Italian Foreign Ministry Statement
Destroyer Squadron to Remain in Black Sea
Italy will not be threatened into abandoning it's important presence in the Black Sea.
The 5th Destroyer squadron is crewed by unmarried volunteers who have willingly accepted the risks associated with operating on Russia's doorstep. The sole task of this squadron is to keep an eye on Russian movements in the Istanbul area so that the combined British-French-Italian fleet in the Agean may have warning of hostile Russian actions.
We call upon Russia to come to her sences and recognise that a single destroyer squadron [unit] is no threat to her mighty Black Sea fleet.
However, should Russia persist on this insane course, Italy will press for the Med. to be declared off limits to Russian shipping, and all Russian ships currently operating in the Med. will be hunted down and destroyed.
As a compramise position, Italy is happy for a Russian destroyer squadron to operate outside the entrance to the Dardenelles so that Russia may monitor the movements of the British-French-Italian Fleet.
Destroyer Squadron to Remain in Black Sea
Italy will not be threatened into abandoning it's important presence in the Black Sea.
The 5th Destroyer squadron is crewed by unmarried volunteers who have willingly accepted the risks associated with operating on Russia's doorstep. The sole task of this squadron is to keep an eye on Russian movements in the Istanbul area so that the combined British-French-Italian fleet in the Agean may have warning of hostile Russian actions.
We call upon Russia to come to her sences and recognise that a single destroyer squadron [unit] is no threat to her mighty Black Sea fleet.
However, should Russia persist on this insane course, Italy will press for the Med. to be declared off limits to Russian shipping, and all Russian ships currently operating in the Med. will be hunted down and destroyed.
As a compramise position, Italy is happy for a Russian destroyer squadron to operate outside the entrance to the Dardenelles so that Russia may monitor the movements of the British-French-Italian Fleet.