so that I won't slow you a second time!!

                              A new Germany

                              And about Germany: Acting Prime Minister Cyrion would be glad to work toward peace in Europe by being the official Plebiscite Moniter. Turkey is of course fully neutral in this matter, being so far from Germany, and enjoying good relations with all the other european Nations (even Russia now, thanks to the diplomatic help of the French Prime Minister! ).

                              And yes, a Germany without Berlin as a Capital would seem a bit weird and this could cause some resentment in the German folk that all Europe could come to pay for in the coming years...

                              Italian Navy

                              The Italian Destroyers Squadron anchored off Galipoli seems to be the same that came to the Sea of Marmara earlier this year; the Turkish government thanks his italian counterpart for the immediate dismissal of the inapt navigator.

                              Turkey would like once again to congratulate the Italian Navy for its quick response to the situation: you are indeed Gentlemen!!

                              The money you graciously sent will be used to create a Sailor's widows Foundation!
                              Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                              Discworld Scenario:
                              POMARJ Scenario:
                              LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                              • Hey, if El Alwrence doesn't come back, could I take Germany's leadership?
                                Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                                -The Artist Within-

